
发布时间 2023-06-05 22:18:28作者: 快乐气氛组阿宇

Report of JTAG


Figuring out a bug that is caused by two threads, running even simultaneously on two different CPU cores, can take a long time when all you have are printf () statements. A better (and in many cases quicker) way to debug such problems is by using a debugger, connected to the processors over a debug port. This is what JTAG does.



  • An ESP32S3 board.
  • USB cable - USB A / micro USB B.
  • Computer running Windows, Linux, or macOS.

hardware settings

Using the ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 development board as an example:

The development board features two USB interfaces,One is the USB Port, and the other is the USB-to-UART Port.

Port description:

![ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 - 正面](C:\Users\doinc\Desktop\submit_report\Report of JTAG.assets\ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1_v2-annotated-photo.png)

USB Port :ESP32-S3 full-speed USB OTG interface, compliant with the USB 1.1 specification. The interface is used for power supply to the board, for flashing applications to the chip, for communication with the chip using USB 1.1 protocols, as well as for JTAG debugging.

USB-to-UART Port :A Micro-USB port used for power supply to the board, for flashing applications to the chip, as well as for communication with the chip via the on-board USB-to-UART bridge.

So,JTAG needs to use USB Port to connect the development board to the computer

software preparation

  1. VSCode Extension

  2. Linux and macOS

  3. Install OpenOCD

    If you have already set up ESP-IDF with CMake build system according to the Getting Started Guide, then OpenOCD is already installed. After setting up the environment in your terminal, you should be able to run OpenOCD. Check this by executing the following command:

    	openocd --version

    The output should be as follows (although the version may be more recent than listed here):

    Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0
    Licensed under GNU GPL v2
    For bug reports, read

JTAG debug settings(vscode):

vscode settings:

  1. Set the interface:
    Select the /dev/ttyACM0 serial port.

  2. Set the chip type.
    Select an Espressif target (esp32, esp32s2, etc.) with the ESP-IDF: Set Espressif device target command. Default is esp32 and the one used in this tutorial.

  3. Compile the files and download

  4. JTAG debug

JTAG debug example(vs code):

  1. create a new "blink" project

  2. Perform the following configurations at the bottom of the UI

    ESP-IDF: Set Espressif device target : esp32s3

    ESP-IDF: Select Flash Method : JTAG

    ESP-IDF: Select port to use : usbserial

  3. Build project and flash device

  4. Begin debug (F5)

TIP:command method:

command shortcuts function
F5 continue
F10 step over
F11 single step debugging
Shift + F10 step out
Shift + F5 stop

JTAG debug example (Command )

  1. open

    cd blink
    . $HOME/esp/esp-idf/
  2. set ESP32-S3 as the target,build the project set-target esp32s3 build
  3. download flash
  4. gdb gdbtui

  • break num ---------- set breakpoint
  • c ---------------continue