morning four the in

container scale up/ down 原理 in kubernetes 原理与误区 HPA 在进行扩缩容时,先是由固定的算法计算出期望副本数: 期望副本数 = ceil[当前副本数 * (当前指标 / 期望指标)] 其中 当前 ......
kubernetes container 原理 scale down

Nginx [emerg] listen() to, backlog 511 failed (98: Address already in use)

Nginx更新后经常遇到这样的问题,解决方法: 1 2 3 fuser -k 80/tcp && /etc/init.d/nginx start 或 killall -9 nginx && /etc/init.d/nginx start ......
Address backlog already listen failed

node Solve – To load an ES module, set “type”: “module” in the package.json or use the .mjs extension 解决 – 要加载 ES 模块,请在 package.json 中设置 “typ ......
module extension the package Solve

Does the Porsche Cayenne S 2008 work with Porsche PIWIS 3

Question: I have Porsche cayenne S 2008 4.8lts gasoline automatic transmision. VIN number WP1ZZZ9PZ8LA41178 , Can i programming headlight control modu ......
Porsche Cayenne PIWIS Does 2008

pytest 执行脚本时,报(no name '/Users/**/PycharmProjects/interface_auto/test_case/' in any of [<Module>])

### 触发场景: pytest执行脚本时,命名全部正确,但是直接报找不到执行函数 ### 解决方式: 取掉init方法 ### 原因: 测试框架在运行测试时会自动实例化测试类的对象,并且不会传递任何参数。如果您定义了__init__方法,测试框架将无法实例化您的测试类,从而导致测试无法运行。因此, ......

mybatis 处理in 1000以上sql

展开查看 点击查看代码 ``` update T_XSGL_XSXX_XJXX xjxx set xjxx.XWZSBH = null, xjxx.ZHXGR = #{userId}, xjxx.ZHXGSJ = sysdate where exists(select 1 from T_BYGL_X ......
mybatis 1000 sql

调题时出现的问题 in 『中国剩余定理』

### 1 (焯冲养pig/板子) [【模板】中国剩余定理(CRT)/ 曹冲养猪]( "【模板】中国剩余定理(CRT)/ 曹冲养猪") 要注意这东西不能用费马小定理, 只能用扩欧. 因为费马小定理的适用条件是模数为质数. ......
定理 问题 in

Go 语言之 SQLX 高级操作 sqlx.In

# Go 语言之 SQLX 高级操作 sqlx.In ## sqlx.In 介绍 `sqlx` is a package for Go which provides a set of extensions on top of the excellent built-in `database/sql` ......
语言 SQLX sqlx Go In

ACL Mask Value in Linux: Explained with Examples (Access Control Lists Mask)

``` ......
Mask Explained Examples Control Access

[nodejs] __dirname is not defined in ES module scope

原因:CommonJS 中提供的全局变量如require, exports, module.exports, __filename, __dirname 等,在 ES Modules 环境中均是不可用的,require, exports, module.exports 在 ES Modules 中基 ......
dirname defined nodejs module scope

Helping the Nature

给出一个长度为 n 的序列 a,每次可以进行三种操作中的一种: 选择 i,将 1,2,⋯ ,a1​,a2​,⋯,ai​ 减 1。 选择 i,将 ,+1,⋯ ,ai​,ai+1​,⋯,an​ 减 1。 将所有 ai​ 加 1。 求最少需要多少次操作将所有 ai​ 变为 0。 1≤2×1041≤T≤2× ......
Helping Nature the

How many ways of selecting/referring to a column in data.table?

# Load demo data ``` library(data.table) flights = fread("") fli ......
selecting referring column table many

An analysis of what are the drug targets for the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus

With the understanding of the pathogenesis of SLE, some targets for the treatment of SLE have emerged, and drugs developed with these targets have ach... ......

调题时出现的问题 in 『组合数学』

(递推计算组合数)[P4071 [SDOI2016]排列计数]( "P4071 [SDOI2016]排列计数") 吐个槽先:没啥好吐槽的, 就是我自己傻掉了. Orz. 这题的式子非常水. 1. 在 $n$ 个数里面选 $m ......
组合数学 数学 问题 in

solve the problem of downloading assets from github

Description After version 2021a, in order to reduce the file size, Webots set resource files such as textures and sounds up for network download by gi ......
downloading problem assets github solve

virtualBox 报VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for both all CPU modes (VERR_VMX_MSR_ALL_VMX_DI的错误

背景:主机是ASUS主板 操作系统是deepin20.0系统,需要安装win10,下载virtual box和win10镜像iso,virtualbox设置完后,启动win10,virtualbox报错VT-x is disabled in the BIOS for both all CPU mod ......

Log in Leetcode in Vscode With Cookies" #标题

Install leetcode plug-in in vscode It's easy by search in Extension. Log in with cookies If you want to login leetcode in vscode leetcode plug-in by g ......
Leetcode Cookies 标题 Vscode in

5、题目:Training in Creative Problem Solving: Effects on Ideation and Problem Finding and Solving in an Industrial Research Organization

期刊信息 (1)作者:George B. Graen,Stephen G. Graen (2)期刊:Organizational Behavior and Human Performance (3)DOI:10.1016/0030-5073(82)90233-1 (4)ISSN:0030-5073 ......
Problem Solving Organization Industrial and

[USACO06FEB]Treats for the Cows G/S

# [[USACO06FEB]Treats for the Cows G/S]( "[USACO06FEB]Treats for the Cows G/S") ## 题目描述 FJ has purchased N (1 us ......
Treats USACO Cows FEB for

Java流程控制——the next day

用户交互Scanner Next和NextLine Java5的新特性,带来了java.util.Scanner类,提供了人机交互的作用。我们可以通过它获取用户的输入。 public class Demo2 { public static void main(String[] args) { Sca ......
流程 Java next the day

React Native In Action中的demo的运行

我用了最新的xcode和新的react native。 Chapter6: Navigation 这一章中的事例跑不起来,应该是程序用了就的版本的react navigation ("react-navigation": "^2.0.1"),同时关于Navigation的用法也做了不小的改动,因此需 ......
Native Action React demo In

2341.maximum Number of Pairs in Array

问题描述 2341. 数组能形成多少数对 (Easy) 给你一个下标从 0 开始的整数数组 nums 。在一步操作中,你可以执行以下步骤: 从 nums 选出 两个 相等的 整数 从 nums 中移除这两个整数,形成一个 数对 请你在 nums 上多次执行此操作直到无法继续执行。 返回一个下标从 0 ......
maximum Number Array Pairs 2341

最好的Transformer讲解:The Illustrated Transformer + The Annotated Transformer

The Illustrated Transformer The Annotated Transformer ......
Transformer Illustrated The Annotated 最好

Chain-of-Thought Prompting in Large Language Models 论文学习

一、Chain-of-Thought Prompting研发背景 因为LLM,NLP的格局最近发生了革命性的变化,同时。扩大语言模型的规模已经被证明可以带来一系列好处,例如改进的性能和样本效率。然而事实证明,仅扩大模型大小依然存在一些局限性,在诸如 算术 常识 符号推理 实时数据获取 代码模拟执行 ......

在使用VScode编辑器vue开发过程中,v-for在Eslint的规则检查下出现报错:Elements in iteration expect to have ‘v-bind:key’ directives

报错如下: 该怎么解决呢? 现在说说解决他的两种方法: 1.直接在v-for循环后面绑定一个属性,跟前面需要循环的属性一一对应,截图如下: 2.在vscode中去掉Eslint规则检查,具体操作截图如下: 文件–》首选项–》设置–》在搜索框中输入:vetur.validation.template, ......

send it failed() The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side executing a hard or abortive close. (连接被对方重置)

串口调试助手报错提示 The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side executing a hard or abortive close. for upd socket ,the remote host was unable to deliver ......
executing abortive 对方 circuit virtual

[LeetCode] 2475. Number of Unequal Triplets in Array

You are given a 0-indexed array of positive integers nums. Find the number of triplets (i, j, k) that meet the following conditions: 0 <= i < j < k < ......
LeetCode Triplets Unequal Number Array

[ABC305C] Snuke the Cookie Picker题解

# 题目大意 有一个 $H\times W$ 的网格,一种有一个矩形,矩形中间有一个点被挖空,求这个点的坐标。(. 表示空白,# 表示矩形内的点) # 解析 观察我们可以发现,每一矩形内的个点上下左右至少会有两个是 #。 如图: ![]( ......
题解 Cookie Picker Snuke 305C


pring jdbc包提供了JdbcTemplate和它的两个兄弟SimpleJdbcTemplate和NamedParameterJdbcTemplate,我们先从JdbcTemplate入手, 引入问题,领略一下类NamedParameterJdbcTemplate在处理where中包含in时的 ......
JdbcTemplate 语句

已解决 DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated since Python 3.3, and in 3.9 it will stop workingfrom collections import Iterable

场景描述 E:/worksp_py/hardwary/100day/twentyfive/ DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from 'collect ......