【Oracle】Show the change history of tbs' size

发布时间 2023-06-01 09:25:24作者: DBAGPT






In non multitentant DB
-- WX:DBAJOE399 --

set linesize 860;
set pagesize 120;
alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss';
col con_id for 999
col name for a16
col ts# for 999
col ts_mb for 999,999,999.90
col max_mb for 999,999,999.90
col used_mb for 999,999,999.90
col last_mb for 999,999,999.90
col incr for 999,999.90

select * from (
  select v.con_id
       * p.value/1024/1024              ts_mb
       * p.value/1024/1024              max_mb
       * p.value/1024/1024              used_mb
        ,to_date(h.rtime, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') resize_time
        ,lag(h.tablespace_usedsize * p.value/1024/1024, 1, h.tablespace_usedsize * p.value/1024/1024)
         over (partition by v.ts# order by h.snap_id) last_mb
        ,(h.tablespace_usedsize * p.value/1024/1024)
       - lag(h.tablespace_usedsize * p.value/1024/1024, 1, h.tablespace_usedsize * p.value/1024/1024)
         over (partition by v.con_id, v.ts# order by h.snap_id) incr
    from dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage     h
       , dba_hist_snapshot              s
       , v$tablespace                   v
       , cdb_tablespaces                t
       , v$parameter                    p
   where h.tablespace_id                = v.ts#
     --and h.con_id                       = s.con_id
     and h.con_id                       = v.con_id
     and h.con_id                       = t.con_id
     and v.name                         = t.tablespace_name
     and v.con_id                       = t.con_id
     and t.contents                not in ('UNDO', 'TEMPORARY')
     and p.name                         = 'db_block_size'
     and h.snap_id                      = s.snap_id
         /* For a specific time */
     and s.begin_interval_time          > sysdate - 7
         /* For a specific tablespace */
     and v.name =upper('&tablespace_name')
order by v.con_id, v.name, h.snap_id asc)
   where incr > 0;


In multitentant DB

set linesize 860;
set pagesize 120;
alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss';
col con_id for 999
col name for a16
col ts# for 999
col ts_mb for 999,999,999.90
col max_mb for 999,999,999.90
col used_mb for 999,999,999.90
col last_mb for 999,999,999.90
col incr for 999,999.90

select * from (
  select v.con_id
       * p.value/1024/1024              ts_mb
       * p.value/1024/1024              max_mb
       * p.value/1024/1024              used_mb
        ,to_date(h.rtime, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') resize_time
        ,lag(h.tablespace_usedsize * p.value/1024/1024, 1, h.tablespace_usedsize * p.value/1024/1024)
         over (partition by v.ts# order by h.snap_id) last_mb
        ,(h.tablespace_usedsize * p.value/1024/1024)
       - lag(h.tablespace_usedsize * p.value/1024/1024, 1, h.tablespace_usedsize * p.value/1024/1024)
         over (partition by v.con_id, v.ts# order by h.snap_id) incr
    from dba_hist_tbspc_space_usage     h
       , dba_hist_snapshot              s
       , v$tablespace                   v
       , cdb_tablespaces                t
       , v$parameter                    p
   where h.tablespace_id                = v.ts#
     --and h.con_id                       = s.con_id
     and h.con_id                       = v.con_id
     and h.con_id                       = t.con_id
     and v.name                         = t.tablespace_name
     and v.con_id                       = t.con_id
     and t.contents                not in ('UNDO', 'TEMPORARY')
     and p.name                         = 'db_block_size'
     and h.snap_id                      = s.snap_id
         /* For a specific time */
     and s.begin_interval_time          > sysdate - 7
         /* For a specific tablespace */
     and v.name =upper('&tablespace_name')
order by v.con_id, v.name, h.snap_id asc)
   where incr > 0;