
发布时间 2023-10-19 14:41:03作者: 澳大利亚树袋熊

Random Sample Consensus: A Paradigm for Model Fitting with Apphcatlons to Image Analysis and Automated Cartography



这是二阶段或多阶段模型的共性错误:通常为分类误差引起的gross error。按照论文所述,分类误差是不服从于正态分布的,所以难以平滑。但可以使用随机采样一致性解决。


    data – a set of observed data points
    model – a model that can be fitted to data points
    n – the minimum number of data values required to fit the model
    k – the maximum number of iterations allowed in the algorithm
    t – a threshold value for determining when a data point fits a model
    d – the number of close data values required to assert that a model fits well to data

    bestfit – model parameters which best fit the data (or nul if no good model is found)

iterations = 0
bestfit = nul
besterr = something really large
while iterations < k {
    maybeinliers = n randomly selected values from data
    maybemodel = model parameters fitted to maybeinliers
    alsoinliers = empty set
    for every point in data not in maybeinliers {
        if point fits maybemodel with an error smaller than t
             add point to alsoinliers
    if the number of elements in alsoinliers is > d {
        % this implies that we may have found a good model
        % now test how good it is
        bettermodel = model parameters fitted to all points in maybeinliers and alsoinliers
        thiserr = a measure of how well model fits these points
        if thiserr < besterr {
            bestfit = bettermodel
            besterr = thiserr
    increment iterations
return bestfit



