GRPC - Error Handling

发布时间 2023-11-19 13:17:12作者: ZhangZhihuiAAA

Unstructured error messages can complicate decision making with ambiguity. If any service returns error messages without code, it might be challenging to understand what happened on the server side. Therefore, gRPC provides a status package to handle errors in a more structured way.


gRPC error model

gRPC conveniently disambiguates error handling with a reliable error response structure (figure 6.5). In a typical error response, you can see three primary fields: Code, Status, and Message. The Code field contains the response code (see all the available codes here: Status is the human-friendly version of the Code field and primarily describes the meaning of Code in a couple of words, such as BadRequest for 400. The Message field contains a message that explains the error situation in an understandable format. For example, Email address is invalid explains to the end user why a registration failed during the Register gRPC call. You can also see the ErrorDetails section for the error types that contain a list of errors. For example, if a customer submits a register form, you can return multiple error messages under the ErrorDetails field explaining which fields are problematic.