VSCODE ——SystemVerilog模板

发布时间 2023-10-19 16:13:32作者: CNL中子
    // Place your snippets for verilog here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and 
    // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
    // $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the 
    // same ids are connected.
    // Example:
    // "Print to console": {
    //     "prefix": "log",
    //     "body": [
    //         "console.log('$1');",
    //         "$2"
    //     ],
    //     "description": "Log output to console"
    // }
   "shixu template": {
      "prefix": "Shixu",
      "body": [
         "always_ff@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin",
         "    if(!rst_n)begin",
         "    end",
         "    else if() begin",
         "    end",

   "jsq template": {
      "prefix": "jsq",
         "reg var;",
         "always_ff @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin",
         "    if(!rst_n)begin",
         "        var <= 0;",
         "    end",
         "    else if(add_var)begin",
         "        if(end_var)",
         "            var <= 0;",
         "        else",
         "            var <= var + 1;",
         "    end",
         "assign add_var = 1;",
         "assign end_var = add_var && var == x-1 ;",

   "zuhe template": {
      "prefix": "zuhe",
      "body": [
            "always_comb begin",

   "test template": {
      "prefix": "Test",
      "body": [
            "`timescale 1ns/1ns",
            "module ${1:testbench_name}();",
            "reg clk;",
            "reg rst_n;",
            "reg[3:0] din0;",
            "reg din1;",
            "wire  dout0;",
            "wire[4:0] dou1;",
            "parameter CYCLE = 20;",
            "parameter RST_TIME = 3;",
            "module_name uut(",
            "    .clk  (clk  ),",
            "    .rst_n  (rst_n  ),",
            "    .din0 (din0 ),",
            "    .din1 (din1 ),",
            "    .dout0  (dout0  ),",
            "    .dout1  (dout1  )",
            "initial begin",
            "    clk = 0;",
            "    forever",
            "    #(CYCLE/2)",
            "    clk=~clk;",
            "initial begin",
            "    rst_n = 1;",
            "    #2;",
            "    rst_n = 0;",
            "    #(CYCLE * RST_TIME);",
            "    rst_n = 1;",
            "initial begin",
            "    #1;",
            "    //赋初值",
            "    din0 = 0;",
            "    #(10*CYCLE);",
            "    //开始赋值",
            "initial begin",
            "    #1;",
            "    //赋初值",
            "    din1 = 0;",
            "    #(10*CYCLE);",
            "    //开始赋值",

   "ztj template": {
      "prefix": "Ztj",
      "body": [
      "always_ff@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin  ",
      "    if(!rst_n)begin   ",
      "        state_c <= IDLE;",        
      "    end ",
      "    else begin",
      "        state_c <= state_n; ",
      "    end",
      "always_comb begin ",
      "unique case(state_c)   ",
      "    IDLE: begin  ",
      "        if(idl2s1_start)begin ",
      "            state_n = S1;",
      "        end",
      "        else begin",
      "            state_n = state_c; ",
      "        end",
      "    end",
      "    S1:begin",
      "        if(s12s2_start)begin",
      "            state_n = S2;",
      "        end",
      "        else begin",
      "            state_n = state_c;",
      "        end",
      "    end",
      "    S2:begin",
      "        if(s22s3_start)begin ",
      "            state_n = S3;",
      "        end",
      "        else begin",
      "            state_n = state_c;",
      "        end",
      "    end",
      "    default:begin",
      "        state_n = IDLE;",
      "    end ",
      "    endcase",
      "assign idl2s1_start  = state_c == IDLE && ;",
      "assign s12s2_start   = state_c == S1   && ;",
      "assign s22s3_start   = state_c == S2   && ;",
      "    ",
        " //第四段:同步时序always模块,格式化描述寄存器输出(可有多个输出)",
      "always_ff@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin",
      "    if(!rst_n)begin",
      "        out1 <=1'b0      //初始化",
      "    end",
      "    else if(state_c==S1)begin",
      "        out1 <= 1'b1;",
      "    end",
      "    else begin",
      "        out1 <= 1'b0;",
      "    end",

   "Jsq3 template": {
      "prefix": "Jsq3",
      "body": [
      "    always_ff@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin",
      "    if(!rst_n)begin",
      "        cnt0 <= 0;",
      "    end",
      "    else if(add_cnt0)begin",
      "        if(end_cnt0)",
      "            cnt0 <= 0;",
      "        else",
      "            cnt0 <= cnt0 + 1;",
      "    end",
      "assign add_cnt0 = ;",
      "assign end_cnt0 = add_cnt0 && cnt0== ;",
      "always_ff@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin ",
      "    if(!rst_n)begin",
      "        cnt1 <= 0;",
      "    end",
      "    else if(add_cnt1)begin",
      "        if(end_cnt1)",
      "            cnt1 <= 0;",
      "        else",
      "            cnt1 <= cnt1 + 1;",
      "    end",
      "assign add_cnt1 = end_cnt0;",
      "assign end_cnt1 = add_cnt1 && cnt1== ;",
      "always_ff@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin",
      "    if(!rst_n)begin",
      "        cnt2 <= 0;",
      "    end",
      "    else if(add_cnt2)begin",
      "        if(end_cnt2)",
      "            cnt2 <= 0;",
      "        else",
      "            cnt2 <= cnt2 + 1;",
      "    end",
      "assign add_cnt2 = end_cnt1;",
      "assign end_cnt2 = add_cnt2 && cnt2== ;    ",

   "TestPart template": {
      "prefix": "TestPart",
      "body": [
            "parameter CYCLE = 20;",
            "parameter RST_TIME = 3;",
            "initial begin",
            "   clk = 0;",
            "   forever",
            "   #(CYCLE/2)",
            "   clk=~clk;",
            "initial begin",
            "   rst_n = 1;",
            "   #2;",
            "   rst_n = 0;",
            "   #(CYCLE * RST_TIME);",
            "   rst_n = 1;",
            "initial begin",
            "   #1;",
            "   //赋初值",
            "   din0 = 0;",
            "   #(10*CYCLE);",
            "   //开始赋值",
            "initial begin",
            "   #1;",
            "   //赋初值",
            "   din1 = 0;",
            "   #(10*CYCLE);",
            "   //开始赋值",

      "prefix": "inte",
      "body": [
         "module ${TM_FILENAME_BASE}(",
         "/********* system clock / reset *********/",
         "input   wire            clk         ,   //system clock",
         "input   wire            rst_n       ,   //reset signal",
         "/********* ${var} *********/",

      "prefix": "zhushi",
      "body": [
         "//--------------------------- ${1} ---------------------------//",
         "//function :${2}",
         "//output   :${3}",
         "//describe :${4}",

      "prefix": "ohztj",
      "body": [
         "`define STATE_W 4",
         "`define STATE_B \\$clog2(`STATE_W)",
         "enum logic [`STATE_B-1:0]{",
         "    IDLE_BIT    = 'd0  ,",
         "    S1_BIT      = 'd1  ,",
         "    S2_BIT      = 'd2  ,",
         "    S3_BIT      = 'd3   ",
         "typedef enum logic [`STATE_W-1:0]{",
         "    IDLE    = `STATE_W'd1 << IDLE_BIT  ,",
         "    S1      = `STATE_W'd1 << S1_BIT    ,",
         "    S2      = `STATE_W'd1 << S2_BIT    ,",
         "    S3      = `STATE_W'd1 << S3_BIT     ",
         "state state_c;",
         "state state_n;",
         "always_ff@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin",
         "    if(!rst_n)",
         "        state_c <= IDLE;",
         "    else",
         "        state_c <= state_n;",
         "always_comb begin",
         "    unique case (1)",
         "        state_c[IDLE_BIT]:begin",
         "            state_n = IDLE;",
         "        end",
         "        state_c[S1_BIT]:begin",
         "            state_n = S2;",
         "        end",
         "        state_c[S2_BIT]:begin",
         "            state_n = S3;",
         "        end",
         "        state_c[S3_BIT]:begin",
         "            state_n = IDLE;",
         "        end",
         "        default: begin",
         "            state_n = IDLE;",
         "        end",
         "    endcase",