object for of


include <stdio.h> int jc (int num); int jc2 (int num); int main() { int n; n = jc(10); printf("%d\n", n); } int jc (int num) { int j = 1, i; for (i = ......
阶乘 方法 for

Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: YES)...

问题 在使用Docker-compose部署cloud项目之后,请求接口,页面显示500报错,使用命令实时输出docker-compose日志(docker-compose logs -f), 出现如下日志 Access denied for user 'root'@'' (us ......
39 password Access denied using

Detremine center or focus for plane differential system

Distinguish center and focus for plane differential system 背景 对于一个平面光滑微分系统 \[\begin{equation} \dot{x}=f(x,y),~~~ \dot{y}=g(x,y). \end{equation} \]假设 \ ......
differential Detremine center system focus

python生成词云报错:ValueError: anchor not supported for multiline text

执行下面代码时报错: # 生成词云对象 wordcloud = WordCloud(font_path="E:\\data\\python\\simhei.ttf" ,background_color="white" ,max_font_size=80) #前1000个词 word_frequenc ......
ValueError multiline supported python anchor


一开始利用WaterFlow容器写了个瀑布流,无奈瀑布流的滚动条和页面Scroll滚动冲突,于是乎想自己是实现一个瀑布流效果 思路大致如下: 1,分成两列,(两个Column),不给固定高度,让子元素自行把父容器撑大 2,每次添加数据时,找到相比较当前的2个容器高度‘矮’的那一个,(Height小的 ......
onAreaChange 组件 区域 事件 For

Kafka消费端抛出异常Offset commit cannot be completed since the consumer is not part of an active group for auto partition assignment; it is likely that the consumer was kicked out of the group的解决方案

总结/朱季谦 在一次测试Kafka通过consumer.subscribe()指定偏移量Offset消费过程中,因为设置参数不当,出现了一个异常提示—— [2024-01-04 16:06:32.552][ERROR][main][org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer. ......
consumer the group assignment completed

component lists rendered with v-for should have explicit keys.

报错 component lists rendered with v-for should have explicit keys. vue2项目启动告警 告警信息 Module Warning (from ./node_modules/@vue/vue-loader-v15/lib/loaders/ ......
component explicit rendered should lists

神经网络优化篇:详解梯度的数值逼近(Numerical approximation of gradients)

在实施backprop时,有一个测试叫做梯度检验,它的作用是确保backprop正确实施。因为有时候,虽然写下了这些方程式,却不能100%确定,执行backprop的所有细节都是正确的。为了逐渐实现梯度检验,首先说说如何计算梯度的数值逼近。 先画出函数\(f\),标记为\(f\left( \thet ......

富文本编辑器wangEdiotr,编辑表格后,重新打开组件报错Error in callback for watcher “value“: “Error: Cannot find a descenda(json爆红)

报错内容 原因:每次打开对话框,editor组件只创一次,关闭对话框也不会被销毁。所以:只要每次打开都重新渲染Editor组件就好了。 解决办法:在上加上v-if <editor v-model="form.noticeContent" :min-height="192" v-if="open"/> ......
Error 编辑器 wangEdiotr 组件 表格

Autodesk AutoCAD 2024 for Windows 简体中文(含激活补丁)

简化了安装流程适用于小白,无脑直接安装。Autodesk AutoCAD 2024是一款由Autodesk开发的计算机辅助设计(CAD)软件,是AutoCAD系列的最新版本。它在设计、绘图和制造领域得到广泛应用,为设计专业人员提供了更多的工具和功能,以帮助他们更高效地完成各种设计任务。 下载地址:h ......
激活 补丁 Autodesk AutoCAD Windows

2_7 Object Abstraction

2_7 Object Abstraction The object system allows programmers to build and use abstract data representations efficiently. It is also designed to allow m ......
Abstraction Object

2_9 Recursive Objects

2_9 Recursive Objects Objects can have other objects as attribute values. When an object of some class has an attribute value of that same class, it i ......
Recursive Objects

2_5 Object-Oriented Programming

2_5 Object-Oriented Programming Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a method for organizing programs that brings together many of the ideas introduce ......

3_5 Interpreters for Languages with Abstraction

3_5 Interpreters for Languages with Abstraction The Calculator language provides a means of combination through nested call expressions. However, ther ......
Interpreters Abstraction Languages with for

Educational Codeforces Round 160 (Rated for Div. 2)

A 直接模拟,注意细节 #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long using namespace std; ll p[15] = {1}; void solve() { ll x; cin >> x; int len = 0; while(x / p[ ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 160

编辑文件后保存报错E212: Can't open file for writing

报错如下图: 1、编辑的时候是 root 用户,但还是有报错,退出文件查看该文件是否上了 i 锁: lsattr $文件名 查看输出显示未上 i 锁,若是上了 i 锁则会在红线上显示一个 i,有 i 锁的情况下需要执行解锁: chattr -i $文件名 2、编辑时候使用的是root用户,所以不用查 ......
writing 文件 E212 open file

vs 编译错误:JsonException: '0x00' is an invalid start of a value. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0.

一、错误信息 详细信息 >C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\8.0.100\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.StaticWebAssets\targets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.StaticWebAssets.targets(475,5): erro ......

【tensorboard】No dashboards are active for the current data set.

这个问题找了很久,不管是相对路径,绝对路径都是无数据集,但是日志文件里面有文件。 【敲】【重】【点】: 版本更新前是 tensorboard --logdir ="D:\Users\Administrator\PycharmProjects\Test\TTest\logs" 而更新后将=改为空格 t ......
tensorboard dashboards current active data

v-for 为什么要加 key,key的作用是什么

v-for 为什么要加 key: 1. vue中列表循环需加:key="唯一标识" 唯一标识尽量是item里面id等,因为vue组件高度复用增加Key可以标识组件的唯一性,为了更好地区别各个组件 key的作用主要是为了高效的更新虚拟DOM 2.标签名一样,key一样这时候就会就地复用,如果标签名不一 ......
key 作用 v-for for

Educational Codeforces Round 151 (Rated for Div. 2)补题A~D

Educational Codeforces Round 151 (Rated for Div. 2) A. Forbidden Integer 思路 分别处理x=1和x≠1的情况 ac代码 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; using i6 ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated 151

神经网络优化篇:详解神经网络的权重初始化(Weight Initialization for Deep NetworksVanishing / Exploding gradients)

神经网络的权重初始化 这是一个神经单元初始化地例子,然后再演变到整个深度网络。 来看看只有一个神经元的情况,然后才是深度网络。 单个神经元可能有4个输入特征,从\(x_{1}\)到\(x_{4}\),经过\(a=g(z)\)处理,最终得到\(\hat{y}\),稍后讲深度网络时,这些输入表示为\(a ......

Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type

问题: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type No index signature with a parameter of type ' ......
type 39 implicitly expression Element

python 报错TypeError: object of type ‘NoneType‘ has no len()处理

python 报错TypeError: object of type ‘NoneType‘ has no len()处理1. 引言在编程过程中,我们经常会遇到各种异常情况。其中之一就是TypeError异常,它表示操作或函数应用于了错误的数据类型。在本文中,我们将重点讨论TypeError异常中的一 ......
TypeError NoneType python object type

for 循环练习

1、添加10个用户user1-user10,密码为8位随机字符 [root@srehost scripts]#cat FOR_USER.sh #!/bin/bash for ((i=1;i<=10;i++));do useradd USER${i} PASSWORD=`cat /dev/urando ......

AMOS: Enabling Automatic Mapping for Tensor Computations On Spatial Accelerators with Hardware Abstraction

AMOS: Enabling Automatic Mapping for Tensor Computations On Spatial Accelerators with Hardware Abstraction Abstract 为了实现性能提升,硬件专用化是一个趋势。空间硬件加速器利用专门的层次 ......

《A Novel Table-to-Graph Generation Approach for Document-Level Joint Entity and Relation Extraction》阅读笔记

代码 原文地址 文档级关系抽取(DocRE)的目的是从文档中提取实体之间的关系,这对于知识图谱构建等应用非常重要。然而,现有的方法通常需要预先识别出文档中的实体及其提及,这与实际应用场景不一致。为了解决这个问题,本文提出了一种新颖的表格到图生成模型(TAG),它能够在文档级别上同时抽取实体和关系。T ......

如何在无窗口模式下运行GPG——如何在命令行模式下使用gpg生成秘钥:How to make gpg prompt for passphrase on CLI——GPG prompt for password in command line

参考: Unable to generate a key with GnuPG (agent_genkey failed: No such file or directory) ["No such file or directory" when generating a gpg key](https ......
模式 prompt passphrase GPG gpg

How To Remove the Oracle OLAP API Objects From 9i and 11g Databases (Doc ID 278111.1)

How to remove the Oracle OLAP API objects from a 9i database We can consider like olap api objects: -) objects in the schema of olapsys; -) public syn ......
Databases 278111.1 Objects 278111 Remove

大模型评测-微软亚洲研究院:A Survey on Evaluation of Large Language Models论文分享

《A Survey on Evaluation of Large Language Models》 一、论文介绍:微软亚洲研究院公开了介绍大模型评测领域的论文《A Survey on Evaluation of Large Language Models》。该论文一共调研了219篇文献,以评测内容 ......
Evaluation 研究院 Language 模型 Survey

dataset format of benchmarks

note: the datasets are classified into two types, generative(the answer is natural language, the length and content are not in a fixed format) and sel ......
benchmarks dataset format of
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