SQL: duplicate table

发布时间 2023-04-30 14:17:52作者: ascertain




  1. create table new_table select c1,c2 from old_table [where 1=2]

    lose index, auto_increment

  2. create table new_table like old_table

    table structure is exactly the same, no data

  3. insert into new_table select * from old_table
    insert into new_table (c1,c2) select (c1,c2) from old_table

    just copy data, new_table must exist




  1. create table new_table as table old_table [ with no data ]
    create table new_table as select * from old_table where condition

    All the statements above copy table structure and data do not copy indexes and constraints



  1. create table new_table as select * from old_table where 0


  2. sqlite3 dbfile '.schema oldtable' | sed '1s/oldtable/newtable/' | sqlite3 dbfile
    sqlite3 dbfile '.schema newtable'
    CREATE TABLE mytable (
        contact_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
        first_name TEXT NOT NULL,
        last_name TEXT NOT NULL,
        email TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,
        phone TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE
    -- Two variations
    INSERT INTO mytable VALUES ( 1, "Donald", "Duck", "noone@nowhere.com", "1234");
    INSERT INTO mytable ( contact_id,first_name,last_name,email,phone ) VALUES ( 2, "Daisy", "Duck", "daisy@nowhere.com", "45678");