ida trace 还原 ollvm demo

发布时间 2023-03-22 21:10:54作者: 山水无期

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import idaapi import idc import re import ida_dbg import ida_idd from idaapi import * from collections import OrderedDict import logging import time import datetime import os debughook = None def xx_hex(ea): return hex(ea).rstrip("L").lstrip("0x") def set_breakpoint(ea): #idc.SetReg(ea, "T", 1) idc.MakeCode(ea) idc.add_bpt(ea) def my_get_reg_value(register): rv = ida_idd.regval_t() ida_dbg.get_reg_val(register, rv) current_addr = rv.ival return current_addr def suspend_other_thread(): current_thread = idc.get_current_thread() thread_count = idc.get_thread_qty() for i in range(0, thread_count): other_thread = idc.getn_thread(i) if other_thread != current_thread: idc.suspend_thread(other_thread) def resume_process(): current_thread = idc.get_current_thread() thread_count = idc.get_thread_qty() for i in range(0, thread_count): other_thread = idc.getn_thread(i) if other_thread != current_thread: idc.resume_thread(other_thread) idc.resume_thread(current_thread) idc.resume_process() class MyDbgHook(DBG_Hooks): """ Own debug hook class that implementd the callback functions """ def __init__(self, modules_info, skip_functions, end_ea): super(MyDbgHook, self).__init__() self.modules_info = modules_info self.skip_functions = skip_functions self.trace_step_into_count = 0 self.trace_step_into_size = 1 self.trace_total_size = 300000 self.trace_size = 0 self.trace_lr = 0 self.end_ea = end_ea self.bpt_trace = 0 self.Logger = None self.line_trace = 0 print("__init__") def start_line_trace(self): self.bpt_trace = 0 self.line_trace = 1 self.start_hook() def start_hook(self): self.hook() print("start_hook") def dbg_process_start(self, pid, tid, ea, name, base, size): print("Process started, pid=%d tid=%d name=%s" % (pid, tid, name)) def dbg_process_exit(self, pid, tid, ea, code): self.unhook() if self.Logger: self.Logger.log_close() print("Process exited pid=%d tid=%d ea=0x%x code=%d" % (pid, tid, ea, code)) def dbg_process_detach(self, pid, tid, ea): self.unhook() self.Logger.log_close() return 0 def dbg_bpt(self, tid, ea): print("Break point at 0x%x tid=%d" % (ea, tid)) if ea in self.end_ea: ida_dbg.enable_insn_trace(False) ida_dbg.enable_step_trace(False) ida_dbg.suspend_process() return 0 return 0 def dbg_trace(self, tid, ea): #print("Trace tid=%d ea=0x%x" % (tid, ea)) # return values: # 1 - do not log this trace event; # 0 - log it if self.line_trace: in_mine_so = False for module_info in self.modules_info: # print (module_info) so_base = module_info["base"] so_size = module_info["size"] if so_base <= ea <= (so_base + so_size): in_mine_so = True break self.trace_size += 1 if (not in_mine_so) or (ea in self.skip_functions): if (self.trace_lr != 0) and (self.trace_step_into_count < self.trace_step_into_size): self.trace_step_into_count += 1 return 0 if (self.trace_lr != 0) and (self.trace_step_into_count == self.trace_step_into_size): ida_dbg.enable_insn_trace(False) ida_dbg.enable_step_trace(False) ida_dbg.suspend_process() if self.trace_size > self.trace_total_size: self.trace_size = 0 ida_dbg.request_clear_trace() ida_dbg.run_requests() ida_dbg.request_run_to(self.trace_lr) ida_dbg.run_requests() self.trace_lr = 0 self.trace_step_into_count = 0 return 0 if self.trace_lr == 0: self.trace_lr = my_get_reg_value("X30") #arm thumb LR, arm64 X30 return 0 def dbg_run_to(self, pid, tid=0, ea=0): # print("dbg_run_to 0x%x pid=%d" % (ea, pid)) if self.line_trace: ida_dbg.enable_insn_trace(True) ida_dbg.enable_step_trace(True) ida_dbg.request_continue_process() ida_dbg.run_requests() def unhook(): global debughook # Remove an existing debug hook try: if debughook: print("Removing previous hook ...") debughook.unhook() debughook.Logger.log_close() except: pass def starthook(): global debughook if debughook: debughook.start_line_trace() def main(): global debughook unhook() skip_functions = [] modules_info = [] start_ea = 0 end_ea = [] so_modules = [""] for module in idc._get_modules(): module_name = os.path.basename( for so_module in so_modules: if, module_name, re.IGNORECASE): print("modules_info append %08X %s %08X" % (module.base,, module.size)) if module_name == "": modules_info.append({"base": module.base, "size": module.size, "name":}) start_ea = (module.base + 0xDB4) #UUIDCheckSum end_ea = [((module.base + 0x1284))] break if start_ea: set_breakpoint(start_ea) if end_ea: for ea in end_ea: set_breakpoint(ea) if skip_functions: print("skip_functions") for skip_function in skip_functions: print ("%08X" % skip_function) debughook = MyDbgHook(modules_info, skip_functions, end_ea) pass if __name__ == "__main__": main() pass



上面是ida trace的脚本,需要加入到ida中,具体trace过程如下

脚本需要修改 trace 的起始和最终位置、so文件名和cpu架构

1、启动ida的android server程序+转发端口

adb forward tcp:23946 tcp:23946

2、ida配置 7.0









































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