
Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: Decompiling x86 Deep Neural Network Executables

## Abstract 本文: BTD github: Task: a decompiler for DNN models to output DNN specifications including: opera ......

Visual Studio IDE 2022 - how to disable navigation to decompiled sources

Visual Studio IDE 2022 - how to disable navigation to decompiled sources ......
decompiled navigation disable sources Visual

Proj. CAR Paper Reading: Augmenting Decompiler Output with Learned Variable Names and Types

## Abstract 背景: 1. decompilers难以恢复注释、variable names, custom variable types 本文: 工具:DIRTY((DecompIled variable ReTYper) 方法: postprocesses decompiled fil ......

java反编译工具jd-gui和插件jd-eclipse,还有插件Enhanced Class Decompiler 3.3.0

JD-GUI和JD-ECLIPSE 可以直接在下面的网址进行下载 (1)注意:JD-GUI.exe 单机版有很多版本,有些旧版本反编译出来的源码和高版本反编译出来的源码是区别的 1.低版本的反编译可能和实际源码有出入 ......
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