196. Delete Duplicate Emails 去重保留第一条

发布时间 2023-04-08 11:37:39作者: 地尽头

方法一 Person自身做Cartesian product where子句



  1. 找出所有要被删掉的。重复的且id更大的
  2. delete clause 删除
select p1.* from Person as p1, Person as p2
where p1.email=p2.email and p1.id>p2.id;
delete p1 from Person as p1, Person as p2
where p1.email=p2.email and p1.id>p2.id;

方法二 使用子查询group by计算数量

# Please write a DELETE statement and DO NOT write a SELECT statement.
# Write your MySQL query statement below
delete from Person
/* 不支持在同一个表中删除查询 可以中间建表
where email in (
    select email from Person
    group by email having count(*)>1
where email in (
    select temp.email from (
        select email from Person
        group by email having count(*)>1
    ) as temp
and id not in (
    select temp2.mid from (
        select min(id) as mid from Person
        group by email having count(*)>1
    ) as temp2


这里group by之后都不用用having筛选count的数量,因为只有一条数据的就是最小的id了。

delete from Person where id not in
    select mid from 
        select min(id) as mid /*count(*) as cnt */ from Person
        group by email
    ) as t