模型推理batch inference速度无明显提升、耗时线性增长问题排查

发布时间 2023-10-24 23:13:21作者: xzyun2011

模型推理batch inference速度无明显提升、耗时线性增长问题排查


当模型在推理阶段使用batch inference时,推理速度并无明显提升,相比单帧多次推理收益不大。如笔者在Xavier上测试某模型结果

batch size 推理时间ms 折算耗时 ms/img
1 11.23 11.23
2 20.39 10.20
4 38.73 9.68
8 74.11 9.26
32 287.30 8.98


按理来说,多张图放一个batch喂给模型,模型矩阵运算可以并行操作,推理的速度可以有batch size倍的提升,但实际观察到的现象确实提升不大,尤其是在一些算力较弱的设备上。


在网上搜索一番,大概定位原因,这里参考GitHub tensorrt 的 issues 1046解答【2】:

简单来说,问题在于gpu计算性能有瓶颈。如果单张图的计算量已经快占满计算核心(达到性能瓶颈),再增加batch size也无法多张图并行计算,尤其是在网络中间的一些层channel数特别大时,瞬时矩阵乘法运算量非常大,cuda核用满了就需要排队慢慢计算。

Generally, GPU computation is more efficient when the batch size is larger. This is because when you have a lot of ops, you can fully utilize the GPUs and hide some inefficiency or overhead between ops. However, if there are already a lot of ops at BS=1 and even BS=1 is able to fully utilize the GPUs, you may not see any increase in efficiency anymore.

For example, is your input size BSx3x1600x1000? This is a super large image which is expected to fully utilize even the largest GPU we have (like A100), so I don't think increasing BS gives benefit on GPU efficiency.

In terms of N/V/K, in your case the "N" is already 1600x1000 at BS=1, so N=1600x1000 vs N=2x1600x1000 do not make too much difference in turns of GPU efficiency, compared to N=1 vs N=2.

另外一个现象就是gpu性能越高,batch inference效果提升越明显。如笔者在xavier上测试单帧推理时,GPU利用率就接近60%,所以当batch size增加时基本无增益,而yolov5作者在A100(性能天花板更高)测试时,加速效果更明显。其实当batch size非常大时,相当于在让GPU持续工作直到计算完成,减少了等待时间,所以性能越高可以并行计算的量也就越大,加速越明显。




  1. 降低模型输入尺寸
  2. 优化网络结构(中间计算量非常大的某些层),思想就是大的矩阵分解计算;想简单省事的就看是否有开源的成果,如yolov5升级yolov8之类的
  3. 模型导trt,模型量化(fp16, int8)、剪枝等
  4. 升级trt版本说不定有惊喜,NVIDIA的工程师们可能对某些算子做了优化


  1. 异步模式(多线程等),就是不让gpu闲着,一直去计算



  1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nm3jofjdgKja0AZHV8Jk_m8TgcF7jenCSA06DuEG2C0/edit?usp=sharing
  2. https://github.com/NVIDIA/TensorRT/issues/1046