
发布时间 2023-03-28 21:00:23作者: Clemens

static_cast 用于正常/普通类型转换。 这也是负责隐式类型强制的转换,也可以显式调用。 您应该在将 float 转换为 int、将 char 转换为 int 等情况下使用它。这可以转换相关的类型类。这是一个编译期间的转换操作。会进行类型检查。



int main() {
    float f = 3.5;
    int a = f;
    std::cout << "The Value of a: " << a <<std::endl;  // a:3
    int b = static_cast<int>(f);
    std::cout << "\nThe Value of b: " << b <<std::endl; // b: 3
	return 0;


int main() {
	int a = 10;
	char c = 'a';
	int* q = (int*)&c;  //ok
	int* p = static_cast<int*>(c); //非法


int main() {
	int a = 10;
	char c = 'a';
	int* q = (int*)&c;
	void* m = static_cast<void*>(&c); //ok
	int* p = static_cast<int*>(m);    //ok
	return 0;




// new class
class integer {
    int x;
    integer(int x_in = 0)
        : x{ x_in }
        cout << "Constructor Called" << endl;
    // 用户定义的转换运算符到字符串类型
    operator string()
        cout << "Conversion Operator Called" << endl;
        return to_string(x);
int main()
    integer obj(3);   //调用构造函数:Constructor Called
    string str = obj; //因为重载了运算法,所以编译器不会报错,string(obj):Conversion Operator Called
    obj = 20;        //调用构造函数:Constructor Called
    string str2 = static_cast<string>(obj); //同上:Conversion Operator Called
    obj = static_cast<integer>(30); //调用构造函数:Constructor Called
    return 0;



在继承的情况下,static_cast 可以提供向上转型和向下转型。

class Base {};
class Derived : public Base {};
int main()
  Derived d1;
  // 允许隐式转换
  Base* b1 = (Base*)(&d1);    //OK
  // 使用static_cast向上转换
  Base* b2 = static_cast<Base*>(&d1);  //OK
  return 0;


class Base {};
class Derived : private Base {};
int main()
  Derived d1;
  // 允许隐式转换
  Base* b1 = (Base*)(&d1);    //OK
  Base* b2 = static_cast<Base*>(&d1);  //error:'Base' is an inaccessible base of 'Derived'
  return 0;


因此,要在继承的情况下使用static_cast,基类必须是可访问的、non virtual 的和 unambiguous的。

class Base1{
	virtual void f1(){}
class Base2{
	virtual void f2(){}
class Derived: public Base1, public Base2{
	void f1(){}
	void f2(){}
Base1 *pD = new Derived;
Derived *pD1  = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(pD);  //OK
Derived *pD2  = static_cast<Derived*>(pD);  //OK
Base2 *pB1  = dynamic_cast<Base2*>(pD);    //OK,运行时会检查,pD实际指向Derived对象,可以转换为Base2
Base2 *pB2  = static_cast<Base2*>(pD);    //error:Base1和Base2没有关系




int main()
  int i = 10;
  void* v = static_cast<void*>(&i);
  int* ip = static_cast<int*>(v);
  cout << *ip;  // 输出:10
  return 0;



enum class E { ONE = 1, TWO, THREE };
enum EU { ONE = 1, TWO, THREE };
int main()
    // 有作用域枚举到 int 或 float
    E e = E::ONE;                  //0K
    int one = static_cast<int>(e); //OK 
    // int 到枚举,枚举到另一枚举
    E e2 = static_cast<E>(one);    //OK
    EU eu = static_cast<EU>(e2);   //OK