learning summary second the

The Final —— NOI2023

终于到这一天了。 ## Day 0 试机的时候讲了有 SelfEval 这个东西,很好啊!CCF 终于愿意改善一点选手参赛体验了。 笔试 AK 了。 非常相信日报“不必担心睡不着,因为国赛不可能使人睡着”,似乎睡的还可以? ## Day 1 进场看题。 T1 不是扫描线板子吗?斜线就爆枚一下就行,比 ......
Final 2023 The NOI

.NET Core|--SkiaSharp 生成图像报错|--The type initializer for 'SkiaSharp.SKAbstractManagedStream' threw an exception.

### 前言 ```bash #SkiaSharp - 版本 2.88.3 #SkiaSharp.NativeAssets.Linux.NoDependencies - 版本 2.88.3 #部署服务器环境 Linux / docker / #Visual Studio 版本 Microsoft V ......

Mapbox—geocoder搜索地点error eaching the server

# Mapbox—geocoder搜索地点error eaching the server [——There was an errorr eaching the server](#focus) 环境说明: vue3.3.4 mapbox-gl: 2.13.0 @mapbox/mapbox-gl-ge ......
geocoder 地点 eaching Mapbox server

题解 Gym 103960K【Kalel, the Jumping Frog】

## problem 一只青蛙,他会跳,现在要从 $1$ 跳到 $n$。跳一次有 $m$ 种跳法,假设现在在 $x$,那么第 $i$ 次可以从 $x$ 跳到 $x+d_i$,同时消耗 $p_j$ 的能量。问你有多少种跳的方案使得消耗能量不超过 $k$。$n\leq 10^9,m\leq 10^5,1 ......
题解 103960K Jumping 103960 Kalel

NET6 EF Error: The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted

Error A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: ......
certificate authority trusted issued Error

docker compose 更新报错 permission denied while trying to connect to the docker daemon socket

今天更新签到docker的时候输入了 ``` # 先 cd 到 docker-compose.yml 所在目录, 执行命令后重启容器 docker compose pull && docker compose up -d ``` 结果发现 `permission denied while tryin ......
docker permission compose connect denied

【题解】Max to the Right of Min - Codeforces 1849E

**出处:** Educational Codeforces Round 152 **链接:** https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1849/E **题目大意:** TODO(先去看原题吧) **解题思路:** PS:这里的解题思路跟标准答案不太一样 ......
题解 Codeforces 1849E Right 1849

the top vehicle diagnostic tools

Choosing the best vehicle diagnostic tool can be a daunting task, given the abundance of options available in the market. With advancements in technol ......
diagnostic vehicle tools the top

【报错修复】HRESULT: 0x80070057 The library hostfxr.dll was found, but loading it from C:\Program Files\dotnet\host\fxr\5.0.17\hostfxr.dll failed

``` 我写了一个winform程序, 拷贝到win7系统上,提示需要下载.net 给的链接是 https://aka.ms/dotnet-core-applaunch?missing_runtime=true&arch=x64&rid=win7-x64&apphost_version=5.0.3& ......
hostfxr 0x80070057 x80070057 dll 80070057

Learning Auxiliary Monocular Contexts Helps Monocular 3D Object Detection(1)

MonoCon的网络结构和MonoDLE几乎一样,只是添加了辅助学习(Auxiliary Learning, AL)模块. 网络结构如上图所示,对于3D目标检测来说,预测2D框是没有必要的,但是MonoCon在训练阶段仍然计算了2D框的损失函数,但是在推理的时候,并不会预测2D框,这就是所谓的辅助学 ......


> 本篇博客详细介绍了Python机器学习库Scikit-learn的使用方法和主要特性。内容涵盖了如何安装和配置Scikit-learn,Scikit-learn的主要特性,如何进行数据预处理,如何使用监督学习和无监督学习算法,以及如何评估模型和进行参数调优。本文旨在帮助读者深入理解Scikit- ......
Scikit-learn 机器 Scikit Python learn

The importance of experience replay database composition in deep reinforcement learning

![](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/1428973/202307/1428973-20230727110633815-1407402877.png) **发表时间:**2015(Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, NIPS ......

The Third Letter带权并查集

Problem - 1850H - Codeforces 题意是给你a,b,c说明a在b后面c个单位(c<0就是在左边),每个位置只能有一个数,一共有n个位置,告诉你m个关系,问是否符合条件 我们可以设置d[x]表示x到它的最早的父节点的距离,然后如果两个数父节点一样,那么c!=d[a]-d[b]时 ......
Letter Third The

[USACO13DEC] The Bessie Shuffle S

# [USACO13DEC] The Bessie Shuffle S [TOC] [P3095 [USACO13DEC\] The Bessie Shuffle S - 洛谷 | 计算机科学教育新生态 (luogu.com.cn)](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem ......
Shuffle Bessie USACO DEC The

The Rising Importance of Automotive Diagnostic Tools in the Repair Industry

The Rising Importance of Automotive Diagnostic Tools in the Repair IndustryIn the ever-evolving automotive world, continuous advancements in technolog ......

CF1184A3 Heidi Learns Hashing (Hard)

令 $c_i={w_1}_i-{w_2}_i$,相当于找到 $(r,P)$,满足: $$\sum\limits_{i=0}^nc_ir^i\equiv 0 \pmod P$$ 把这个东西写成多项式形式,令 $f(x)=\sum\limits_{i=0}^nc_ix^i$,即找到一个 $(r,P)$, ......
Hashing Learns 1184A Heidi 1184

43. CF-Walk the Runway

[Walk the Runway](https://codeforces.com/contest/1826/problem/E) 题意有点绕,在这里先简单解释一下: 有 $n$ 个人和 $m$ 个城市,每个人都有一个贡献值 $p_i$,每个人对每个城市有一个打分 $r_{i,j}$。现在需要选出 $ ......
CF-Walk Runway Walk the 43

Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Ego-Motion from Video(CVPR2017)论文阅读

深度估计问题 从输入的单目或双目图像,计算图像物体与摄像头之间距离(输出距离图),双目的距离估计应该是比较成熟和完善,但往单目上考虑主要还是成本的问题,所以做好单目的深度估计有一定的意义。单目的意思是只有一个摄像头,同一个时间点只有一张图片。就象你闭上一只眼睛,只用一只眼睛看这个世界的事物一样,距离 ......

ERROR: database "server" is being accessed by other users DETAIL: There is 1 other session using the database.

根据错误消息,删除数据库 "server" 失败,原因是有其他用户的会话正在使用该数据库。在 PostgreSQL 中,如果有其他会话正在访问或连接到数据库,那么将无法删除该数据库。 为了成功删除数据库,需要确保没有其他会话正在使用该数据库。 以下是可能的解决方法: 1. 断开所有连接:在尝试删除数 ......
database other quot accessed session

React Native热更新报错:The "CFBundleShortVersionString" key in the "ios/***/Info.plist" file needs to specify a valid semver string

React Native项目集成了CodePush热更新,在用cpcn-client工具发布新版本时,在日志栏中打印了如下错误: Detecting ios app version: The "CFBundleShortVersionString" key in the "ios/xxx/Info. ......

Selective Experience Replay for Lifelong Learning

![](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/1428973/202307/1428973-20230725234343269-1373726308.png) **发表时间:**2018(AAAI 2018) **文章要点:**这篇文章想解决强化学习在学多个任务时候的遗忘 ......

APP - Appium-Inspector连接报错Failed to create session, The requested resource could not be found

APP - Appium-Inspector连接报错Failed to create session, The requested resource could not be found appium版本:Appium-Server-GUI-windows-1.22.3-4 Appium-Inspe ......

RuntimeWarning: More than 20 figures have been opened. Figures created through the pyplot interface

问题描述 使用 matplotlib 绘制多幅图出现如下问题 RuntimeWarning: More than 20 figures have been opened. Figures created through the pyplot interface (matplotlib.pyplot. ......

How to Restore ASM Based OCR After Complete Loss of the CRS Diskgroup on Linux/Unix Systems (Doc ID 1062983.1)

In this Document Goal Solution References APPLIES TO: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Oracle Database Cloud Schema ......
1062983.1 Diskgroup Complete 1062983 Restore

题解 P2903 【[USACO08MAR]The Loathesome Hay Baler S】

posted on 2021-05-03 20:50:49 | under 题解 | [source](https://www.luogu.com.cn/blog/_post/331434) 首先输入,记录一下哪个齿轮的位置在 $(0,0)$,哪个在 $(x_t,y_t)$。 接着,为了避免多次判断 ......
题解 Loathesome P2903 Baler USACO

CF1466I The Riddle of the Sphinx

### 基本思路 明示了在二进制下考虑问题,我们大体的思路就是从高往低依次确定最大的数二进制下每一位上的值。 以下所述的「前缀」均指一个二进制数从高位到低位的一部分,一个元素的「前 $k$ 位」表示二进制从高位到低位的前 $k$ 位,$res$ 表示当前记录的最大前缀的长度。 先看看操作能干嘛,一是 ......
Riddle Sphinx 1466I 1466 The

what is the embeddings in AI?

What are embeddings? Text embeddings are a natural language processing (NLP) technique that converts text into numerical vectors. Embeddings capture s ......
embeddings what the is AI

CodeForces 1810G The Maximum Prefix

[洛谷传送门](https://www.luogu.com.cn/problem/CF1810G "洛谷传送门") [CF 传送门](https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/1810/G "CF 传送门") 感觉是比较 educational 的题。 拿到 ......
CodeForces Maximum Prefix 1810G 1810

SPOJ 2878 KNIGHTS - Knights of the Round Table

## [SPOJ 2878 KNIGHTS - Knights of the Round Table](https://www.spoj.com/problems/KNIGHTS/) > **注**:本题大多数网上题解是写的洛谷的链接,但洛谷现在无法做判题操作,提示`Unkwon Error`,只好 ......
KNIGHTS Knights Round Table SPOJ

通过docker安装的jira提示We've detected a potential problem with JIRA's Dashboard configuration that your administrator can correct. Click here to learn more

正常通过docker安装jira后,访问是不会出问题的 但是如果使用nginx代理后,就是在nginx里配置了proxy_pass http://localhost:2800 再访问后,就会报错We've detected a potential problem with JIRA's Dashbo ......