
发布时间 2023-10-13 15:59:51作者: 母粒








yum -y install tcpreplay



tcpreplay -V




tcpprep -p --pcap=test1.pcap --cachefile=test_cache.cache


tcprewrite -i test1.pcap -o test2.pcap --cachefile=test_cache.cache [具体修改项]


# tcprewrite -h
tcprewrite (tcprewrite) - Rewrite the packets in a pcap file.
Usage:  tcprewrite [ -<flag> [<val>] | --<name>[{=| }<val>] ]...

   -r, --portmap=str          Rewrite TCP/UDP ports
   -s, --seed=num             Randomize src/dst IPv4/v6 addresses w/ given seed
   -N, --pnat=str             Rewrite IPv4/v6 addresses using pseudo-NAT
   -S, --srcipmap=str         Rewrite source IPv4/v6 addresses using pseudo-NAT
   -D, --dstipmap=str         Rewrite destination IPv4/v6 addresses using pseudo-NAT
   -e, --endpoints=str        Rewrite IP addresses to be between two endpoints
       --tcp-sequence=num     Change TCP Sequence (and ACK) numbers /w given seed
   -b, --skipbroadcast        Skip rewriting broadcast/multicast IPv4/v6 addresses
   -C, --fixcsum              Force recalculation of IPv4/TCP/UDP header checksums
   -m, --mtu=num              Override default MTU length (1500 bytes)
       --mtu-trunc            Truncate packets larger then specified MTU
   -E, --efcs                 Remove Ethernet checksums (FCS) from end of frames
       --ttl=str              Modify the IPv4/v6 TTL/Hop Limit
       --tos=num              Set the IPv4 TOS/DiffServ/ECN byte
       --tclass=num           Set the IPv6 Traffic Class byte
       --flowlabel=num        Set the IPv6 Flow Label
   -F, --fixlen=str           Pad or truncate packet data to match header length
       --fuzz-seed=num        Fuzz 1 in X packets.  Edit bytes, length, or emulate packet drop
       --fuzz-factor=num      Set the Fuzz 1 in X packet ratio (default 1 in 8 packets)
       --skipl2broadcast      Skip rewriting broadcast/multicast Layer 2 addresses
       --dlt=str              Override output DLT encapsulation
       --enet-dmac=str        Override destination ethernet MAC addresses
       --enet-smac=str        Override source ethernet MAC addresses
       --enet-subsmac=str     Substitute MAC addresses
       --enet-mac-seed=num    Randomize MAC addresses
       --enet-mac-seed-keep-bytes=num Randomize MAC addresses
       --enet-vlan=str        Specify ethernet 802.1q VLAN tag mode
       --enet-vlan-tag=num    Specify the new ethernet 802.1q VLAN tag value
       --enet-vlan-cfi=num    Specify the ethernet 802.1q VLAN CFI value
       --enet-vlan-pri=num    Specify the ethernet 802.1q VLAN priority
       --enet-vlan-proto=str  Specify VLAN tag protocol 802.1q or 802.1ad
       --hdlc-control=num     Specify HDLC control value
       --hdlc-address=num     Specify HDLC address
       --user-dlt=num         Set output file DLT type
       --user-dlink=str       Rewrite Data-Link layer with user specified data
   -i, --infile=str           Input pcap file to be processed
   -o, --outfile=str          Output pcap file
   -c, --cachefile=str        Split traffic via tcpprep cache file
   -v, --verbose              Print decoded packets via tcpdump to STDOUT
   -A, --decode=str           Arguments passed to tcpdump decoder
       --skip-soft-errors     Skip writing packets with soft errors
   -V, --version              Print version information
   -h, --less-help            Display less usage information and exit
   -H, --help                 display extended usage information and exit
   -!, --more-help            extended usage information passed thru pager
       --save-opts[=arg]      save the option state to a config file
       --load-opts=str        load options from a config file


