
GitHub: remote:Support for password authentication was removed on August 13,2021.

使用git push origin master向远程仓库推送时被告知: remote:Support for password authentication was removed on August 13,2021.Please use a personal access token inste ......

Record daily thoughts on August 14 2023

宿舍的饮水机没水了,送水的大概明天或者后天送过来,现在是接点自来水烧凉白开喝,今天可能是口渴,想跑出校门买西瓜吃,后来克制住了消费的欲望,因为我发现我一年的伙食费居然花1万2千多. 后来算算也不离谱,一年365天,一天花费大概35块钱,而且一天有三餐,也并不是大手大脚乱花钱,不过想想,网上有很多人一 ......
thoughts Record August daily 2023

Practice on Codeforces and Atcoder in August

## [Educational Codeforces Round 151 A~E]( ## [Codeforces Round #879 Div.2]( ......
Codeforces Practice Atcoder August and

remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021

一、问题描述 remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead. 具体如下: 大概意思:你原先的密码凭证从202 ......
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