Oceans on a Shoestring: Shape Representation, Meshing and Shading(低成本的海洋:形状表示、网格划分和着色)-2013年

发布时间 2023-05-25 10:19:47作者: 2086nmj

作者:Huw Bowles 单位:Studio Gobo

Introduction(简介):Studio Gobo is a small team of talented developers based in Brighton / UK

The Crew(成员):Ben Andrews, Paul Ayliffe, Anastasios Brakis, Jim Callin, Clement Dagneau Kevin Hayes, Will Myles, Olliver Reid-Smith, Phil Williams, Tom Williams.[Some of the amazing people from Studio Gobo that contributed to this work, across code, art and design. There are additional people that made contributions to this work but can’t be named for legal reasons.]

>>Structured Volume Sampling - Huw Bowles:https://www.jianshu.com/p/9c8f4575b9b2