modelspecification specification required error

Error: testWhileIdle is true, validationQuery not set

Error: testWhileIdle is true, validationQuery not set 说明 使用springboot连接数据库,启动的时候报错:testWhileIdle is true, validationQuery not set。但是不影响系统使用,数据库等一切访问正常 ......
validationQuery testWhileIdle Error true not

Vue ui 创建项目报错: ERROR Failed to get response from

虽然不影响项目的创建,但看着不舒服 按【Ctrl + C】退出 vue ui 输入命令强制清除npm缓存:npm cache clean --force ......

python报错:`visualize_sharding` requires `rich` to be installed.

Rich是python的一个绘图library,需要手动安装。 解决方法: pip install Rich ......

Error:(4, 13) java: -source 1.5 中不支持默认方法 (请使用 -source 8 或更高版本以启用默认方法)

Error:(4, 13) java: -source 1.5 中不支持默认方法 (请使用 -source 8 或更高版本以启用默认方法) 检查 ......
方法 source 版本 Error java

ERROR: Failed building wheel for pyworld

我使用的是sudo pip install pyworld sudo下的python版本是3.8 报错信息如下 Collecting pyworld Using cached pyworld-0.3.4.tar.gz (251 kB) Installing build dependencies .. ......
building pyworld Failed ERROR wheel

Pod Init Error: force_encoding': can't modify frozen String (FrozenError)

热烈欢迎,请直接点击!!! 进入博主App Store主页,下载使用各个作品!!! 注:博主将坚持每月上线一个新app!! 如下图所示,切换Xcode为Xcode 13。 ......

Uncaught runtime errors:在IDEA中运行vue项目时出现该错误

IDEA中输入npm run serve ,出现该错误 Uncaught runtime errors: × ERROR Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'prototype') TypeError: Cannot read properti ......
Uncaught 错误 runtime 项目 errors

Required request body is missing报错及解决

今天,我在尝试展示文章列表时遇到了错误,错误原因是请求体缺失, 但是我明明传了参数 然后我找了很久错误原因,发现在之前跟着写的一个差不多的功能时,请求方式是post 而我写的确是get 将get改为post后,并将前端请求方式也改为了post 然后重启后端项目,打开页面 成功调用后端接口并显示数据, ......
Required request missing body is

修改账户密码时提示 ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --skip-grant-tables option so it cannot execute this statement 错误

修改账户密码时提示 ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --skip-grant-tables option so it cannot execute this statement 错误 ......

富文本编辑器wangEdiotr,编辑表格后,重新打开组件报错Error in callback for watcher “value“: “Error: Cannot find a descenda(json爆红)

报错内容 原因:每次打开对话框,editor组件只创一次,关闭对话框也不会被销毁。所以:只要每次打开都重新渲染Editor组件就好了。 解决办法:在上加上v-if <editor v-model="form.noticeContent" :min-height="192" v-if="open"/> ......
Error 编辑器 wangEdiotr 组件 表格

npm install安装依赖包时报错npm ERR! command C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /d /s /c node install.js,npm ERR! ChromeDriver installation failed Error with http(s) request: Error: read ECONNRESET

PS E:\20231213\uirecorder> PS E:\20231213\uirecorder> PS E:\20231213\uirecorder> PS E:\20231213\uirecorder> PS E:\20231213\uirecorder> npm install npm ......
install npm Error ChromeDriver installation

Qt小技巧18.解决"qUncompress: Z_DATA_ERROR: Input data is corrupted"问题

1 引言 Qt 中的 qCompress() 和 qUncompress() 函数来进行 QByteAarray 的压缩和解压操作。这些函数提供了方便的方式来对字节数组进行压缩和解压缩,无需处理底层的压缩算法和细节。但是在使用过程中有时候会遇到一些棘手的问题,例如下面这个例子: 2 错误案例 下面是 ...... handshake failed;returned -1,SSL error code 1,net_error -103

解决方案该提示是由于不安全的地址导致的,需要把这个错误屏蔽掉,可以使用 --ignore-certificate-errors 来屏蔽。屏蔽后发现还有其他错误提示,也一并解决了。主要添加了三项: # 忽略证书错误 options.add_argument('--ignore-certificate- ......

C:\Users\xu\AppData\Local\QtMsBuild\qt_globals.targets(765,7): error MSB4184: 无法计算表达式“[System.IO.File]::ReadAllText(C:\Users\xu\AppData\Local\QtMsBuild\qt.natvis.xml)”。未能找到文件“C:\Users\xu\A

VS 2022编译Qt项目时出现以下问题: C:\Users\xu\AppData\Local\QtMsBuild\qt_globals.targets(765,7): error MSB4184: 无法计算表达式“[System.IO.File]::ReadAllText(C:\Users\xu\ ......
Users QtMsBuild AppData Local 表达式

error: missing binary operator before token "(" 44 | #if __GLIBC_PREREQ(2,15) && defined(_GNU_SOURCE)

手痒,在centos7上面,升级了glibc,然后导致正常程序编译都出现了问题。 这是编译的报错: /opt/rh/devtoolset-9/root/usr/include/c++/9/x86_64-redhat-linux/bits/os_defines.h:44:19: error: miss ......
quot GLIBC_PREREQ GNU_SOURCE amp operator

idea反编译报Unable to provision, see the following errors:

java.lang.RuntimeException: org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException: Unable ......
following provision Unable errors idea


[root@pg1 Python-3.6.10]# yum install postgresql14-contrib Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager This sys ......
libpython3 libpython Requires 1.0 bit


1.pip 实现方式 要使用 pip 生成 requirements.txt 文件,可以使用以下命令: pip freeze > requirements.txt 这个命令会将当前环境中所有已安装的 Python 包及其版本信息输出到 requirements.txt 文件中。这个文件可以用于共享项 ......
管理工具 requirements 文件 工具 txt

keno linux error"org.kde.plasma.private.notes" is not installed

出现问题的地方;加载小部件 装入 QML 文件出错,file:///home//.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.zren.todolist/contents/ui/main.qml:10:2: Type NoteItem unavailable fi ......
quot installed private plasma error

error: binding reference of type ‘sylar::RWMutex&’ to ‘const RWMutexType’ {aka ‘const sylar::RWMutex’} discards qualifiers

C++编译的时候,遇到了这个错误。 翻译这个错误就是,将一个 引用类型,绑定到了一个 常量类型上面。这个是不允许的。 In file included from /home/henry/workspace/henry-sylar/tests/test_config.cpp:1: /home/henr ......
RWMutex const sylar RWMutexType qualifiers

src/gemma.cpp:79:10: fatal error: openblas_config.h: No such file or directory

001、gemma软件编译安装报错如下: src/gemma.cpp:79:10: fatal error: openblas_config.h: No such file or directory 002、解决方法 ......

ZIMP - Unit Test error

RUN TestTransferTx store_test.go:87: Error Trace: /home/runner/work/zimplebank/zimplebank/db/sqlc/store_test.go:87 Error: Not equal: expected: 20 actu ......
error ZIMP Unit Test

src/mathfunc.h:34:18: error: call of overloaded ‘isnan(double&)’ is ambiguous

001、问题,gemma编译, make报错如下: src/mathfunc.h:34:18: error: call of overloaded ‘isnan(double&)’ is ambiguous 002、 。 ......
overloaded ambiguous mathfunc double error

ZIMP - import error

import "" is a program, not an importable packagego list package _ (" ......
import error ZIMP

A Long read hybrid error correction algorithm based on segmented pHMM

A Long read hybrid error correction algorithm based on segmented pHMM 2023/12/15 11:06:36 The "Long read hybrid error correction algorithm based on se ......
correction algorithm segmented hybrid error

JSON parse error: Unexpected character ('}' (code ***)): was expecting double-quote to start field

JSON parse error: Unexpected character ('}' (code 125)): was expecting double-quote to start field name] 出现这个错误是因为请求 { "equipmentid": "123", "equipmen ......

ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:报错处理

在安装compressai的时候,想用它自带的setup.py把相应库安装好,但是需要先下载pybind11 下载时遇到如下问题: ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or direc ......
directory packages install OSError ERROR

Vite + ESBuild error: No loader is configured for ".node" files: node_modules/fsevents/fsevents.node

Vite + ESBuild error: No loader is configured for ".node" files: node_modules/fsevents/fsevents.node Add fsevents to your optimizeDeps exclude in your ......
fsevents node quot node_modules configured

解决psql: error: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on that socket?

pgsql启动后执行psql显示报错: psql: error: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory Is the server ru ......
server socket quot connections connection

Error running ‘Application’: Command line is too long. Shorten command line for Application or also for Spring Boot default configuration?

【Error running ‘Application‘: Command line is too long. Shorten command line for Application or also】 ......
Application line configuration for Command
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