effective measures

Effective C++总结

1.视C++为一个语言联邦c++是C、面向对象C++、泛型编程、以及stl的集合。2.尽量以const\enum\inline替换#define3.尽可能使用const4.确定对象使用前已经被初始化5.了解C++默认生成并调用哪些函数7.为多态基类声明virtual析构函数8.别让异常逃离析构函数9 ......

Effective Modern C++ 学习笔记

闲话 今天是 2023 年 4 月 23 日,俺开始正式学习面试相关内容了。打算先从 Effective Modern C++ 这本书开始学起,作为日后代码风格、习惯的指导。不过俺没有一起学习的小伙伴,qwq。 与 ICPC 切割之后,内心都轻松了许多。小醉一宿之后还是十分愉悦的。 欢迎加入 C++ ......
Effective 笔记 Modern

Salt formation: an effective means to improve the physical and chemical properties of drug molecules and enhance the druggability of drugs

Salt formation is one of the effective means to improve the physicochemical properties of drug molecules and enhance drug-forming properties. ......

为什么使用新特性java8的Lambda 表达式,如果引用方法里的变量则需要给它设为final,否则就会报错呢?(local variables referenced from a Lambda expression must be final or effectively final1)

1、这是我学会使用Lambda 表达式经常困惑的问题,我在Java 8 Lambdas,Richard Warburton 著(O’Reilly,2014)中找到了原因。 2、如果你曾使用过匿名内部类,也许遇到过这样的情况:需要引用它所在方法里的变量。这 时,需要将变量声明为 final,如例 2- ......
final Lambda 表达式 变量 effectively

【论文阅读笔记】Distiling Causal Effect of Data in Class-Incremental Learning

Author: Hanwang Zhang, Xinting Hu Create_time: April 24, 2022 11:01 AM Edited_by: Huang Yujun Publisher: CVPR 2021 Org: Nanyang Technological Universi ......

Waluigi Effect(瓦路易吉效应)

The Waluigi Effect (mega-post) - LessWrong Waluigi Effect(瓦路易吉效应)是一个伴随ChatGPT出现的新概念。Waluigi是Mario游戏中的反派角色,是Luigi的头号对手。Waluigi Effect则指训练AI做某件事情会增加其做完全 ......
效应 Waluigi Effect

Inventory of the five significant mechanisms of nephrotoxic drug effects

The kidney is the main organ for the metabolism and excretion of various drugs, from minor to common anti-cold drugs, antibiotics, antivirals, and sig... ......

Effective C++笔记

Effective C++ Third Edition 改善程序与设计的55个具体做法 导读 除非有理由允许构造函数被用于隐式类型转换,否则‘我’会把它声明为explicit(阻止隐式类型转换) class tmp{ public: explicit tmp(int a) : numa(a){ } ......
Effective 笔记

Haskell CSCI3136 Ripple Effect

Haskell CSCI3136 Ripple EffectProblem DescriptionRipple Effect or Hakyuu is a logic puzzle somewhat similar to Sudoku. The puzzle consists of a rectan ......
Haskell Effect Ripple CSCI 3136

Measuring the diversity of recommendations: a preference-aware approach for evaluating and adjusting diversity

Meymandpour R. and Davis J. G. Measuring the diversity of recommendations: a preference-aware approach for evaluating and adjusting diversity. Knowled ......
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