Android ADB commands...

发布时间 2023-11-24 14:54:16作者: renren0113


//back button
adb shell input keyevent 4
//home button
adb shell input keyevent 3
//Search button
adb shell input keyevent 187

//Stop current running app
adb shell am force-stop com.cas.myapp

//com.cas.myapp is app name

//Start activity, adb shell am start -n {包(package)名}/{包名}.{活动(activity)名称}

adb shell am start -n

//Check running activity:

//check all actvities
adb shell dumpsys activity activities

adb shell dumpsys activity com.source.S1_BDO.BDO activities


//Display app infor: like version infor, permission infor
adb shell dumpsys package [pkgName]

//only display TAG1 infor and above msg and TAG2 Debug and above level msg
adb logcat TAG1:I TAG2:D *:S