morning four the in

Hack The Box-Starting Point-Meow

## 环境准备 1. 注册 Hack The Box Lab账号 2. 安装Kali虚拟机 ## 入门 1. 连接到VPN 1.1 选择第一个, OpenVPN 1.2 点击“下载”按钮, 1.3 下载完成后,将文件复制到你的Kali中(位置你随意),这里我直接放在了桌面 ![image](http ......
Box-Starting Point-Meow Starting Point Hack

Hack The Box-Starting Point-Fawn

## 答案 1. 任务1: `File Transfer Protocol` ![image]( 2. 任务2:`21` ! ......
Box-Starting Point-Fawn Starting Point Hack

The final

The end T1 构造题 n/k为偶数很好构造,每组直接前面拿n/k/2个,后面拿n/k/2个 n/k为奇数需要想一想,首先可以把1~n分成n/k段,每段选一个放到一组里,按照以上方法处理n/k-3段,使每组各数之和相等。再来看前三段,可以把第三段提出来,用前1,2段构造一个等差数列。如何构造? ......
final The


毕业论文中非完整约束部分推导有误,所以更正一下! ......

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - 证书链是由不受信任的颁发机构颁发的。)

昨天搞了个测试接口,用postman请求测试,Https的协议,然后请求发出去,既没有报错,也没有返回数据库的数据,code倒是0,不是 100,那程序也没有报错,这就奇怪了,我就先监测数据库,发现请求并没有过来,我傻眼了,一些简单的代码还能出错吗?然后开后端调试,就发现了上面的这个提示,在请求的时 ......

forEach、for in、for of三者区别

1、forEach 更多的用来遍历数组 2、for in 一般常用来遍历对象或json【循环出的是key】 3、for of 数组对象都可以遍历,遍历对象需要通过和Object.keys()【循环出的是value】 ......
for forEach

【python】解决'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x8d in position 1974: character maps to <undefined>

一、场景 使用paramiko连接ssh服务器,处理回显,然后报错 二、处理方法 问题代码 # encoding = chardet.detect(data) # if encoding.get('encoding'): # encode = encoding.get('encoding') # e ......
character undefined 39 position charmap

What are the differences between in vivo and in vitro testing of drugs for toxicology Studies?

Toxicology is the science of studying the harmful effects of chemical, physical, biological, and other exogenous factors on biological systems. It can... ......

The content of element type “web-app“ must match 解决方法

# 报错原因 ‍ 问题描述 : 在创建 SpringMVC 时 , 选用 idea 的 webapp 模板来创建 , xml 配置文件中进行配置时发现提示警告 警告如下: ‍ ​![image]( ......
content element web-app 方法 match

UVA11090 Going in Cycle!!题解

## 题目大意 给定一个N个点M条边的带权有向图,求平均值最小的回路。 ## 解法 看到这种题目,~~喜欢打暴力的我~~一下就想到:遍历整个图,找到每一个环,然后算出它们的平均值,最后比较出最小值。然而,呃...,会T飞... **既然我们不能暴力找最小值,那还有什么别的办法吗?** 我们只需要输出 ......
题解 11090 Going Cycle UVA

GWAS:表型的标准化(the normalization of phenotype)

GWAS表型的标准化方法一般有Quantile normalization、Inverse rank normalization、Z-score normalization等。 各自区别如下: ## 一、Quantile normalization 该方法将每个样本中表型值进行排序,然后将其规范化到 ......
表型 normalization phenotype 标准 GWAS

CF1810G The Maximum Prefix

经典套路。 ## 题意 你将随机生成一个长度为 $k$ 的数组 $a$,其中 $a_i$ 有 $p_i$ 概率为 $1$,否则为 $-1$。定义其前缀和数组 $s_i = \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{i}a_j, i \in [0, k]$。如果前缀和数组的最大值为 $t(t \in ......
Maximum Prefix 1810G 1810 The

画出 sklearn 中支持向量机分类函数 SVC 的分类结果图(Draw the classification result graph of the svm classification function SVC in sklearn library)

在最近的学习中,看到代码中展示了如何画出支持向量机分类结果的决策面、最大间隙面和支持向量,即确定用支持向量机分类函数 SVC 进行分类后得到分类超平面和间隙面函数以及支持向量坐标的方法,分享给大家~ 1. 训练 svm 分类器 SVC 代码 1 from sklearn import svm 2 i ......
classification sklearn 向量 函数 SVC

Windows 10: Open the Command Prompt via Right-Click Context Menu

Windows 10: Open the Command Prompt via Right-Click Context Menu NOTE: By default, certain newer Windows versions show "Open PowerShell window here" i ......
Right-Click Windows Command Context Prompt

Neat Stuff to Do in List Controls Using Custom Draw

Using the custom-draw features in version 4.70 of the common controls to customise the look and feel of list controls Is your email address OK? You ar ......
Controls Custom Stuff Using Neat

2023-06-20 uniapp 使用插件 uni-data-picker 报错:[Vue warn]: Error in nextTick: "TypeError: db.collection is not a function"

前言:项目中引用了uni-data-picker插件,其官方代码如下: <uni-data-picker placeholder="请选择地址" popup-title="请选择城市" c ollection="opendb-city-china" field="code as value, nam ......

maven构建报错:Unable to load the mojo 'install' (or one of its required components) from the plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.4'

项目在执行maven clean install时,报错: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) on project sby-compon ......
maven install plugin maven-install-plugin 39

Error in onReady hook: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'setRules')" found in

使用弹出层过程中 使用form表单增加 rules报错 解决方法: 可参考,是否有用未验证。 ......
quot properties TypeError undefined setRules

2023-06-20 TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'storeInfo' in undefined

前言:uniapp项目报错:[system] TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'storeInfo' in undefined 原因:data里面没有写return,如下: <script> export default { dat ......
39 TypeError storeInfo undefined operator

I Will Boast In Christ Lyric

# I Will Boast In Christ Lyric (Come on, let's make yourself a person tonight) All I have because of Jesus All this promise Won for me When He paid th ......
Christ Boast Lyric Will In

doris 报错: Insert has filtered data in strict mode, tracking url=

最近使用doris插入数据时,报了如下错误: Insert has filtered data in strict mode, tracking url= 点击 tracking url的连接地址,可以查看报错具体详情 我的程序报错时因为插入的数据长度超过字段长度,所以需要修改对应字段长度。 通过命 ......
filtered tracking Insert strict doris

[vue] Error: @vitejs/plugin-vue requires vue (>=3.2.13) or @vue/compiler-sfc to be present in the dependency tree.

## 问题描述 ![]( ##解决方法 ``` npm i vue@3.2.26 ``` 重新运行即可 ``` npm r ......

Loop or Iterate over all or certain columns of a dataframe in Python-pandas 遍历pandas dataframe的所有列

In this article, we will discuss how to loop or Iterate overall or certain columns of a DataFrame? There are various methods to achieve this task.Let’ ......

BindingException异常:Type interface com.niuyun.dao.UserDao is not known to the MapperRegistry.解决了

## Mybatis出现:`org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Type interface com.niuyun.dao.UserDao is not known to the MapperRegistry.`的错误,如何解决? #### 错误如 ......

this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0

在 SAP Commerce Cloud Backoffice 做 full indexing 时,遇到错误消息: > ERROR: Error from server at https://localhost:8983/solr: Error CREATEing SolrCore 'master_ ......
recognizes versions Runtime version class

log4cpp Naming collision for 'ERROR' detected. Please read the FAQ for a workaround

log4cpp使用 编译时候遇到:Naming collision for 'ERROR' detected. Please read the FAQ for a workaround 解决方法:在包含log4cpp头文件之前增加宏定义 ......
workaround collision for detected log4cpp

The remote SSH server rejected X11 forwarding request.“远程SSH服务器拒绝X11转发请求

启动kkFileView后弹出提醒无法正常访问服务器, 重启服务器时,需要安装出现如下提醒 方法一、 X11 forwarding依赖xorg-x11-xauth软件包,需要先安装xorg-x11-xauth软件包。 1. 使用Xshell执行下面代码 [root@VM-4-11-centos ~] ......
forwarding SSH X11 rejected request

Error creating bean with name 'sqlSessionFactory' defined in class path resource [com/baomidou/mybatisplus/autoconfigure/MybatisPlusAutoConfiguration.class]

项目启动报错原因分析 背景:system模块一个月未重启过,今天重启报数据源问题 原因:这里报错的原因是数据源配置问题 解决:数据源配置在nacos中,拿该模块的nacos数据源配置与项目启动成功的模块的数据源配置进行对比,检查出不同,改为一样即可 ......

关于ASP.NET.CORE中的Failed to read parameter "string param" from the request body as JSON的处理

先上报错信息 Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.BadHttpRequestException: Failed to read parameter "string param" from the request body as JSON. > System.Text.Json.Js ......
quot parameter request Failed string

php解决 mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysq

The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysq 翻译: mysql_connect这个模块将在未来弃用,请你使用mysqli或者PDO来替代。 解决方法: 打开php.ini 配置文件把 di ......