application systemd using run

How To Use UUID To Mount Partitions / Volumes Under Ubuntu Linux

sudo blkid sudo vim /etc/fstab UUID=41c22818-fbad-4da6-8196-c816df0b7aa8 /mnt/elaine ext4 defaults 0 1 ......
Partitions Volumes Ubuntu Mount Linux

Windows wsl2支持systemd

systemd 在较新的Linux系统上,都使用systemd 管理进程,成为系统的第一个进程(PID 等于 1),其他进程都是它的子进程。 systemd为系统启动和管理提供了完整的解决方案。它提供了一组命令。字母d是守护进程(daemon)的缩写。 init WSL2 的发行版均拥有微软提供的 ......
Windows systemd wsl2 wsl

Density estimation using real nvp

Density estimation using real nvp 参考资料: 苏剑林. (Aug. 26, 2018). 《细水长flow之RealNVP与Glow:流模型的传承与升华 》[Blog post]. Retrieved from ......
estimation Density using real nvp

使用 systemd 设置frp自启动

这个示例将会演示在 Linux 系统下使用 systemd 控制 frps 及配置开机自启。 在 Linux 系统下,使用systemd 可以方便地控制 frp 服务端 frps 的启动和停止、配置后台运行和开启自启。 要使用 systemd 来控制 frps,需要先安装 systemd,然后在 / ......
systemd frp

delphi入门-控制台console application

1 program Project1; 2 uses Windows; 3 begin 4 MessageBox(0,PChar('Ok!'),PChar('Title'),0); 5 end. program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} var str: string ......
控制台 application console delphi

Using OFFSET and FETCH to limit the rows returned sql server分页查询

Using OFFSET and FETCH to limit the rows returned We recommend that you use the OFFSET and FETCH clauses instead of the TOP clause to implement a quer ......
returned OFFSET server Using FETCH

Installing MySQL 5.7 On Ubuntu Using Generic Binaries

Installing MySQL 5.7 On Ubuntu Using Generic Binaries 1、安装依赖 apt-get install libaio1 2、获取软件包 wget ......
Installing Binaries Generic Ubuntu MySQL

21V 配 application registration

AAD中给Power Platform配 application registration是app user必备的东西。 但是21V中的API permission不能像global中直接选D365. 所以要搜dataverse ......
registration application 21V 21

[Typescript] Generic slots, using built-in types as much as possible

There are two options doing the same things. const makeSafe = <TParams extends any[], TReturn>(func: (...args: TParams) => TReturn) => ( ...args: TPar ......
Typescript built-in possible Generic slots

异常检测 | 迁移学习《Anomaly Detection in IR Images of PV Modules using Supervised Contrastive Learning》

论文信息 论文标题:Anomaly Detection in IR Images of PV Modules using Supervised Contrastive Learning论文作者:Abhay Rawat, Isha Dua, Saurav Gupta, Rahul Tallamraju ......

MySQL密码正确却无法本地登录,ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

报错如下: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) 解决方法: 1,vim /etc/my.cnf,在[mysql]下面加上skip-grant-tables,重启mysq ......
39 localhost password 密码 Access

k8s 会把自己的ca.pem 注入到 /var/run/secrets/ 目录下

k8s 会把自己的ca.pem 注入到 /var/run/secrets/ 目录下 生成 三个文件 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Dec 12 01:56 ca.crt -> ......
serviceaccount kubernetes secrets 目录 k8s

C# System.lnvalidOperationException:"A second operation started on this context before a previousoperation completed. This is usually caused by different threads using the same instance...

项目中使用了依赖注入,这个错误在我项目中的原因:在async修饰的异步方法中,调用执行数据库操作的方法时,没有使用await关键字调用,因为没有等待该调用,所以在调用完成之前将继续执行该方法。因此,已处理了注入的依赖项。 ......

Content type 'application/json' not supported] (已解决)

今天在用postman发请求时,以Json的形式发送一个POJO参数,结果一直报错:WARNING] Resolved [org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException: Content type 'application/jso ......
application supported Content 39 type

RFC 1323 Using the Window Scale Option

这是内核协议栈里面的一个发送窗口赋值代码 tp->snd_wnd = ntohs(th->window) << tp->rx_opt.snd_wscale; snd_wscale : 4, /* Window scaling received from sender */ rcv_wscale : ......
Option Window Using Scale 1323

TabError: inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

python 报错 TabError:缩进中不一致地使用制表符和空格 解决方法该bug的原因是,各行存在不同的缩进空格,未统一化。只需将出错的代码行及其前边的所有行,全选中,统一还原靠左边,然后再统一执行缩进快捷键即可! ......

尝试Questa仿真报错:Error while trying to run Questa simulator

最近在看一些芯片验证的书籍,逐步学习数字芯片的一些测试原理。以前的混合芯片测试,大多不需要了解其内部的具体原理,很多情况下,了解基本的I/O结构和通讯方式即可。但想更进一步学习,无论如何都避不开verilog了。从SSI,MSI,LSI,VLSI到ULSI,再到如今的Soc,数字电路规模的进步速度远 ......
Questa simulator trying Error while

Error occurred while running `from import *`HINT: make sure you have OpenGL install. On Ubuntu, you can run 'apt-get install python-opengl'.

安装mujoco后运行可视化界面代码报错: Error occurred while running `from import *`HINT: make sure you have OpenGL install. On Ubuntu, you can run 'apt-get i ......
install python-opengl you occurred apt-get

npm is known not to run on Node.js v8.15.0

########### >npm install --legacy-peer-deps ERROR: npm is known not to run on Node.js v8.15.0 You'll need to upgrade to a newer Node.js version in ord ......
known Node 15.0 npm not

How to use Xbox Series X as a DVD player All In One

How to use Xbox Series X as a DVD player All In One 如何把 Xbox Series X 做为一个 DVD 播放器使用 Blu-ray Player 蓝光播放器 DVD 播放器 ......
Series player Xbox How DVD

PySide2或PyQt5 运行时提示This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized的解决办法

1. 把 PySide2 或者 PyQt5 安装在解释器目录下的 \plugins\platforms 目录添加到环境变量Path中。 比如,我的环境就是把下面这个路径加到 环境变量 Path 中 c:\Python38\Lib\site-packages\PySide2\plugins\platf ......

Using Power Automate to change security role

The Scenario We will be adding a Security Role / Field Security Profile to users in CDS. For this demo, our scenario will be grabbing all the users fr ......
Automate security change Using Power

ambari-agent in not running

ERROR 2023-04-06 09:24:25,787 - Controller thread failed with exception:Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.6/ ......
ambari-agent running ambari agent not

error TS9005: Declaration emit for this file requires using private name 'xxx'. An explicit type annotation may unblock declaration emit.

error TS9005: Declaration emit for this file requires using private name 'distance'. An explicit type annotation may unblock declaration emit. 代码如下: / ......

angular项目启动报Another process, with id 24289, is currently running ngcc.

在npm build时突然停下来,再启动就启不起来了。 看报错信息是端口被占用,在任务管理器中也找不到这个端口 重启vscode、重启电脑都不好使。。 可以通过删除node_modules再重新npm install解决! ......
currently angular Another process running

jackson序列化报 Null key for a Map not allowed in JSON (use a converting NullKeySerializer?)

报错:"requestParam":null,"errorMsg":"org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotWritableException: Could not write JSON: Null key for a Map not al ......

pnpm run -C

pnpm run -C internal/build start 根据[1]中的文档,pnpm run -C中的"-C"选项表示更改当前工作目录。通过"-C"选项指定一个路径,可以让pnpm在该路径下运行脚本。 例如,假设你有一个名为my-project的项目,并且你想通过pnpm运行该项目的脚本。 ......
pnpm run


![]( ![]( ......

如何将 css 从 Application bundle 资源中剥离出来

为了提高 Angular 加载性能,一种思路就是按需加载 CSS 样式表,而不是把它们打包到 application bundle 中去。 Web 应用的 Application Bundle 是一个包含所有应用程序代码和资源的文件集合,它们被打包在一起以便于部署和分发。Application Bu ......
Application bundle 资源 css

devicemapper: usage of loopback devices is strongly discouraged for production use. Use `--storage-opt dm.thinpooldev` to specify a custom block storage device.

centos7下docker排坑之WARNING: devicemapper: usage of loopback devices is strongly discouraged docker 安装完成之后,docker info命令下的WARING 首先有两种规避手段,一种是调整devicemap ......