代码随想录算法训练营第二十七天|39. 组合总和,40. 组合总和 II,131. 分割回文串

发布时间 2023-06-05 12:23:27作者: 小吴要努力


39. 组合总和


1.candidates 中的数字可以无限制重复被选取。




 1 class Solution(object):
 2     def __init__(self):
 3         self.path = []
 4         self.paths = []
 6     def combinationSum(self, candidates, target):
 7         """
 8         :type candidates: List[int]
 9         :type target: int
10         :rtype: List[List[int]]
11         """
12         #为了剪枝需要提前进行排序
13         candidates.sort()
14         #递归
15         self.backtracking(candidates, target, 0, 0)
16         return self.paths
18     def backtracking(self, candidates, target, sum_, start_index):
19         #停止条件
20         if sum_ == target:
21             self.paths.append(self.path[:])
22         # 单层递归逻辑
23         # 如果本层 sum + condidates[i] > target,就提前结束遍历,剪枝
24         for i in range(start_index, len(candidates)):
25             if sum_ + candidates[i] > target:
26                 return 
27             sum_ += candidates[i]
28             self.path.append(candidates[i])
29             # 因为无限制重复选取,所以不是i+1
30             self.backtracking(candidates,target,sum_,i)
31             #回溯
32             sum_ -= candidates[i]
33             self.path.pop()

40. 组合总和 II






 1 class Solution(object):
 2     def __init__(self):
 3         self.path = []
 4         self.paths = []
 5         # #1.使用used数组
 6         # self.used = []
 7     def combinationSum2(self, candidates, target):
 8         """
 9         :type candidates: List[int]
10         :type target: int
11         :rtype: List[List[int]]
12         """
13         self.usage_list = [False] * len(candidates)
14         candidates.sort()
15         #递归
16         self.backtracking(candidates, target,0, 0)
17         return self.paths
19     def backtracking(self, candidates, target, sum_, start_index):
20         if sum_ == target:
21             self.paths.append(self.path[:])
22             return
24         for i in range(start_index, len(candidates)):
25             #剪枝
26             if sum_ + candidates[i] > target:
27                 return
28             # 检查同一树层是否出现曾经使用过的相同元素
29             # 若数组中前后元素值相同,但前者却未被使用(used == False),说明是for loop中的同一树层的相同元素情况
30             if i>0 and candidates[i] == candidates[i-1] and self.usage_list[i-1] == False:
31                 continue
32             sum_ += candidates[i]
33             self.path.append(candidates[i])
34             self.usage_list[i] = True
35             self.backtracking(candidates, target,sum_, i+1)
36             self.usage_list[i] = False
37             self.path.pop()
38             sum_ -= candidates[i] 
 1 class Solution(object):
 2     def __init__(self):
 3         self.path = []
 4         self.paths = []
 6     def combinationSum2(self, candidates, target):
 7         """
 8         :type candidates: List[int]
 9         :type target: int
10         :rtype: List[List[int]]
11         """
12         candidates.sort()
13         #递归
14         self.backtracking(candidates, target,0, 0)
15         return self.paths
17     def backtracking(self, candidates, target, sum_, start_index):
18         if sum_ == target:
19             self.paths.append(self.path[:])
20             return
22         for i in range(start_index, len(candidates)):
23             #剪枝
24             if sum_ + candidates[i] > target:
25                 return
26             #2.不使用used数组进去去重
27             # 跳过同一树层使用过的元素
28             if i > start_index and candidates[i] == candidates[i-1]:
29                 continue
31             sum_ += candidates[i]
32             self.path.append(candidates[i])
33             self.backtracking(candidates, target,sum_, i+1)
34             self.path.pop()
35             sum_ -= candidates[i] 

131. 分割回文串


1.start_index是切割线,[startIndex, i] 就是要截取的子串。




 1 class Solution(object):
 2     def __init__(self):
 3         self.paths = []
 4         self.path = []
 6     def partition(self, s):
 7         """
 8         :type s: str
 9         :rtype: List[List[str]]
10         """
11         self.backtracking(s, 0)
12         return self.paths
14     def backtracking(self, s, start_index):
15         if start_index >= len(s):
16             self.paths.append(self.path[:])
17             return 
19         # 单层递归逻辑
20         for i in range(start_index, len(s)):#横向
21             # 此次比其他组合题目多了一步判断:
22             # 判断被截取的这一段子串([start_index, i])是否为回文串
23             temp = s[start_index:i+1]
24             # print(temp)
25             if temp == temp[::-1]:  # 若反序和正序相同,意味着这是回文串
26                 self.path.append(temp)
27                 self.backtracking(s, i+1)   # 递归纵向遍历:从下一处进行切割,判断其余是否仍为回文串
28                 self.path.pop()
29             else:
30                 continue