frequently used character, numeric, and date functions

发布时间 2023-09-13 13:45:44作者: helloyuen

Character functions

ANYALNUM(str, startpos)

Return position of first occurrence of any alphabetic or numeric value after or at the start postion

ANYALPHA(str, startpos)

Return position of first occurrence of any alphabetic value after or at the start postion

ANYDIGIT(str, startpos)

Return position of first occurrence of any numeric value after or at the start postion

ANYSPACE(str, startpos)

Return position of first occurrence of any whitespace after or at the start postion


Move all leading white spaces to end of string to left align strings


Removes trailing blanks from a character expression, and returns one blank if the string is missing.


Returns a character string with all leading and trailing blanks removed.


Convert all alphabets to upper case


Convert all alphabets to lower case


Convert all alphabets to proper case

INDEX(string, substring)

Search a string for a substring, and returns the position of the first occurrence of the substring.

SUBSTR(string, startpos, len)

Returns a substring, allowing a result with a length of zero.

FIND(string, substring)

Return the position of first occurrence of a specific substring within a string.

COMPRESS(source <, characters> <, modifier(s)>)

Returns a string with specified characters removed from the original string.

TRANSLATE(string, replacement-str, match-str)

Replaces specific characters in a string. The characters in the replacement-str(target) shall be substituted for those in the match-str (source)

TRANWRD(string, match-str, replacement-str)

Replaces all occurrences of a replacement-str in a string.


Returns the length of a non-blank character string, excluding trailing blanks, and returns 1 for a blank character string.


Returns the length of a character string, including trailing blanks.


Returns the length of a character string, excluding trailing blanks.

Numeric functions


Return integer portion of a number


Return natural logarithm

MAX(n1, n2, n3)

Return largest nonmissing value

MIN(n1, n2, n3)

Return smallest nonmissing value

N(n1, n2, n3)

Return number of non-blank (nonmissing) numeric values

NMISS(n1, n2, n3)

Return number of blank (missing) numeric values

CMISS(n1, n2, n3)

Return number of blank (missing) character or numeric values

Date and time functions


Convert a julian date to a SAS date

DAY(date), MONTH(date), YEAR(date)

Return the day, month, and year of a SAS date

QTR(date), WEEKDAY(date)

Return the quarter, day of a week of a SAS date


Return current date of the SAS system

MDY(month, day, year)

Convert numeric values to SAS date

YRDIF(date1, date2)

Return the year difference between two dates

INTCK(interval_unit, date1, date2, "C")

Return difference in days/weeks/months/years of two dates
interval_unit can be second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, and year
"C" option will count time interval as complete (no partial)

INTNX(interval_unit, start_date, interval_value)

Return the actual date after a specified time interval