
发布时间 2023-06-12 14:33:39作者: 昂纳克

标题:CHERNENKO  The Last Bolshevik

副标题:The Soviet Union on the Eve of Perestroika

作者:Ilya Zemtsov



PrefacePrologue: In Retrospect

1. Rising over the Abyss 从深渊升起

2. In Moscow: “Ever Ready” 在莫斯科“时刻准备着”

3. Lessons of Political Maneuvering 政治操纵的教训

4. The Party Boss 党首

5. The Struggle for Succession 为成功而挣扎

6. Leader for the Meanwhile 影子领袖

7. The Brezhnev Era Replayed 勃列日列夫时代的重现

8. The Future Can Be Known from the Past 以史为鉴

Bibliography 传记

Glossary 词汇表

Annotated Index 加注索引