
AWS Certificate SAA - Course 2 IAM & AWS CLI

## IAM: Users & Groups * IAM = Identity and Access Management, **Global** service * **Root account** created by default, shouldn't be used or shared * ......
Certificate AWS Course CLI SAA

AWS Certificate SAA - Course 1 Getting started with AWS

### AWS Could use Cases * AWS enables you to build sophisticated, scalable applications * Applicable to a diverse set of industries * Use cases includ ......
Certificate AWS Getting started Course

Ruby web开发实战(3)-Ruby疑难点(2)

[TOC] # 方法 ```ruby irb(main):118:1* def numSum(nums) irb(main):119:1* result=0 irb(main):120:2* nums.length.times{|n| irb(main):121:2* result+=nums[n] ......
Ruby 疑难 实战 web


|系统|版本| |:-:|:-:| |Debian|11| ### 源配置 ``` deb https://mirrors.aliyun.com/debian/ bullseye main non-free contrib deb-src https://mirrors.aliyun.com/deb ......
Certificate 方法 Debian 问题

3、git warning: TLS certificate verification has been disabled

### git warning: TLS certificate verification has been disabled! ### 报错 ``` warning: SECURITY WARNING warning: | TLS certificate verification has been ......

vite 本地代理请求https接口 self signed certificate 自签名证书错误

### vite本地代理后端接口为https时,无法发送请求,并报错如下: ![image](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/1857566/202306/1857566-20230614155931692-1367583313.png) ### 查询vite文档, ......
certificate 接口 证书 错误 signed

Fiddler:指定Client Certificates进行访问

## 背景 公司内部网页开启了证书验证,浏览器需要安装个人证书后才能访问该网页。此时抓包则需要在Fiddler配置客户端证书。如不使用到FiddlerScript功能的情况下,考虑使用Charles会更加友好。 ## 配置 1. 打开certmgr.msc ![](https://img2023.c ......
Certificates Fiddler Client

Windows证书管理器 && SSL certification && WSL-Docker: curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

深入浅出certmgr——Windows证书管理器 https://www.fke6.com/html/91605.html 计算机安全是当前社会的一个重要议题,证书是一种重要的安全机制,负责证明数据、软件或者人的身份和信誉。certmgr(即“证书管理器”)是Windows中专门用于证书管理的工具 ......
certificate amp certification WSL-Docker SSL

certificate chain

http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19424-01/820-4811/gdzen/index.html A颁发给B,B颁发给C,... 通常起码root证书要是受信任的 Verifying a Certificate Chain Certificate chain verific ......
certificate chain

解决cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certifica

转载:[](https://blog.csdn.net/qq_38776443/article/details/125202116) 报错原因:因为没有配置信任的服务器HTTPS验证。默认情况下,cURL被设为不信任任何CAs,因此浏览器无法通过HTTPs访问你服务器。 #### 一、解决方式 [下 ......
certificate certifica problem issuer unable

Git 的SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate问题

D:\temp>git clone https://github.com/xxxxxx/yyyyyy.git Cloning into 'yyyyyy'... fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/xxxxxx/yyyyyy.git/': SSL c ......
certificate problem issuer unable 问题

Error系列-unexpected error occurred self signed certificate in certificate chain

## 执行yarn install 或者 其他命令遇到这个报错: error An unexpected error occurred: "https://XXX/XXX self signed certificate in certificate chain". ``` XXX cloud-ser ......
certificate unexpected occurred signed Error

Charles:安装Client Certificates

## 背景 公司内部网页开启了证书验证,浏览器需要安装个人证书后才能访问该网页。此时抓包则需要在charles配置客户端证书。 ## 操作 1、打开导入证书页面 ![](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/1605282/202306/1605282-202306050 ......
Certificates Charles Client

关于同时性生成私钥与CSR-Certificate Signing Request的方法记录

这里笔者主要讲述如何生成一个CSR证书签名请求文件,方法过程可能有多种 笔者这里将使用一种最为简单简洁的方式进行讲解,使用到的环境与软件如下: 操作系统:Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.7 (Ootpa) openssl软件包版本:openssl-1.1.1k- ......

anaconda运行install命令报错:Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:997)'

运行命令: conda install mpi4py 报错: Retrieving notices: ...working... ERROR conda.notices.fetch:get_channel_notice_response(63): Request error <HTTPSConnec ......

unable to find valid certification path to requested target

发生这种情况时, 很有可能与证书无关,而是某个第三方类库获取不到了 我的解决方案,找到原版本的AAR文件放到工程的LIBs目录中,引用到工程中 unable to find valid certification path to requested target 最新解决方案(更新于2023-04- ......
certification requested unable target valid

【Oracle】Oracle Database Administration 2019 Certified Professional Certification - 1Z0-083 - 110 真题

说明: 1.目前题库100%覆盖考题,准确率84%。 2.若需要优质烤券,请私信,留下你的WX。(官方250刀,本店只需要1500RMB包含100%完整题库以及考试经验分享) 3.本条信息长期有效。 考试题量:85 通过分数:84% 1、Which two are true about reclai ......

客户线上反馈:从信息搜集到疑难 bug 排查全流程经验分享

写在前面:本文是我在前端团队的第三次分享,应该很少会有开发者写客户反馈处理流程以及 bug 排查的心得技巧,全文比较长,写了一个多星期大概1W多字(也是我曾经2年工作的总结),如果你有耐心阅读,我相信在未来的问题排查上,一定会对你的思路拓展有些许帮助,考虑到篇幅问题,建议在阅读前泡上一杯茶,那么本文 ......
疑难 流程 客户 经验 信息

Burp Suite Error The client failed to negotiate a TLS connection to chrome.google.com: 443: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown

Burp Suite Error The client failed to negotiate a TLS connection to chrome.google.com: 443: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown http://burpsuite ......

x509: cannot validate certificate for xxx because it doesn't contain any IP SANs

项目中有时候需要访问https网站,但如果该网站使用的是自建证书,那client端验证server端证书时,有时候会报错: > x509: cannot validate certificate for xxx because it doesn't contain any IP SANs 碰到这种情 ......
certificate validate because contain cannot

docker login harbor x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

# 前言 docker login harbor x509: certificate signed by unknown authority # 解决 打开 `/etc/docker/daemon.json`,如果没有这个文件新增即可 ``` vim /etc/docker/daemon.json ......
certificate authority unknown docker harbor

疑难杂症(已解决) | 为什么出现python中tkinter创建界面需要一闪而过才进入主窗口?

一、具体问题 如图所示,我编写了一个主窗口的程序(如下所示,有兴趣的可以自己复制后运行),发现需要先进入第一个窗口再进入主界面,这不符合逻辑。 代码区域(完整代码): from tkinter import * class WinGUI(Tk): def __init__(self): super( ......
杂症 疑难 界面 tkinter python

CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CApath: none

报错信息:cURL error 77: error setting certificate verify locations: CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CApath: none ln -s /etc/pki/ca-trust/extrac ......

K8S异常之Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid【转】

一、问题:k8s证书过期 [root@nb001 ~]# kubectl get node Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2022-12 ......
certificate connect expired Unable server


今天再安装 pyserial 的时候一直提示这个错误, ![](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/2051065/202305/2051065-20230520085841847-1998901588.png) 电脑代理什么的都关掉了还是有这个错误,然后根据 [网上] ......

cURL error 60: Peer's certificate issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user

PHP中的curl提供了发送网络请求的一系列函数,我们在使用的时候很方便,但有时也会遇到一些问题。标题的错误我曾经遇到过一次,解决之后没有做相关记录,导致最近遇到该错误时,又花了很多时间去解决。 cURL error 60: Peer's certificate issuer has been ma ......
certificate trusted issuer marked error

最新Cobalt strike 4.8(专业版)([*] Generating X509 certificate and keystore (for SSL)报错解决)

ColbaltStrike搭建和使用 下载: https://anonfiles.com/eay1D0rfzc/CobaltStrike4_8_lusuo_rar 解压(如有)密码:lusuo kali 中: ┌──(root㉿kali)-[~] └─# unrar x CobaltStrike4_ ......

PHP:cURL error 60: SSL certificate unable to get local issuer certificate](转)

原文:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaofeilin/p/14128025.html 1、问题 导致该问题的原因在于没有配置curl.cainfo,该配置位于php.ini中 2、解决 下载cacert.pem https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pe ......
certificate unable issuer error local

CA-Certificate Authority

CA-Certificate Authority-证书授权;证书授证;认证中心;认证机构;身份认证机构 CA(Certificate Authority,证书授权)是由认证机构服务者签发,是数字签名的技术基础保障,也是网上实体身份的证明,能够证明某一实体的身份及其公钥的合法性,证明该实体与公钥二者之 ......
CA-Certificate Certificate Authority CA

node中使用axios时:Error: unable to verify the first certificate 报错

参考 https://www.daozhao.com/10611.html 报错原因: 在使用浏览器访问时,客户端、服务器在握手阶段完成验证。当我们在node中使用axios请求时,客户端没法确认服务端的TLS证书 解决方案 1、局部 const axios = require('axios') c ......
certificate unable verify axios Error
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