check usage cdb the

【问题记录】【IDEA】启动突然报错 java: Internal error in the mapping processor: java.lang.NullPointerException

1 启动报错 换了个高版本的 IDEA,启动突然报错: 2 解决办法 添加编译配置参数: -Djps.track.ap.dependencies=false ......

论文:Predicting the performance of green stormwater infrastructure using multivariate long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network

题目“Predicting the performance of green stormwater infrastructure using multivariate long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network” (Al Mehedi 等, 2023, ......

Problem: D. Igor In the Museum

题意: 给出一个地图,符号.代表空地,可走,*代表墙,不可走,墙的每一面都有一幅画,问给定一个空地,可以看到多少画 做法: 使用两次BFS,第一次用于统计一个联通的子块最多可以看多少画,第二个BFS用于把这个联通块内的点都修改成答案. 注意一点技巧:每一次寻找不同的联通块,可以打上它的专属标记,以免 ......
Problem Museum Igor the In

SQLC - Problem: can't recognize the numeric data type in PostgreSQL

Problem: sqlc can't recognize the numeric data type in PostgreSQL, it makes it string. The default sql_package database/sql can't overwrite the "numer ......
PostgreSQL recognize Problem numeric SQLC

[WARNING] The POM for is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more details是什么问题

这个警告表明 Maven 在尝试下载或处理 这个依赖项时遇到了问题。警告的具体内容是说 POM(Project Object Model)文件无效,这可能会导致 Maven 无法正确地处理传递性依赖关系。有几种可能的原因和解决方法: 1.网络问题: ......

Planting poplar threes—the application of a Chinese way to control soil cadmium pollution in Japan

Situations of soil cadmium pollution in Japan In the last century, there was a serious health accident in Japan, an outbreak of Itai-itai disease, whi ......

ZIMP - Init the Zimple Bank project

zzh@ZZHPC:~/zd/Github/zimplebank$ go mod init go: creating new go.mod: module ......
project Zimple ZIMP Init Bank

CF1886B Fear of the Dark

这道题只有两种情况:\(O\) 点和 \(P\) 点都在同一个圆圈里;或者 \(O\) 点在一个圆圈里,\(P\) 点在另外一个圆圈里。 让我们用 \(d(P,Q)\) 来表示 \(P\) 点到 \(Q\) 点之间的距离,\(R\) 记为半径。 我们先来看第一种情况:\(O\) 点和 \(P\) 点 ......
1886B 1886 Fear Dark the

The Hello World of Deep Learning with Neural Networks

The Hello World of Deep Learning with Neural Networks dlaicourse/Course 1 - Part 2 - Lesson 2 - Notebook.ipynb at master · lmoroney/dlaicourse (github ......
Learning Networks Neural Hello World

MQTT vs. HTTP: which one is the best for IoT?

MQTT vs. HTTP: which one is the best for IoT? 翻译 搜索 复制 ......
which MQTT HTTP best IoT

The Hello World of Deep Learning with Neural Networks

The Hello World of Deep Learning with Neural Networks dlaicourse/Course 1 - Part 2 - Lesson 2 - Notebook.ipynb at master · lmoroney/dlaicourse (github ......
Learning Networks Neural Hello World

The Design of Feedback Control Systems--Advanced Problems

AP10.1 A three-axis pick-and-place application requires the precise movement of a robotic arm in three-dimensional space, as shown in Figure AP10.1 fo ......
Advanced Feedback Problems Control Systems

Caused by: io.debezium.DebeziumException: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the RELOAD privilege(s) for this operation

1.情景展示 如上图所示: 在使用debezium读取mysql数据操作日志时(io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector),报错: Caused by: io.debezium.DebeziumException: java.sql.SQLSyntaxEr ......

记录一次生产环境因磁盘空间不足驱逐pod造成pod重建The node had condition: [DiskPressure]

#记录一次生产报The node had condition: [DiskPressure]造成pod无限重启的监控不停的报警 #进入k8s的管理机检查发现msg的pod重启重建pod多次 [root@VM_248_6_centos ~]# kubectl get pod -n cms-v2-pro ......
DiskPressure 磁盘 pod condition 环境

Save the Fish

Save the Fish is a challenging and fun casual puzzle game. In the game, you will play as a brave adventurer, helping the cute little fish solve the wa ......
Save Fish the

The 2023 ICPC Asia Hefei Regional Contest

目录写在前面赛时FEJGC补题写在最后 写在前面 赛时题目按照过题顺序排序,赛后补题按照个人向难度排序。 省流版:要寄了吗?没寄。 赛时 F 开局我正开,过了五分钟发现已经有人手刹了 F 了,几分钟之内大屏幕上一车提交,看了一下发现是超级签到于是 Nebulyu 上机开写。冲完之后发现 T 了??? ......
Regional Contest Hefei 2023 ICPC


1、下图为本地虚拟机nginx目录 2、cd ./nginx-1.14.2 进入nginx 目录 输入命令 :patch -p1 < ../nginx_upstream_check_module-master/check_1.14.0+.patch 3、yum -y install gcc-c++ ......

Ubuntu - Check Ubuntu Version

zzh@ZZHPC:~$ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Release: 22.04 Codename: jammy zzh@ZZ ......
Ubuntu Version Check

手把手教会你--渗透实战--Hack The Box-Starting Point-Meow--持续更新

@目录前言1.1 一次注册正确的注册过程1.2 讲讲我在注册过程中遇到的两个问题(1)点击REGISTER后无反应(2)提示Error! reCaptcha validation failed 前言 请务必跟着博主复现一遍 1.1 一次注册正确的注册过程 不用讲科学会上网也可以访问到这个页面,但是后 ......

huggingface_hub.utils._validators.HFValidationError: Repo id must be in the form 'repo_name' or 'namespace/repo_name': '/llama-2-7b-chat-hf-chinese/1.1'. Use `repo_type` argument if needed.

问题: 2023-11-26 07:45:38 | ERROR | stderr | raise HFValidationError(2023-11-26 07:45:38 | ERROR | stderr | huggingface_hub.utils._validators.HFValidati ......

pip install报错"Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available"

pip时install报错 一、故障现象 [root@jenkins /data/package/openssl-1.1.1n]# pip3 install emoji WARNING: pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, h ......
quot available install connect because

Introducing the kafka producer

Introduction As we saw in the previous sections, I think we have some basic information about the kafka producers, today, let me dig in this concept. ......
Introducing producer kafka the

office the language DLL 'VBE7INTL.DLL' is not be found

其实是缺少vba,安装组件就可以了 解决方案:在卸载程序的面板中,找到office,右键选择更改,选择添加或删除功能,勾选如下两项就可以了 记得关掉office后再打开就好了 ......
DLL language VBE7INTL office 7INTL

#G.石老板含笑九泉 sol-基数排序,meet in the middle

#G.石老板含笑九泉 sol-基数排序,meet in the middle 数字 \(4\) 代表着一种邪恶力量,现在定义一个团队的邪恶力量为他们罪恶程度之和的十进制表示中 \(4\) 的个数。 那么问题来了,在这 \(n\) 个人的所有 \(2^n\) 个子集中,邪恶力量之和为多少。 \(1 \ ......
含笑九泉 九泉 基数 老板 middle

Dark Side Of The Moon Is More Luminous

Day -???? (2022/11/26) 一切都结束了 Day -??? (2023/4/1) 我做了一个一模一样的梦 Day -?? (2023/7/26) 我至少有一个月不会再做梦了 Day -? (2023/9/29) 我又开始仰望月亮了 Day -3 (2023/11/15) 我跌入了水 ......
Luminous Dark Side Moon More

CF685E Travelling Through the Snow Queen's Kingdom

题意 给定一张图,走出当前边的时间为 \(i\)。 \(q\) 次询问,问 \(s\) 是否能在 \(l \to r\) 中走到 \(t\)。 Sol 考虑将边从大到小插入图中。 注意到当前边只能对起点造成贡献。 复杂度 \(O(n \times \max\{n, m\})\) Code #incl ......
Travelling Through Kingdom Queen 685E

Top 10 Strong Earthquakes in the World

Chile Earthquake (M=9.5) in 1960 in minutes put more 2 millions people in lost live or homes Alaska Earthquake (M= 9.2) in 1964 Russian Earthquake (M= ......
Earthquakes Strong World Top the

mysql5.0升级8.0完成后,服务器重启引发"#1449 - The user specified as a definer ('mysql.infoschema'@'localhost') does not exist"异常小结

遇到的问题: 问题一:ERROR 1449 (HY000): The user specified as a definer ('mysql.infoschema'@'localhost') does not exist 异常原因:未知 解决办法: 验证指定的用户('mysql.infoschema ......
mysql 39 quot 小结 infoschema

The 2021 ICPC Asia Shenyang Regional Contest

Preface 合肥前的最后一场VP了,本来计划是我和祁神两个人打,但后面徐神还是来救场了 然后这场我们过的最难的两题都是徐神切的,直接给我们抬进Au区了属于是 而且徐神最后也差一点写出G(TLE on 72),同时也一眼秒了D(没时间写了),看来这场让三个徐神来打感觉10题随便出线了 A. A B ......
Shenyang Regional Contest 2021 ICPC

翻译:MySQL InnoDB Cluster - Navigating the Cluster

本文是对这篇文章MySQL InnoDB Cluster - Navigating the Cluster[1]的翻译,翻译如有不当的地方,敬请谅解,请尊重原创和翻译劳动成果,转载的时候请注明出处。谢谢! 当我们管理InnoDB Cluster时,一件非常重要的事情就是了解集群处于什么样的状态,特别 ......
Cluster Navigating InnoDB MySQL the