conpilation aborted failesd scripts

使用 npm config set script-shell 实现跨平台的脚本执行需求

npm config set script-shell C:\\app\\Git20180223\\bin\\bash.exe 这个命令的准确含义是设置npm的脚本(shell)执行环境为"C:\app\Git20180223\bin\bash.exe"。这个命令用于修改npm的配置,具体来说,它修 ......
script-shell 脚本 需求 config script

Java-Script 编程

Java-Script 编程 目录Java-Script 编程一. Js概念1.1 简介1.2 语法结构二. 变量使用2.1 定义变量2.2 定义常量三. 数据类型3.1 数值类型(number)3.2 字符类型(string)3.3. 字符类型常用方法3.4 布尔值(boolean)3.5 nul ......
Java-Script Script Java

遇到的问题 vscode 连接远程主机报错 `Resolver error: Error: Got bad result from install script`

解决方案 我发现我的 cmd.exe 崩溃了(它会弹出并立即关闭) 我将注册表值Autorun 从更改HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor为if exists空白(如此链接所示)。 我的 cmd.exe 工作正常,远程 SSH ......
Resolver 主机 install vscode result


前端工程化 npm run 运行多条命令 && 不生效的问题 - dev-zuo 技术日常 ( package.json中的scripts命令解析 - 知乎 ( ......
指令 package scripts json

postman Pre-request Script(预处理)post请求获取sign(接口鉴权)

背景 请求业务接口时需要先调用auth应用的鉴权接口获取sign(类似其他系统登录接口返回的token),否则会提示:鉴权失败,从而导致业务接口无法使用。获取sign接口请求参数为业务接口的请求参数,所以Pre-request Script(预处理)post请求内的body为变量。 一、Pre-re ......
Pre-request 接口 postman request Script

pip3 install xxx, Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"C:\Software\Python310\python.exe" "D:\xxxx\Software\Python310\Scripts\pip3.exe" install shutil': ???????????

重装系统后, 移动了python所在目录后, 使用 pip3 install xx 提示: Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"C:\Software\Python310\python.exe" "D:\Aliwall\ ......
quot Software install Python pip3

macos pip3 安装 mycli/scrapy 路径报错 WARNING: The script tabulate is installed in '/Users/modys/Library/Python/3.9/bin' which is not on PATH.

WARNING: The script tabulate is installed in '/Users/modys/Library/Python/3.9/bin' which is not on PATH. python没有添加到环境变量 export PATH=/Users/<you>/Libr ......
路径 installed tabulate WARNING Library

How to tell whether a file is a symbolic link in shell script All In One

How to tell whether a file is a soft symbolic link in shell script All In One shell 脚本中如何判断一个文件是否是软链接 / 软符号链接 ......
symbolic whether script shell tell

Linux shell script function All In One

Linux shell script function All In One shell 脚本函数 ......
function script Linux shell All

[926] Batch Script - Commands

In this chapter, we will look at some of the frequently used batch commands. S.No Commands & Description 1 VER This batch command shows the version of ......
Commands Script Batch 926

Vue3 typescript script setup获取范型组件的ref

原博客地址: 在typescript下,如果想获取带类型的组件模板引用,官方文档中说明了方式: ......
范型 typescript 组件 script setup

<script setup> 语法糖作用

<script setup> const msg = '信息详情' const clickMsg = () =>{ console.log(2223323)} </script> <template> <div>{{ msg }}</div><br> <button @click="clickMsg ......
语法 作用 script setup lt

How to use Linux shell script to create a command line interactive menu window interface All In One

How to use Linux shell script to create a command line interactive menu window interface All In One 如何使用 Linux shell script 制作一个命令行交互式菜单窗口界面 All In On... ......
interactive interface command script create

script 标签中的 async 和 defer 属性

在 HTML 中会遇到以下三类 script: <script src='xxx'></script> <script src='xxx' async></script> <script src='xxx' defer></script> 那么这三类 script 有什么区别呢? script 浏览 ......
属性 标签 script async defer

已解决ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] 拒绝访问。: 'e:\\python\\scripts\\pip.exe' Consider using the `--user` option or check the permissions.

已解决ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] 拒绝访问。: 'e:\\python\\scripts\\pip.exe' Consider using the `--user` option or check ......
permissions the Consider WinError packages

[902] Get the current file's directory of CMD batch scripts

In a batch file, you can use the %~dp0 special variable to get the directory of the currently executing batch file. Here's how you can do it: @echo of ......
directory current scripts batch file

[901] Reuse variables of CMD batch scripts

In a batch file, you can reuse a variable to generate different file paths by concatenating the variable with other strings or variables. Here's an ex ......
variables scripts Reuse batch 901

[900] Print an empty line of CMD batch scripts

Use the echo. command to print an empty line. @echo off echo This is a line of text echo. echo This is a new line of text This will produce the output ......
scripts Print empty batch line


#!/bin/sh# 注:这里可替换为你自己的执行程序,其他代码无需更改APP_NAME=app-biz.jar #使用说明,用来提示输入参数usage() { echo "Usage: sh 脚本名.sh [start|stop|restart|status]" exit 1} #检查程序是否在运 ......
命令 app-script script linux app

[894] Optimize arcpy scripts

ref: Parallel Processing Factor (Environment setting) ref: Write geoprocessing output to memory Parallel processing arcpy.env.parallelProcessingFactor ......
Optimize scripts arcpy 894

install_driver(mysql) failed: Attempt to reload DBD/ aborted

install_driver(mysql) failed: Attempt to reload DBD/ aborted OS: Kylin Linux Advanced Server release V10 (Tercel) Cannot connect to MySQL: ins ......
mysql install_driver install Attempt aborted

npm scripts & shx All In One

npm scripts & shx All In One shx rm -rf ./dist/* ......
scripts npm amp All One

docker 搭建环境出现 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown"

不少小伙伴在搭建好 LNMP 环境后,进行测试时,在测试页会出现 File not found. 的提示信息。查看错误日志报告显示 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from ......
quot FastCGI Primary unknown 环境

Roslyn Scripting APIs

Net 编译器平台 Roslyn Scripting APIs 合集 - 小工具(8) 1.Net 编译器平台 Roslyn07-07 2.Net 编译器平台 Roslyn Scripting APIs07-08 3.UI自动化 微软UI Automation07-094.UI自动化 UI Auto ......
Scripting Roslyn APIs


flask中有一个abort函数,可以用于快捷的抛出异常, 但是只能抛出标准的HTTP状态码,不能乱设置HTPP状态码,比如666、777这种。 from flask import abort @app.route("/user") def user(): abort(404) ......
函数 flask abort

Shell Scripts

Shell Scripts Shell 编程笔记 基本语法模块 指定脚本解析器 #!/bin/bash #!/bin/sh bash 是最常用的解析器,sh 等其他 shell 解析器与 bash 有语法上的区别 变量 变量名:字母、数字、下划线,数字不可开头 变量赋值: user="festu" ......
Scripts Shell

How to add a string that contains whitespace to array in shell script All In One

How to add a string that contains whitespace to array in shell script All In One ......
whitespace contains string script array

Linux shell script if condition control flow methods All In One

Linux shell script if condition control flow methods All In One / / ......
condition control methods script Linux

Postman 中 Pre-request Script 加密脚本 CryptoJS-AES-ECB-128

参考链接: Aug 19, 2014 //明文 test_Str=`{ "pageNo": 1, "pageSize": 15 }` const p ......

How to use a shell script to check whether a command had been installed in the Linux server All In One

How to use a shell script to check whether a command had been installed in the Linux server All In One shell script error [: :需要整数表达式 / [: -eq:需要一元表达... ......
installed command whether script server