
发布时间 2023-04-09 21:25:15作者: dewxin

MenuItem Attribute允许你在主菜单中添加新的选项。而这个菜单选项来自于一个静态函数。

public class TestMenuItem
    // Creates a new menu item 'Examples > Create Prefab' in the main menu.
    [MenuItem("TestMenuItem/Create Prefab")]
    static void CreatePrefab()
        Debug.Log("do something");


我们还可以对这个选项添加热键,比如如果我们希望按下alt+g触发这个函数。那么可以修改注解为"TestMenuItem/Create Prefab &g" 对应关系为 % (ctrl), ^ (ctrl), # (shift), & (alt).

Some special keyboard keys are supported as hotkeys. For example, "#LEFT" would map to Shift-Left. The keys supported like this are: LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, F1 .. F12, HOME, END, PGUP, PGDN, INS, DEL, TAB, and SPACE.


public class Example
    [MenuItem("Examples/Instantiate Selected %g")]
    static void InstantiatePrefab()
        /*Selection.activeObject =*/
        PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(Selection.activeObject as GameObject);
        Debug.Log($"InstantiatePrefab {Selection.activeObject.name}");



public class Example
    [MenuItem("Examples/Instantiate Selected %g")]
    static void InstantiatePrefab()
        /*Selection.activeObject =*/
        PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(Selection.activeObject as GameObject);
        Debug.Log($"InstantiatePrefab {Selection.activeObject.name}");

    [MenuItem("Examples/Instantiate Selected %g", true)]
    static bool ValidateInstantiatePrefab()
        GameObject go = Selection.activeObject as GameObject;
        if (go == null)
            Debug.Log($"Validate false");
            return false;

        return PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabAsset(go);

这样我们可以看到日志不再显示 “InstantiatePrefab ”,说明拦截函数中返回false成功拦截对原有函数的调用。