
发布时间 2023-12-15 16:06:04作者: ybx_tih

might have had the chance(本可以有机会)

--lose the chance


constrain choice

--limited choice

constrain = limit = restrain = curb = restrict 


become utterly predictable

--be completely anticipated

utterly = completely = entirely = fully = thoroughly = wholly

predict = anticipate = foretell = forecast = foreshadow


big houses promoted to be 

--big houses are advertized

a reward for diligence

--a reward for industriousness

industriousness = diligence

advertise = promote = popularize = market = propagate 推销 推广


combat 战斗


commuter 上下班往返的人


mutual 共同的


chronic 慢性的 长期的


span 持续时间

a longer life span


premature 过早的

a lower risk of premature death


foster 促进

foster good habits


trait 特性

a psychological trait 

trail 足迹 痕迹

trial 试验 审判


executive 行政的 领导的


attribute 归因于 特征


scrutinise 仔细检查

it is scrutinised by an employer


tip 倾斜

tip the delicate balance


intuitive 直觉的


align 一致

clothes that fit well and align with your sense of style


wardrobe 衣柜

buy a whole new wardrobe


accessory 配饰

avoid bows, ties and unnecessary accessories


whereby 凭此 借以


frame 框架

flame 火焰


reluctant 勉强的 不情愿的

you are reluctant to brave the world


neuro 神经


discourse 演讲 论述

advent 出现 到来

the advent of 


confine 限制


conducive 有益的

it is conducive to critical thinking


superficial 粗略的

render 使得 成为

remedy 弥补

it has rendered their interactions more superficial


overindulge 过分放任

parents who overindulge their kids


disincline 不愿 不感兴趣


diminish 减弱

diminish workspace dysfunction


sustain 维持

sustain their motivation


entitlement 权利

entitled 有权的


devastating 毁灭性的

the devastating impact of automation


staggering 令人吃惊的

the statistics in manufacturing are staggering


peril 危险

ignore the perils of automation


futile 无用的 不重要的

resisting automation is futile


sensible 合理的 明智的

sensible company or country


manual 体力的

the shift from manual jobs to IT ones


secure 安全的

allow everyone to be economically secure


vulnerable 脆弱的

they feel increasingly vulnerable


avail 有益

they keep complaining but no avail


allege 宣称 指控
it alleged positive effects are doubtful


convenient 传统的


dwell on 反复思考

they tend to dwell on national averages


crucial 重要的


natural 自然的

neutral 中立的


realm 领域