certificate unexpected occurred signed


[TOC] CA:FALSE 表示该证书不能用作中间证书了,也就是说不能拿这个证书继续去签发新的证书。 ### window上执行生成证书 ``` MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 ./openssl_gen_certs.sh ``` 注:在windows上,使用gitbash来生成证书,需要补 ......
Certificate 证书 笔记

docker pull拉 x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid:

[root@LIN-2F8AC9DC590 macro1.3]# docker pull XXXcode-analysis:centos7.3-1.0 Error response from daemon: Get "XXXX": x509: certificate has expired or i ......
certificate expired docker valid pull

Unexpected EOF read on the socket问题研究及解决

背景 在图片上传的过程中,后台总是会看到很多这种异常的报错,对于客户端而言是一个超时中断的报错。 org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.impl.IOFileUploadException: Processing of multipart/form-data ......
Unexpected socket 问题 read EOF

麒麟V10服务器PHP连接MySQL报错PHP Warning: mysqli_connect(): Unexpected server respose while doing caching_sha2 auth: 99

1.问题描述 这个警告表示在进行缓存的 caching_sha2 认证过程中,服务器返回了一个意外的响应码 99。这是由于 MySQL 服务器的配置或版本与使用的客户端库不兼容导致的。 2.解决办法 a.检查MySQL客户端版本: 确保你使用的MySQL客户端版本与服务器版本兼容。如果服务器使用较新 ......

【Azure App Service for Windows】 PHP应用出现500 : The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred. 错误

[500 The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.] [scriptProcessor could not be found in "fastCGI" application config... ......
displayed internal occurred 错误 Service

Could not fetch URL https://pypi.org/simple/keras-bert/: There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='pypi.org', port=443):

pip下载包的时候报错 Could not fetch URL https://pypi.org/simple/keras-bert/: There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='pyp ......

IDEA:MAVEN:先:An illegal reflective access operation has occurred 后:Cannot access defaults field of Properties

maven打包发现出现以下警告,但是可以运行 通过在 VM选项中添加 --illegal-access=deny --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED 不再出现刚才提示。 之后出现 Cannot access defaults field of Pr ......

ERROR in static/js/*** from UglifyJs Unexpected token: punc (,) [./~/@vant/popperjs/dist/index.esm.mjs:71,0][static/js/app.647c4df1bc08fccb4c0d.js:685,9]

今天打包的时候发现这样的问题,解决方式: 找到webpack.base.conf.js文件,加入下边的代码: { test: /\.mjs$/, loader: "babel-loader", include: [resolve("node_modules/@vant/popperjs/dist/i ......
static Unexpected UglifyJs js popperjs

iOS Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles简介2

1. 注册Apple开发者账号 首先,需要在Apple官网上注册一个开发者账号。注册成功后,可以进入开发者中心进行证书管理。 2. 创建证书签名请求 在开发者中心中,需要创建一个证书签名请求(Certificate Signing Request,CSR),这个请求包含了开发者的密钥对信息,用于验证 ......
Certificates Identifiers Profiles 简介 iOS

mitmproxy install CA certificate

# Reference https://ptorch.com/docs/10/mitmproxy-concepts-certificates # Step of windows 1. If your OS is Windows 2. **Open** the cmd terminal 3. cmd ......
certificate mitmproxy install CA

AWS Certificate SAA - Course 2.2 IAM & AWS CLI

# AWS Access Keys, CLI and SDK ## How can users access AWS? * To access AWS, you have the 3 optioins: 1. AWS Management Console(password + MFA) 2. AWS ......
Certificate AWS Course 2.2 CLI

AWS Certificate SAA - Course 2 IAM & AWS CLI

## IAM: Users & Groups * IAM = Identity and Access Management, **Global** service * **Root account** created by default, shouldn't be used or shared * ......
Certificate AWS Course CLI SAA

AWS Certificate SAA - Course 1 Getting started with AWS

### AWS Could use Cases * AWS enables you to build sophisticated, scalable applications * Applicable to a diverse set of industries * Use cases includ ......
Certificate AWS Getting started Course

【Node】node 报错:tagOffsetsMap[tag] ??= [];...SyntaxError: Unexpected token ,‘??=‘

安装的 node 版本不支持空值赋值运算符(??=) ![在这里插入图片描述](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/60b4c522c0594d7bbd4d40d385ef22fc.png#pic_center) 更换合适的 node 版本就行 更多支持请在 [node.gree ......


|系统|版本| |:-:|:-:| |Debian|11| ### 源配置 ``` deb https://mirrors.aliyun.com/debian/ bullseye main non-free contrib deb-src https://mirrors.aliyun.com/deb ......
Certificate 方法 Debian 问题

pycharm中的gihub copilot中报错Sign in failed. Reason: Request signInInitiate failed with message: getaddri无法使用问题

pycharm中的gihub copilot中报错Sign in failed. Reason: Request signInInitiate failed with message: getaddri无法使用问题 解决方法:idea打开我们的插件 settings-plugins-找到插件,点击h ......

解决:Volo.Abp.AbpInitializationException: An error occurred during ConfigureServices phase of the module Volo.Abp.Data.AbpDataModule, Volo.Abp.Data,

问题复现说明: 问题说明: 手动搭建AbpVnext框架,就搭了Web层,配置好WebModule和Program,运行就一直报:An error occurred during ConfigureServices phase of the module Volo.Abp.Data.AbpDataM ......

node生成token报错:secretOrPrivateKey has a minimum key size of 2048 bits for RS256 at Object.module.exports [as sign]

提要:在node生成token时 利用用jsonwebtoken,利用非对称加密的生成token const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken"); const privateKey = fs.readFileSync("./keys/private.key"); const ......

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - 证书链是由不受信任的颁发机构颁发的。)

昨天搞了个测试接口,用postman请求测试,Https的协议,然后请求发出去,既没有报错,也没有返回数据库的数据,code倒是0,不是 100,那程序也没有报错,这就奇怪了,我就先监测数据库,发现请求并没有过来,我傻眼了,一些简单的代码还能出错吗?然后开后端调试,就发现了上面的这个提示,在请求的时 ......

使用poi时报错:java.io.EOFException: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream

原文: 点击查看代码 ``` File excelFile = new File(filePath); try { if (excelFile.exists()) { wb = new SXSSFWorkbook(new XSSFWorkbook(excelFile), 1000,true); } ......
EOFException Unexpected 时报 stream input

Git:解决报错:fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

问题描述:Git在推送项目时报错:fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly。 问题原因:推送的文件太大。 解决方法: ### 1.修改设置git config文件的postBuffer的大小。(设置为500MB) ```sh $ git config -- ......
unexpectedly remote fatal hung Git

How Do ASP.NET Core Services Validate JWT Signature Signed by AAD?

Table of contents Background Configuration Handle Authentication Validate Token Summary Background If we need to use JWT Bearer tokens issued by AAD ( ......
Signature Services Validate Signed Core

aapium报错 An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not find a connected Android device in 21723ms.问题,已解决

现象: 1、appium日志存在报错信息: (1)中间:adb failed to start daemon * (2)结尾:POST /wd/hub/session 500 287ms 2、appium图形界面设置参数后,点击start session报错提示 An unknown server- ......

3、git warning: TLS certificate verification has been disabled

### git warning: TLS certificate verification has been disabled! ### 报错 ``` warning: SECURITY WARNING warning: | TLS certificate verification has been ......

vite 本地代理请求https接口 self signed certificate 自签名证书错误

### vite本地代理后端接口为https时,无法发送请求,并报错如下: ![image](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/1857566/202306/1857566-20230614155931692-1367583313.png) ### 查询vite文档, ......
certificate 接口 证书 错误 signed

Jmeter:"An error occurred: Can't connect to X11 window server using 'lacalhost:12.0' as the value of the display variable." 解决办法

做各种不同项目的性能测试,都需要在项目本地压测服务器配置jmeter,需要时还要调出jmeter图形化界面来调试jmeter脚本。 标题中的问题遇过多次,这次做个记录。 1. 启动jmeter报错 在配置好jmeter环境变量的linux系统执行jmeter命令,报错如下: [root@localh ......
quot lacalhost the 39 occurred

Fiddler:指定Client Certificates进行访问

## 背景 公司内部网页开启了证书验证,浏览器需要安装个人证书后才能访问该网页。此时抓包则需要在Fiddler配置客户端证书。如不使用到FiddlerScript功能的情况下,考虑使用Charles会更加友好。 ## 配置 1. 打开certmgr.msc ![](https://img2023.c ......
Certificates Fiddler Client

Windows证书管理器 && SSL certification && WSL-Docker: curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

深入浅出certmgr——Windows证书管理器 https://www.fke6.com/html/91605.html 计算机安全是当前社会的一个重要议题,证书是一种重要的安全机制,负责证明数据、软件或者人的身份和信誉。certmgr(即“证书管理器”)是Windows中专门用于证书管理的工具 ......
certificate amp certification WSL-Docker SSL

VMware Workstation 不可恢复错误: (vcpu-1) Exception 0xc0000005 (access violation) has occurred 原因探究与排错

VMware虚拟机一段时间不打开就又出现了一些小毛病,报错如下: VMware Workstation 不可恢复错误: (vcpu-1) Exception 0xc0000005 (access violation) has occurred 经过一番折腾,主要总结了一下几个排查点及修复措施: 原因 ......

pytest + yaml 框架 -34.接口 sign 签名请求预处理

# 前言 一般公司对外的接口都会用到 sign 签名,对不同的客户提供不同的apikey ,这样可以提高接口请求的安全性,避免被人抓包后乱请求。 关于sign签名的可以参考前面一篇的介绍[https://www.cnblogs.com/yoyoketang/p/11742187.html](http ......
框架 接口 pytest yaml sign