fallible point in

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 1023: unexpected end of data

Connected to pydev debugger (build 213.6461.77)Traceback (most recent call last): File "PyCharm Community Edition 2021.3.1\plugins\python-ce\helpers\p ......

Chain-of-Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models

[TOC] > [Wei J., Wang X., Schuurmans D., Bosma M., Ichter B., Xia F., Chi E. H., Le Q. V. and Zhou D. Chain-of-thought prompting elicits reasoning in ......

安装 MySQL for Windows 时报错 The configuration for MySQL Server 8.0.34 has failed. You can find more information about the failures in the 'Log' tab. 解决方法

今天在安装 MySQL for Windows 时报错 ```txt The configuration for MySQL Server 8.0.34 has failed. You can find more information about the failures in the 'Log' ......
MySQL configuration information for the

文献阅读——A Problem Meta-Data Library for Research in SAT

A Problem Meta-Data Library for Research in SAT •Published: March 15, 2019 Markus Iser and Carsten Sinz Abstract Experimental data and benchmarks play ......
Meta-Data 文献 Research Problem Library

解决PHP Warning: putenv() has been disabled for security reasons in phar:

在使用composer的时候报一下错误,这是因为php禁用了putenv() 函数 PHP Warning: putenv() has been disabled for security reasons in phar:///usr/bin/composer/vendor/composer/xde ......
disabled security Warning reasons putenv

You can’t specify target table ‘aaa′ for update in FROM clause

You can’t specify target table ‘aaa′ for update in FROM clause 使用MySQL 执行DELETE FROM时,若子查询的 FROM 子句和更新/删除对象使用同一张表,会出现错误。 针对“同一张表”这个限制,撇开效率不谈,多数情况下都可以通 ......
specify clause target update table

Keil5 使用GD32官方例程时安装device pack后报错,显示“ Device not found or not included in Device Database”

系统: win7 x64 keil软件版本:V5.28 从兆易创新官网,下载 GD32F30x AddOn.rar 和 GD32F30x Firmware Library.rar ,依次解压文件,双击安装"GigaDevice.GD32F30x_DFP.2.2.0.exe" 安装完毕后,在“GD32 ......
Device not Database included 官方

Warning: require_once(): open_basedir restriction in effect.

``` Warning: require_once(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/www/wwwroot/qvmhweb/fun/MGQrCodeReader/MGQrCodeReader.php) is not within the al ......

NET EF 参数化查询(LIKE / IN)

原始数据: 1.拼接SQL:容易注入 2.参数化查询: 2.1.等于 + Like: 2.2.等于 + Like + IN: 2.2.1.结果:类似的参数传递,但是结果为0 2.2.2.分析:通过SQL Server Profile得到运行sql,发现 IN 的参数被处理成了一个字符串,类似于: W ......

【862】as.Date in R programming

ref: R语言——日期时间处理 ref: as.Date: Date Conversion Functions to and from Character ref: Date Formats in R as.Date()it can change a normal string into a da ......
programming Date 862 as in

Perkins Engines: Reliable Power in Harsh Environments and High-Strength Operations

Perkins Engines: Reliable Power in Harsh Environments and High-Strength OperationsHello everyone! Today I would like to share with you a powerful engi ......

950. Reveal Cards In Increasing Order (Medium)

Description 950. Reveal Cards In Increasing Order (Medium) You are given an integer array deck. There is a deck of cards where every card has a unique ......
Increasing Reveal Medium Cards Order

QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection ‘myConnection’ is still in use, all queries will cease to work

1. 解决QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection ‘myConnection’ is still in use, all queries will cease to work的问题该问题主要是因为没有关闭之前的数据库连接,然后又需要创建新的数据 ......

CPU环境下运行基于yolov5的行人检测代码(pedestrain detection based on yolov5 in CPU)

最近在捣腾基于 yolov5 的行人检测代码,在 github 上下载一个案例之后因为没用 GPU 运行一直碰壁,出现了许多 bug,现在整理了下 error 和解决方法,成功调试出了基于 yolov5 的行人检测代码,分享给大家~ 1. 运行环境:window10,CPU,Visual Studi ......
yolov5 yolov pedestrain 行人 CPU

.NET Core中关于阿拉伯语环境下的坑:Input string was not in a correct format.

### 结论 .NET Core项目(.NET Framework没出现)在阿拉伯语(即语言名称是`ar-`开头的语言)环境下,将负数字符串转成数字,即`int.Parse("-1")`或`Convert.ToInt32("-1")`时,会抛出异常“Input string was not in a ......
correct 环境 string format Input

Python Magic Methods & Operator Overloading All In One

Python Magic Methods & Operator Overloading All In One __init__ & __add__ ......
Overloading Operator Methods Python Magic

大语言模型的预训练4:指示学习Instruction Learning详解以及和Prompt Learning,In-content Learning区别

# 大语言模型的预训练[4]:指示学习Instruction Learning:Entailment-oriented、PLM oriented、human-oriented详解以及和Prompt Learning,In-content Learning区别 # 1.指示学习的定义 Instruct ......

大语言模型的预训练[5]:语境学习、上下文学习In-Context Learning:精调LLM、Prompt设计和打分函数设计以及ICL底层机制等原理详解

大语言模型的预训练[5]:语境学习、上下文学习In-Context Learning:精调LLM、Prompt设计和打分函数设计以及ICL底层机制等原理详解 ......
上下文 语境 底层 In-Context 函数

LOADING Redis is loading the dataset in memory

MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify the data set are disabled. P ......
LOADING dataset loading memory Redis

LeetCode 852. Peak Index in a Mountain Array 二分

An array arr a mountain if the following properties hold: * `arr.length` >= 3 * There exists some i with `0 arr[i + 1] > ... > arr[arr.length - 1] ``` ......
LeetCode Mountain Index Array Peak

invalidate the cache in Spark by running 'REFRESH TABLE tableName' command in SQL or by recreating the Dataset/DataFrame involved

``` ... 1 more Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: File does not exist: hdfs://ns1/user/hive/warehouse/dw.db/dw_uniswapv3_position_detail/pk_day ......

Troubles in RunBase's Pack and Unpack Methods

### Trouble description: > When user processed the batch job after clearing the usage data, dialog's parameters will catch the current data from proce ......
Troubles RunBase Methods Unpack Pack

for i in $(cat name.txt);do mv ${i}_* ${i} done

for i in $(cat name.txt);do mv ${i}_* ${i} done https://www.jianshu.com/p/c9da06d451b9 点击查看代码 ``` fs = list.files('./GSE136001_RAW/',pattern = '^GSM') ......
done name for cat txt

834. Sum of Distances in Tree (Hard)

Description 834. Sum of Distances in Tree (Hard) There is an undirected connected tree with n nodes labeled from 0 to n - 1 and n - 1 edges. You are g ......
Distances Hard Tree 834 Sum


** 恢复内容开始 ** ## 空天地一体化(SAGIN)的网络安全 **目前关注的方面:** 集中在安全通信、入侵检测、侧通道攻击、GPS欺骗攻击、网络窃听、消息修改/注入等方面,有些侧重于分析现有的安全威胁[20]、[21],有些提出了他们的攻击方法[14]、[22],还有一些则更多地侧重于SA ......

调题时出现的问题 in 『状压dp』

# [Luogu P2831 愤怒的小鸟](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/P2831 "Luogu P2831 愤怒的小鸟") 考虑 $lowbit[i]$ 的取值范围有可能大于 $18$ 。 ......
问题 in

[Javascript] How to fix iphone safari auto zoom in problem without `maximum-scale=1.0`

Solution 1: consider change font-size to 16px or above Soution 2: using javascript if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') > -1 ) { document .querySe ......


大原則: for...in只用來遍歷對象中的key, 不用來遍歷數組 for…of 是ES6新增的遍历方式,允许遍历一个含有iterator接口的数据结构(数组、对象等)并且返回各项的值,和ES3中的for…in的区别如下: for…of 遍历获取的是对象的键值,for…in 获取的是对象的键名;f ......
for in of

iOS 苹果授权登录(Sign in with Apple)系列之uniapp篇

官方网址 https://uniapp.dcloud.net.cn/tutorial/app-oauth.html# 代码集成 1、在 template 添加以下代码, 苹果授权登录(Sign in with Apple)是 iOS 13 才有的,做下系统版本判断 <template> <view ......
苹果 uniapp Apple Sign with

.net 实现数组拼接成sql语句IN

一、简单记录一下.net 实现字符串数组拼接成sql语句IN 把 0001|ceshi04|ceshi0F|ceshi0J 变成 ‘0001’,‘ceshi04’,‘ceshi0F’ 格式 List<string> joinCodeList = model.SJoinList.Split('|'). ......
数组 语句 net sql