
发布时间 2023-10-03 14:32:55作者: lmyyyy

能够对于文字、段落乃至任何元素的精准定位 并做出增删改查,都是在开发一款富文本编辑器时一项最基本也是最重要的功能之一。让我们先来看看Slate中对于如何在文档树中定位元素是怎么定义的[源码]:


  • The Location interface is a union of the ways to refer to a specific
  • location in a Slate document: paths, points or ranges.
  • Methods will often accept a Location instead of requiring only a Path,
  • Point or Range. This eliminates the need for developers to manage
  • converting between the different interfaces in their own code base.
    export type Location = Path | Point | Range


All transforms support a parameter options. This includes options specific to the transform, and general NodeOptions to specify which Nodes in the document that the transform is applied to.

interface NodeOptions {
  at?: Location
  match?: (node: Node, path: Location) => boolean
  mode?: 'highest' | 'lowest'
  voids?: boolean




  • Path arrays are a list of indexes that describe a node's exact position in
  • a Slate node tree. Although they are usually relative to the root Editor
  • object, they can be relative to any Node object.
    export type Path = number[]


const initialValue: Descendant[] = [
// path: [0]
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{ text: 'This is editable ' }, // path: [0, 0]
{ text: 'rich text!', bold: true } // path: [0, 1]
// path: [1]
type: 'paragraph',
children: [
{ text: 'It' so cool.' } // path: [1, 0]



  • Get the descendant node referred to by a specific path. If th