import_sys failed create import

RollingFileAppender[FILE] - openFile(null,true) call failed. logs/app_2023-05-29.0.log (Permission denied)

2023-05-29 16:25:31 [main] ERROR o.s.boot.SpringApplication - Application run failed java.lang.IllegalStateException: Logback configuration error dete ......

IDEA 出现A child container failed during start错误

"Child Container Failed During Start" 错误通常表示在部署和运行 Web 应用程序时出现了某种问题,例如 Servlet 容器可能无法启动或加载某些类。通常情况下,对于这种类型的错误,可以尝试以下几种解决方法: 检查项目依赖:如果项目依赖的 jar 包或类库有问题 ......
container 错误 failed during child

Burp Suite Error The client failed to negotiate a TLS connection to 443: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown

Burp Suite Error The client failed to negotiate a TLS connection to 443: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown http://burpsuite ......

SecureCRT SSH连接报错Key exchange failed 问题处理记录

SecureCRT连接服务器时报错,报错信息为: Key exchange failed. No compatible key exchange method. The server supports these methods: curve25519-sha256,curve25519-sha25 ......
SecureCRT exchange failed 问题 SSH

报错ImportError: cannot import name 'Iterable' from 'collections' in Python

参考 答案为 3.10版本的python把Iterable从collectio ......
39 ImportError collections Iterable cannot

Padavan export/import web configured dhcp static

## get ```bash nvram showall | grep -E "dhcp_static(ip|mac|name|num)" ``` ## set `nvram set key=value` * example ``` nvram showall | grep -E "dhcp_sta ......
configured Padavan export import static


```pascal Create(nil); //需要自己释放 //这种方式创建的对象要自己手工进行FREE才会回收内存 //其他很多内存泄漏就是忘了手工释放内存 Create(Self); //当Self释放时自动触发释放 //由self对象负责释放创建的对象,只要self没有释放掉 //这个对象 ......

解决 Failed to connect to port 443:connection timed out

晕了,今天不知道怎么出现了这个问题 ``` git config --global http.proxy git config --global https.proxy ``` 问题得到解决 取消代理 ``` g ......
connection connect Failed github timed

动态路由 出现 for supported dynamic import formats. If this is intended to be left as-is, you can use the /* @vite-ignore */ comment inside the import() call to suppress this warning.

for supported dynamic import formats. If this is intended to be left as-is, you can use the /* @vite-ignore */ comment inside the import() call to sup ......
import this 路由 vite-ignore supported

Django object.get_or_create()的使用方法

使用get_or_create() 使用方式 user, b = User.objects.get_or_create(u_id=1, name="张三", defaults={'address':'上海'}) print(user) 等同于 users = User.objects.get(u_i ......

第一个react.js程序:create and show comment

import React, { Component } from "react"; import { render } from "react-dom"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; const node = document.getElementById ......
comment 程序 create react show

Spring6 探析之@Import 注解

# Spring6 探析之@Import 注解 ## 简介 @Import 注解与 @Bean注解的作用相同,都可以将实例注册到IOC中,但区别是,@Import 只能作用在类上,并且使用@Import时,不需要再使用@Configuration注解 下面是 @Import 的源码 ```java ......
注解 Spring6 Spring Import

git 小白拉取代码遇到2FA拉取代码失败fatal: Authentication failed

[toc] ##git 小白拉取代码遇到2FA拉取代码失败fatal: Authentication failed 代码仓库开启了2FA认证,在我们git clone的时候出现如下报错,因为开启后,我们只是单纯的git clone https没法通过FA认证 fatal: Authenticatio ......
代码 Authentication failed fatal git

fail2ban nginx 多次无效访问封IP

> ## fail2ban 配置 ```sh # /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/nginx.conf [ ......
fail2ban fail2 nginx fail 2ban

failed to run Kubelet: validate service connection: CRI v1 runtime API is not implemented for endpoint

kubelet 1.27.0 ubuntu 20.04.6 kubeadm init ..... 异常 zxnl@zxnl-VirtuaBox:~# kubeadm init \ > --image-repository ......

golang 解决提示dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed

解决方法:改成国内可用的代理地址。在命令提示符输入: go env -w GOPROXY= ......
connection connectex attempt golang failed

error: RPC failed; curl 55 OpenSSL SSL_write: Connection was aborted, errno 10053

git 初始化上传本地代码到远程出现异常 造成的可能原因: 1.网络原因 2.无效的代理 3.一次性推送的代码量过大 解决方法: 1.网络原因可以等一段时间网络良好的情况上传 2.无效代理的情况如下设置 git config http.sslVerify "false" 3.一次性推送代码量过大的情 ......
Connection SSL_write OpenSSL aborted failed

dataPump Import Fails With Errors ORA-39083 ORA-1858 or ORA-39083 ORA-1843 (Doc ID 470758.1)

数据泵在导入时候出现时间格式报错主要是ora-1858 解决办法就是在操作系统层面设置变量 例如失败sql Failing sql is: CREATE TABLE <USERNAME>.<TABLE_NAME>( <COLUMN_1> NUMBER(10,0) NOT NULL ENABLE, < ......
ORA 39083 dataPump 470758.1 Import

常见问题解决 --- Failed to build android app at server - class file for not found

问题原因 这个错误主要是LocalBroadcastManager这个类被弃用了,而在库或者sdk中使用到了。 解决办法 build.gradle文件中添加 implementation '' gradle.propertie ......
android app Fragment 常见问题 常见


unplugin-auto-import的配置和eslint报错解决先上官网:unplugin-auto-import unplugin-auto-import 解决了vue3-hook、vue-router、useVue等多个插件的自动导入,也支持自定义插件的自动导入,是一个功能强大的typesc ......

git 报错:fatal: unable to access 'https://XXXX.../': Failed to connect to port 443 after 21023 ms: Timed out

问题: 下载github开源项目时报错 原因: 以前用过代理,这里取消代理就可以了 git config --global --unset http.proxy 结果: ......
to connect access Failed unable


# 前言 通过与chatGPT的聊天对CommonJS、AMD 和 ES6 模块的理解更加的深入,有些问题说实话在网络上是找不到答案的,而且大多存在的错误,因为有一些问题的讨论难免出现误差,目前在网络上寻找答案基本上以个人博客的形式存在,或百度答案在这方面你得到的答案并不一定是真相,在中国百度的一家 ......
chatGPT import export

Creating C# add-in for SOLIDWORKS automation using API

文摘: - Create new project in Microsoft Visual Studio - Select *Class Library(.n ......
SOLIDWORKS automation Creating add-in using

【836】Cannot import tensorflow_text

Ref: Cannot import tensorflow_text Sometimes you need to reinstall and update tensorflow then install tensorflow_text. (Because you need your tensorfl ......

MYSQL设置密码时显示Failed! Error: SET PASSWORD has no significance for user 'root'@'localhost' as the authentication method used doesn't store authentication d

​ 用这个命令进入mysql sudo mysql 在sql命令行输入以下命令回车,你就可以把密码改成mynewpassword ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password by 'mynewpassword ......

MYSQL设置密码时显示Failed! Error: SET PASSWORD has no significance for user 'root'@'localhost' as the authentication method used doesn't store authentication d

​ 用这个命令进入mysql sudo mysql 在sql命令行输入以下命令回车,你就可以把密码改成mynewpassword ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password by 'mynewpassword ......

k8s Error: failed to prepare subPath for volumeMount "custom-logo" of container "grafana"

# 前言 使用 `k8s` 挂载卷文件时,使用了 `hostPath`,`type: File` ``` volumeMounts: - mountPath: /usr/share/grafana/public/img/grafana_icon.svg name: custom-logo subPa ......

java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to obtain node locks, tried [[/usr/local/elasticsearch/data/]] with lock id [0]

## 原因 如果你是更改了elasticsearch的配置,有可能是新旧缓存数据冲突 ## 解决办法 删除es根路径下data文件夹 PS:经测试不影响生成的索引数据,如果数据重要,请谨慎操作,暂未知道原理。 ......

Nginx_启动时报错:Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl stat

一、报错如下Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status nginx.service" and "journalctl -xe" for d ......
systemctl 时报 because control service


组件懒加载的方式 1. require(AMD规范) { path: '/demo', name: 'Demo', component: resolve => require(['../components/Demo/index'], resolve)} 这种方法可以实现按需懒加载,并且一个组件会打 ......
require 动态 import