Some small issue about STM 32 f103 core board

发布时间 2023-06-03 01:53:08作者: 七块蛋糕

One connection problem: after the core board is bought back, the pin header needs to be manually soldered to the board. Originally I thought it could be used without soldering and directly by inserting it. In fact, there is no conduction between them(exist some gap which can´t be seen).



For the convenience, I use the SW mode instead of the serial port connection to realize the program download, because there exists already a JTAG for stm32 f4 for me.

为了方便,我使用SW连接方式,而不是串口连接模式实现程序下载,因为之前已经有一个JTAG用于stm32 f4