[React Typescript] Useful React Prop Type Examples

发布时间 2023-05-22 13:30:16作者: Zhentiw

Relevant for components that accept other React components as props.

export declare interface AppProps {
  children?: React.ReactNode; // best, accepts everything React can render
  childrenElement: JSX.Element; // A single React element
  style?: React.CSSProperties; // to pass through style props
  onChange?: React.FormEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>; // form events! the generic parameter is the type of event.target
  //  more info: https://react-typescript-cheatsheet.netlify.app/docs/advanced/patterns_by_usecase/#wrappingmirroring
  props: Props & React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<"button">; // to impersonate all the props of a button element and explicitly not forwarding its ref
  props2: Props & React.ComponentPropsWithRef<MyButtonWithForwardRef>; // to impersonate all the props of MyButtonForwardedRef and explicitly forwarding its ref