阿里运SLS日志sql 查询统计示例

发布时间 2023-04-04 15:33:09作者: 变换

kuaishou_callback_externalstore 从mysql导入的表
* and clientId: 32 and action:PLAY  | select createDate, count(DISTINCT(openId)) uv, count(openId) pv from log l join kuaishou_callback_externalstore k on l.openId = k.open_id and k.callback is not null and l.createDate >= '2023-03-01' and l.createDate <= '2023-03-31'  and date(k.create_time) = l.createDate   GROUP by l.createDate    order by l.createDate limit 50




-- dts_user_spead_mark_action_externalstore  从mysq导入的表

and action : {} and createDate: {} and clientId: {} | select count(DISTINCT(userId)) uv ,count(userId) pv , {} as type from log l join (select u.user_id,u.group_id from dts_user_spead_mark_action_externalstore u where u.create_time = '{}' and u.client_id = '{}' GROUP by u.user_id,u.group_id ) u on l.userId = u.user_id where u.group_id = {}