RuntimeWarning: More than 20 figures have been opened. Figures created through the pyplot interface

发布时间 2023-07-25 16:37:53作者: 海_纳百川


使用 matplotlib 绘制多幅图出现如下问题 RuntimeWarning: More than 20 figures have been opened. Figures created through the pyplot interface (matplotlib.pyplot.figure) are retained until explicitly closed and may consume too much memory. (To control this warning, see the rcParam figure.max_open_warning). fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))

RuntimeWarning: More than 20 figures have been opened. Figures created through the pyplot interface (`matplotlib.pyplot.figure`) are retained until explicitly closed and may consume too much memory. (To control this warning, see the rcParam `figure.max_open_warning`).
  fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))





在循环内,每次使用 plt.plot() 绘制结果后,使用代码将其关闭,再重新绘制新的子图
