lombok supported compiler using

java: 找不到符号 java: Compilation failed: internal java compiler error

java: 找不到符号 java: Compilation failed: internal java compiler error 1、File >Setting >java compiler 2.File >Project Structure 2.1:Project 2.2:Modules 检查 ......
java Compilation 符号 compiler internal

Anolis 8.8 (CentOS 8) install snapper to support system snapshot.

Anolis 8.8 (CentOS 8) install snapper to support system snapshot. cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ wget https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/filesystems:sna ......
snapshot install snapper support Anolis

USB C Power Delivery also support data transfer?

https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tps65987ddk.pdf?ts=1688854016963&ref_url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.ti.com%252Fproduct%252FTPS65987DDK The power input ......
Delivery transfer support Power also

IDE compile是什么意思?

在Java开发中,IDE是指集成开发环境(Integrated Development Environment),它是一种软件工具,提供了一整套开发工具和功能,帮助开发人员编写、编辑、编译和调试代码。常见的Java IDE包括Eclipse、IntelliJ IDEA和NetBeans等。 而"co ......
意思 compile IDE

Why is used for localhost?

Why is used for localhost? Does anyone know why that number was chosen? Although it’s not documented anywhere (at least as far as I know), b ......
localhost used Why 127 for

CentOS grub引导损坏 Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported.For the first word.TAB lists possible command completions.Anywhere else TAB lists possible deyice or file completions.

这是 GRUB boot loader 的命令行提示。它可能出现在以下情况中: 系统没有正确引导 启动项配置不正确 硬盘分区有问题 GRUB 配置有误等 为了解决这个问题,你需要做的是恢复 GRUB。以下是一般步骤,适用于大多数 Linux 发行版(如 Ubuntu): 启动 Live CD - 首 ......
completions possible lists BASH-like TAB

centos 中,unable to download updates: could not do untrusted question as no klass support

这个问题可能是由于您的系统缺少Klass支持导致的。您可以尝试以下方法解决: 1. 更新软件包列表: ``` sudo yum update ``` 2. 如果更新软件包列表后问题仍然存在,您可以尝试安装Klass支持: ``` sudo yum install klass-utils ``` 3. ......
untrusted download question support updates


lombok翻车记录: 使用Lombok的Setter-Getter方法的注解,也就是组合注解@Data时 实体类的属性,首字母不应该小写,这会导致null,因为生成的Setter-Getter方法,是首字母大写的 解决方案 1.修改属性名字,让第二个字母小写,或者说是规定所有的属性的前两个字母必须 ......

python: using pdfplumber Lib read pdf file

from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill,Side,Border import pdfplumber l=[] def visitDir(path): if not os.path.isdir(path ......
pdfplumber python using file read


## idea引用lombok一直不成功 比如想使用lombok的@data注解一直报错,尽管已经声明了import lombok.Data,且在pom里面也增加了lombok依赖,但是就是不成功的时候 建议从idea的插件中下载lombok,挑那个下载量最多的即可 ![image](https:/ ......
lombok idea

Python+selenium报错raise NoSuchDriverException(f"Unable to obtain {service.path} using Selenium Manager; {err}")...解决方案

一、问题描述 进行自动化测试执行程序报错如下图: 二、解决方案 在网上找了好久都没找到答案,最后根据以往经验想到是不是selenium版本有问题,本人python版本是3.11.0,所以将selenium版本也降到3.11.0之后问题解决。 selenium降版本: pip3 install sel ......

记一次 zabbix item became not supported 问题处理

### 现象 配置了一个自定义监控项,超过 5m nodata 就会告警,最近触发了两次。通过日志查看,有一对相隔10分钟的告警: 时间t0: item xxx became not support: Timeout while executing a shell script. t0 + 10m ......
supported zabbix became 问题 item

修复idea lombok报错

错误信息: You aren't using a compiler supported by lombok, so lombok will not work and has been disabled. Your processor is: com.sun.proxy.$Proxy8 Lombok ......
lombok idea

Goland 一直卡在compiling中

执行用例后,一直卡在这里,基本上都是因为各种原因终结了正在compiling步骤的用例;操作:找到系统的临时文件夹【Tmep】,删除文件夹名称开头是【go-bulid。。。。】的文件,然后重启IDE,就可以愉快执行用例了 ......
compiling Goland

删除Docker镜像报错 image is being used by stopped container ae8f224fe0e1

该报错原因是因为镜像被其他容器引用 1.查询所有容器 包括未运行的 docker ps -a 2. 删除容器 docker rm 5573214dd069 3.删除镜像 docker rmi 9c7a54a9a43c ......
container 镜像 stopped Docker image

How to use handleChange() function in react component?

An onChange event is triggered when values are entered in the input. This fires a function handleChange(), that is used to set a new state for the inp ......
handleChange component function react How

【转】python踩坑(FileNotFoundError: Could not find module '此处省略了一些路径win_amd64.dll' (or one of its dependencies). Try using the full path with constructor syntax.)

1、报错 (FileNotFoundError: Could not find module '此处省略了一些路径\site-packages\scipy\.libs\libbanded5x.GL5FZ7Y77HIKQFNMZKUOMV5GID6YMX2V.gfortran-win_amd64.dl ......

react-native项目启动报错 Error: `fsevents` unavailable (this watcher can only be used on Darwin)

react-native项目启动报错——watchman安装问题(mac pro) Looking for JS files in /Users/你的名称/Documents/project/文件夹名 Loading dependency graph.../Users/你的名称/Documents/ ......

centos7 安装 pylzma 失败:/usr/bin/ld: this linker was not configured to use sysroots

问题背景: centos7 安装 pythond的 pylzma 模块失败。 报错内容: pip install pylzma Collecting pylzma Using cached pylzma-0.5.0.tar.gz (4.2 MB) Building wheels for collec ......
configured sysroots centos7 centos pylzma

在Vscode使用命令npm报错-The operation was rejected by your operating system. npm ERR! It's possible that the file was already in use (by a text editor or antivirus)

##报错信息: PS D:\disk\xubo\个人博客文章\27-Vue\资料(含课件)\vuedemo\vueproject> npm i pubsub-js npm ERR! code EPERM npm ERR! syscall open npm ERR! path D:\disk\soft ......
npm antivirus operation operating was

Compile result comparison

The source code as below #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> typedef struct { uint8_t data1; uint8_t data2; uint8_t data3; uint8_t data4; uint8_t d ......
comparison Compile result

java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind <null> 的解决方案

# 问题描述 > 在学习SSM整合中 , 启用Tomcat插件时出现以下错误 ```java java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind ``` 通过查阅资料发现是端口被占用了 # 解决方案 通过命令查看进程 , 这里我的是808 ......

VS2022 - 取消global using

### 如何取消global using? 最近下载最新版VS之后,会自动生成GlobalUsings.g.cs, 每次都想删除掉,但是都不好用,查了官网, 需要手动添加如下配置: `disable` 在csproj文件,也就是双击项目名,可以打开 ``` netcoreapp3.1 enable ......
global using 2022 VS

Could not resolve com.android.support:support-v4:24.1.1+

错误: 解决: 打包的平台文件夹下找到project.properties文件将文件中对应报错的版本注释掉就可以了 ......
support support-v android resolve Could


using一般有两个作用: 1、作为语句,用于定义一个范围,在此范围的末尾将释放对象(IDisposable和IAsyncDisposable接口) 2、作为指令,用于引入命名空间或者类型,或者为引入的命名空间或者类型定义别名 using语句 using语句应该都很熟悉了吧,从最早的ADO.net, ......

thinkphp6:报错:Driver [Think] not supported

一,报错信息: { code:422, msg:"Driver [Think] not supported.", data:"" } 如图: 问题的原因:使用view这个类但相应的库未安装 二,解决: 安装topthink/think-view这个库即可 [lhdop@blog tpapibase] ......
thinkphp6 supported thinkphp Driver Think

java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '}' at line 1

# 问题 报错代码 ``` org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException: ### Error querying database. Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an err ......


今天看了同事代码,发现using新的语法糖。顿时来了兴趣,赶紧找文档看看,看看更新了那些东西 ![image](https://img2023.cnblogs.com/blog/411991/202306/411991-20230629002002199-896544475.png) ## 基础用法 ......
再次 using

2: using 命令

using static using static System.Console; internal class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { WriteLine("What is your name?"); using global ......
命令 using