[LeetCode] 2446. Determine if Two Events Have Conflict

发布时间 2023-05-17 06:40:37作者: CNoodle

You are given two arrays of strings that represent two inclusive events that happened on the same day, event1 and event2, where:

  • event1 = [startTime1, endTime1] and
  • event2 = [startTime2, endTime2].

Event times are valid 24 hours format in the form of HH:MM.

A conflict happens when two events have some non-empty intersection (i.e., some moment is common to both events).

Return true if there is a conflict between two events. Otherwise, return false.

Example 1:

Input: event1 = ["01:15","02:00"], event2 = ["02:00","03:00"]
Output: true
Explanation: The two events intersect at time 2:00.

Example 2:

Input: event1 = ["01:00","02:00"], event2 = ["01:20","03:00"]
Output: true
Explanation: The two events intersect starting from 01:20 to 02:00.

Example 3:

Input: event1 = ["10:00","11:00"], event2 = ["14:00","15:00"]
Output: false
Explanation: The two events do not intersect.


  • evnet1.length == event2.length == 2.
  • event1[i].length == event2[i].length == 5
  • startTime1 <= endTime1
  • startTime2 <= endTime2
  • All the event times follow the HH:MM format.


给你两个字符串数组 event1 和 event2 ,表示发生在同一天的两个闭区间时间段事件,其中:

event1 = [startTime1, endTime1] 且
event2 = [startTime2, endTime2]
事件的时间为有效的 24 小时制且按 HH:MM 格式给出。

当两个事件存在某个非空的交集时(即,某些时刻是两个事件都包含的),则认为出现 冲突 。

如果两个事件之间存在冲突,返回 true ;否则,返回 false 。


这道题不涉及算法,但是这道题的做法很巧妙。如果两个 event 的时间冲突,那么一定满足 startTime1 <= endTime2 && endTime1 <= startTime2。画两个平行的线段就知道了。




1 class Solution {
2     public boolean haveConflict(String[] event1, String[] event2) {
3         return event1[0].compareTo(event2[1]) <= 0 && event2[0].compareTo(event1[1]) <= 0;
4     }
5 }


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