initialization installed library ocidll

Nessus 10.6 Auto Installer for macOS Sonoma (updated Nov 2023)

Nessus 10.6 Auto Installer for macOS Sonoma (updated Nov 2023) 发布 Nessus 试用版自动化安装程序,支持 macOS Sonoma、RHEL 9 和 Ubuntu 22.04 请访问原文链接: ......
Installer updated Nessus Sonoma macOS

vue中执行npm install提示:npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12

场景: 在执行npm install时提示npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12,导致安装不了 提示的意思是:版本低不再维护了,让升级upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. npm WARN ......
deprecated npm install core-js WARN

C++ ubuntu install libpq-fe.h PGconn PQconnectdb PGresult PQexec PQnfields PQntuples PQfname PQgetvalue

1.Install libpq-dev sudo apt install libpq-dev locate libpq-fe.h /usr/include/postgresql/libpq-fe.h 2.main.cpp #include <chrono> #include <fstream> #i ......

k8s初始化init时出现Initial timeout of 40s passed

这个问题在搭建K8S集群时卡了很久,使用了网上各种方法,今天查看日志很快就解决了,记录一下 在执行命令,初始化时: kubeadm init --kubernetes-version=v1.27.3 --pod-network-cidr= --apiserver-adver ......
Initial timeout passed init k8s

npm install 会把 devDependencies 分开安装

默认情况下,npm install 命令会安装 package.json 文件中的所有依赖项,包括 dependencies 和 devDependencies。这意味着开发依赖项(devDependencies)也会被安装。 如果你只想安装生产环境依赖项,而不安装开发依赖项,可以使用 --prod ......
devDependencies install npm

npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: create-remix@2.2.0

报错 执行 npx create-remix@latest --template ryanflorence/remix-tutorial-template 提示如下: npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be inst ......

The following perl modules required by RepeatModeler are missing from your system. Please install these first: JSON; JSON::PP; File::Which

001、问题 RepeatModeler 编译安装报错如下: 002、尝试逐个安装确实的perl模块; 也是各种问题; 最后不想折腾, 就大力出奇迹,全安装, 可一次解决所有报错; (base) [root@pc1 RepeatModeler-2.0.2a]# yum -y install perl ......

[Javascript] Prevent JavaScript Object Tampering with the SES Library harden Function Lockdown The lockdown() function also tames some objects including regular expressions, locale methods, and errors. ......

Configuration failed because libxml-2.0 was not found. Try installing:

001、linux 中 R语言中安装“devtools”报错如下:Configuration failed because libxml-2.0 was not found. Try installing: 002、解决方法: [root@pc1 ~]# yum install libxml2-de ......

Configuration failed because libcurl was not found. Try installing:

01、问题 R 语言中安装"devtools"包报错如下:Configuration failed because libcurl was not found. Try installing: 02、解决方法: [root@pc1 ~]# yum install libcurl-devel ## 根 ......

脚本强制预置apk | adb install 方式

使用场景:Android 系统预置apk无法打开 简单总结:脚本预置进android设备指定目录,预置方式还是通过 ; 目标apk存放至代码随意目录下;执行脚本(此部分由init.r获取对脚本的读写权限) 目标apk存放 以上 中的mkdir指令,作用是为了编译 ......
脚本 install 方式 apk adb

gawk: error while loading shared libraries: /lib64/ invalid ELF header

001、编译安装glibc-2.23遇到如下问题: gawk: error while loading shared libraries: /lib64/ invalid ELF header 002、解决办法(在另外的窗口执行): cd /lib64 unlink libm.s ......
libraries loading invalid header shared

./rmblastn: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

001、问题, ./rmblastn 命令报错如下: ./rmblastn: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 0 ......
shared file directory libraries rmblastn

Podman Installation for-windows

Podman Installation | Podman podman/docs/tutorials/ at main · containers/podman podman/docs/tutorials/podman-win-install.jpg at m ......
Installation for-windows windows Podman for

遇到的问题 vscode 连接远程主机报错 `Resolver error: Error: Got bad result from install script`

解决方案 我发现我的 cmd.exe 崩溃了(它会弹出并立即关闭) 我将注册表值Autorun 从更改HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor为if exists空白(如此链接所示)。 我的 cmd.exe 工作正常,远程 SSH ......
Resolver 主机 install vscode result

rpm install MySQL

yum remove mysql-libs 按照依赖关系依次安装 rpm 包,依赖关系依次为 common→libs→client→server。使用命令rpm -ivh {-file-name}进行安装操作。 [root@node01 mysql]# rpm -ivh mysql-communit ......
install MySQL rpm

zabbix4.x安装出现“configure: error: Not found mysqlclient library”的解决办法

一、zabbix3.x安装出现“configure: error: Not found mysqlclient library”的解决办法 1、编译安装zabbix-server出现 编译时加参数:--with-mysql 在编译时,可能会出现题目中所示的错误,可以通过安装mysql-devel这个 ......
mysqlclient configure zabbix4 library 办法

HBase启动异常:Master is initializing

org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PleaseHoldException: Master is initializing master.hmaster: master failed to complete initialization after 900000ms. please co ......
initializing Master HBase is

yum install 报错Error downloading packages

yum install ntp报以下错误: Error downloading packages: autogen-libopts-5.18-5.el7.x86_64: [Errno 5] [Errno 2] No such file or directory ntp-4.2.6p5-29.el7. ......
downloading packages install Error yum

linux启动mysql数据库,报错mysql: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

如下 原因: 解决方案: 1、在/usr/lib64目录里面找一个差不多名称版本的文件进行链接 # 软连接出一个新的文件 sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/ 若本服务器没有相近版本的文件 2、从其他服务器下载一 ......
shared mysql file directory libraries

Please take a look at the provided example service unit files in this directory, and adapt and install them. Sorry!

安装Redis,执行 install_server.s 脚本时,出现如下报错: 解决方案,注释掉 中的部分代码,注释代码详情如下: 再次执行 脚本,结果如下: ......
and directory provided example install


1、inherit (继承) inherit 关键词用于将一个属性值设置为其父元素的相同属性值。 它是一种实现样式继承的方式,使子元素继承父元素的样式属性。 如果父元素没有明确定义该属性,子元素将继承到该属性的默认值。 这个关键词通常用于处理文本属性,如文本颜色、字体等。 <div> <p>这是一个 ......
关键词 inherit initial 关键 revert

本地起服务报错Logging system failed to initialize using configuration from 'file:config/log4j2.xml'

问题现象: 本地起服务报错Logging system failed to initialize using configuration from 'file:config/log4j2.xml' 解决方法: 1、检查一下依赖 <dependency> <groupId>org.springfram ......

Flutter CocoaPods not installed 和修改清华源

mac M2使用 flutter 文件 path_provider 的出现 Warning: CocoaPods is installed but broken. Skipping pod install. You appear to have CocoaPods installed but it ......
CocoaPods installed Flutter not

Before You Install Flask...Watch This! Flask Fridays #1

flask官网: git官网: 建立文件: 建立虚拟环境、激活: source virt/Scripts/activate 建立文件: touch 以项目方式打开: from fla ......
Flask Install Fridays Before Watch

rabbitmq Could not find handle.exe, please install from sysinternals

报错:Could not find handle.exe, please install from sysinternals 这是由于rabbitmq 调用 windows系统中handle.exe,但是handle.exe缺失而导致的错误。 解决方案: 下载 https://learn.micro ......
sysinternals rabbitmq install handle please

pip3 install xxx, Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"C:\Software\Python310\python.exe" "D:\xxxx\Software\Python310\Scripts\pip3.exe" install shutil': ???????????

重装系统后, 移动了python所在目录后, 使用 pip3 install xx 提示: Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"C:\Software\Python310\python.exe" "D:\Aliwall\ ......
quot Software install Python pip3



Installation Debian Testing/Sid Nala is officially in the testing and sid repos. sudo apt install nala Volian Scar Alternatively you can use the Volia ......
Installation gitlab volian https wikis