TED Talk 学习笔记

发布时间 2023-07-24 16:15:37作者: 流浪者海斯t

How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure


  1. gossip
  2. judging
  3. negativity
  4. complaning: viral misery
  5. excuses
  6. lying: embroidery, exaggeration
  7. dogmatism: bombard somebody

Cornerstones/Foundations: HAIL, to greet or acclaim enthusiasitcally

  1. Honesty: be clear and straight
  2. Authenticity: be yourself
  3. Integrity: be your word
  4. Love: wish them well
    it's hard to love someone and judge them simultaneously

Tool box

  1. register
  2. timber
  3. prosody
  4. pace
  5. pitch
  6. volume

Warm up your voice (6 exercises)

  1. stand up, arm up, deep breathe in, sigh out
  2. go Ba Ba Ba
  3. go Brrrrrrr (for lips)
  4. go La La
  5. go Lrrrrrrrrrr (for tongue)
  6. from we (high) to aw (low)