typescript: Bridge Pattern

发布时间 2023-10-07 11:04:41作者: ®Geovin Du Dream Park™


 * Bridge Pattern 桥接是一种结构型设计模式, 可将业务逻辑或一个大类拆分为不同的层次结构, 从而能独立地进行开发。
 * https://dev.to/takaakit/uml-diagram-for-gof-design-pattern-examples-in-typescript-46d5#singleton
 * The Abstraction defines the interface for the "control" part of the two class
 * hierarchies. It maintains a reference to an object of the Implementation
 * hierarchy and delegates all of the real work to this object.
class AbstractionBridge {
    protected implementation: Implementation;
     * @param implementation 
    constructor(implementation: Implementation) {
        this.implementation = implementation;
     * @returns 
    public operation(): string {
        const result = this.implementation.operationImplementation();
        return `Abstraction: Base operation with:\n${result}`;

 * You can extend the Abstraction without changing the Implementation classes.
class ExtendedAbstraction extends AbstractionBridge {

     * @returns 
    public operation(): string {
        const result = this.implementation.operationImplementation();
        return `ExtendedAbstraction: Extended operation with:\n${result}`;

 * The Implementation defines the interface for all implementation classes. It
 * doesn't have to match the Abstraction's interface. In fact, the two
 * interfaces can be entirely different. Typically the Implementation interface
 * provides only primitive operations, while the Abstraction defines higher-
 * level operations based on those primitives.
interface Implementation {
    operationImplementation(): string;

 * Each Concrete Implementation corresponds to a specific platform and
 * implements the Implementation interface using that platform's API.
class ConcreteImplementationA implements Implementation {
     * @returns 
    public operationImplementation(): string {
        return 'ConcreteImplementationA: Here\'s the result on the platform A.';

class ConcreteImplementationB implements Implementation {
     * @returns 
    public operationImplementation(): string {
        return 'ConcreteImplementationB: Here\'s the result on the platform B.';

 * Except for the initialization phase, where an Abstraction object gets linked
 * with a specific Implementation object, the client code should only depend on
 * the Abstraction class. This way the client code can support any abstraction-
 * implementation combination.
function clientCodeBridge(abstraction: AbstractionBridge) {
    // ..


    return abstraction.operation();

    // ..

 * The client code should be able to work with any pre-configured abstraction-
 * implementation combination.
let implementation = new ConcreteImplementationA();
let abstraction = new AbstractionBridge(implementation);
let sbridge1=clientCodeBridge(abstraction);

implementation = new ConcreteImplementationB();
abstraction = new ExtendedAbstraction(implementation);

let sbridge="gevindu";
let sbridge2=clientCodeBridge(abstraction);

let messagebridge: string = 'Hello World,This is a typescript!,涂聚文 Geovin Du Web';
document.body.innerHTML = messagebridge+","+sbridge1+","+sbridge2+",TypeScript Bridge Pattern 桥接模式"



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