AIArena Frontend 初步练习

发布时间 2023-04-06 20:23:06作者: mnluzimu



in SideNav.vue the code for the sidebar menu is:

<menu-content :navData="menu" />

from there we can get to MenuContent.vue

I think it is referencing the items in a list, which is computed by the getMenuList function

  computed: {
    list(): Array<MenuRoute> {
      return getMenuList(this.navData);
const getMenuList = (list: MenuRoute[], basePath?: string): MenuRoute[] => {
  if (!list) {
    return [];

  return list
    .map((item) => {
      const path = basePath && !item.path.includes(basePath) ? `${basePath}/${item.path}` : item.path;
      return {
        title: item.meta?.title,
        icon: item.meta?.icon || '',
        children: getMenuList(item.children, path),
        meta: item.meta,
        redirect: item.redirect,
    .filter((item) => item.meta && item.meta.hidden !== true);

and the list is from MenuRoute, and that is from '@/interface'

but it is just definition in there it seems:

export interface MenuRoute {
  path: string;
  title?: string;
    | string
    | {
        render: () => void;
  redirect?: string;
  children: MenuRoute[];
  meta: any;

so the point is, where is the this.navData sent into getMenuList

it seems navData is sent in from something like

<menu-content v-if="item.children" :nav-data="item.children" />

in SideNav.vue

<menu-content :navData="menu" /> 

and that menu is here:

export default Vue.extend({
  name: 'sideNav',
  components: {
  props: {
    menu: Array,
    showLogo: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: true,

the menu here is sent in from LayoutSidebar.vue(supposedly)

    :maxLevel="setting.splitMenu ? 2 : 3"

and this sideMenu is from that same file

sideMenu() {
      const { layout, splitMenu } = this.$store.state.setting;
      let { menuRouters } = this;
      if (layout === 'mix' && splitMenu) {
        menuRouters.forEach((menu) => {
          if (this.$route.path.indexOf(menu.path) === 0) {
            menuRouters = => ({ ...subMenu, path: `${menu.path}/${subMenu.path}` }));
      return menuRouters;

but what is this.$store.state.setting?

there is the file src/store/index.ts, and that is from src/store/modules/setting.ts



    <template v-for="item in list">
      <template v-if="item.title != '表单页' && item.title != '详情页' && item.title != '外部页面' && item.title != '结果页' && item.title != '个人页' && item.title != '登录页'">

之所以是没有直接 =='仪表盘'这样,是因为如果这样子菜单就没了(原因未知)



seems to be in layouts/pages/list/base/index.vue


 // { title: '合同状态', colKey: 'status', width: 200, cell: { col: 'status' } },
 // {
 //   title: '合同编号',
 //   width: 200,
 //   ellipsis: true,
 //   colKey: 'no',
 // },



the svg of logs and images are in src/assets

assets-t-logo.svg is the small T logo

assets-logo-full.svg is the larger logo including Tencent Design

let's try to change the large one. after copying the following into assets-logo-full.svg

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M32.4853 24.4853C34.6569 22.3137 36 19.3137 36 16C36 9.37258 30.6274 4 24 4C17.3726 4 12 9.37258 12 16C12 19.3137 13.3431 22.3137 15.5147 24.4853" stroke="#333" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round"/><path d="M6 44L7 39L18 31L24 37L30 31L41 39L42 44" stroke="#333" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M12.9934 21.0071C13.0061 16.8965 13.6749 13.8941 15 11.9999C16.9877 9.15871 18.387 9.36755 19.4054 9.81009C20.4238 10.2526 21.0226 13.1442 22.7236 13.9777C24.4246 14.8112 28.7777 14.9141 30.2687 15.9167C31.7597 16.9194 35.1696 18.7844 34.3195 21.9684" stroke="#333" stroke-width="4"/></svg>

we get the following result:

it is shown in SideNav.vue:

      <template #logo>
        <span v-if="showLogo" :class="`${prefix}-side-nav-logo-wrapper`" @click="() => handleNav('/dashboard/base')">
          <component :is="getLogo" :class="`${prefix}-side-nav-logo-${collapsed ? 't' : 'tdesign'}-logo`" />