morning four the in

cnblogs 停更, 迁移到 GitHub SSR website All In One

cnblogs 停更, 迁移到 GitHub SSR website All In One cnblogs 迁移,停更 审核 ? ......
cnblogs website GitHub All SSR

算法 in Golang:D & C(分而治之)

# 算法 in Golang:D & C(分而治之) ### D & C 算法(策略) - Divide & Conquer - 属于递归算法的一种 - 其实它更像是一种思路、策略 ### 递归 - 递归 Recursion - 基线条件 Base Case - 递归条件 Recursive Cas ......
算法 Golang amp in

Some details for the Shell which I think is important

拼接字符串, 在定义好变量之后, 输出时候的拼接, 注意无意输出一些空格 。 比如: #!/bin/bash a1="China" a2="${a1}, Japan and Korean are the three important countries in east asia. \n" a3=" ......
important details Shell which think

Linux shell command ln All In One

# Linux shell command ln All In One > 硬连接 vs 软连接 ## ln ```sh $ man ln > ./man-docs/ $ cat ./man-docs/ ``` ```sh LN(1) User Commands LN(1) NA ......
command Linux shell All One

解决报错:fatal: in unpopulated submodule *(WSG实测,可以解决问题)

问题 今天想把两个 Git 工程合并成一个工程,尽管已经将其中一个工程的 .git 目录删除了,但是在合并提交时还是遇到了一个和子模块相关的报错,具体报错信息如下: fatal: in unpopulated submodule '*' 报错截图如下: 解决 通过报错截图的信息,我们可以知道是在执行 ......
unpopulated submodule 问题 fatal WSG

Linux shell command cut All In One

Linux shell command cut All In One cut 截取指定符号等号后面的字符串 cut 截取等号后面的字符串 ......
command Linux shell All One

Apr 2021-Lucid Dreaming for Experience Replay: Refreshing Past States with the Current Policy

本文提出了用于经验回放的清醒梦(LiDER),一个概念上的新框架,允许通过利用智能体的当前策略来刷新回放体验。 ......

Raspberry Pi command line tools vcgencmd All In One

Raspberry Pi command line tools vcgencmd All In One vcgencmd -h vcgencmd --help vcgencmd version vcgencmd commands ......
Raspberry vcgencmd command tools line

[刷题笔记] ybt1250:The Castle

[Problem]( ### Solution 显然bfs,只不过扩散的时候需要判断墙 那么如何判断墙呢?题目只给出了每个方块墙方向的和 原来的思路是可以暴力,很复杂但是可做,代码就不给了。 后来 ......
笔记 Castle 1250 ybt The

「解题报告」CF768G The Winds of Winter

真的不难,为啥是 3300\*。还是模拟赛 T3,很气啊,为什么不先看这个题。 首先贪心很容易发现一定是将当前子树大小最大的那棵树的某个子树移动到最小的那个树内。那么我们记移动的这个子树的大小为 $x$,所有树中最小的树大小为 $a$,最大的为 $c$,次大的为 $b$,那么我们就是在最小化 $\m ......
报告 Winter Winds 768G 768

K8S in Action 读后感(概念简介)

一、K8S的用武之地 今天,大型单体应用正被逐渐拆分成小的、可独立运行的组件,我们称之为微服务。微服务彼此之间解耦,所以它们可以被独立开发、部署、升级、伸缩。这使得我们可以对每一个微服务实现快速迭代,并且迭代的速度可以和市场需求变化的速度保持一致。 但是,随着部署组件的增多和数据中心的增长,配置、管 ......
读后 读后感 概念 简介 Action

2023-06-03 Couldn't find a tree builder with the features you requested: lxml. Do you need to install a parser library?

运行一个py文件,问题定位到: html=self.get_html(url) soup=BeautifulSoup(html,'lxml') 解决方案:打开cmd,运行下面代码: pip install lxml 等待安装成功,再次运行py文件就不会报这个错了。 ......
requested you features builder install

树莓派如果通过 raspi-config 关闭桌面模式 All In One

树莓派如果通过 raspi-config 关闭桌面模式 All In One 树莓派设置启动模式:切换桌面模式和命令行模式 GUI vs CLI 图形化界面 vs 命令行 ......
树莓 raspi-config 桌面 模式 config

page flow in IO flow

1. page add to bio int f2fs_submit_page_bio(struct f2fs_io_info *fio) /* Allocate a new bio */ bio = __bio_alloc(fio, 1); if (bio_add_page(bio, page, ......
flow page IO in

P1545 [USACO04DEC] Dividing the Path G 题解

丢一发好理解又好写的线段树优化dp。 [题目传送门]( "题目传送门") ### 简要题意 给定一个长为 $l$ 的线段,求出尽量少的不相交区间覆盖整段线段,要求题目给的所有子区间只被 $1$ 个区间覆盖。 ### 分析 显 ......
题解 Dividing P1545 USACO 1545

首次进入Mysql修改密码报“The MySQL server is running with the --skip-grant-tables option so it cannot execute”--九五小庞

第一次安装完mysql,修改默认密码的时候,报“The MySQL server is running with the --skip-grant-tables option so it cannot execute this statement”。 先刷新mysql然后再重新修改密码即可。 mys ......

[LeetCode] 2101. Detonate the Maximum Bombs

You are given a list of bombs. The range of a bomb is defined as the area where its effect can be felt. This area is in the shape of a circle with the ......
LeetCode Detonate Maximum Bombs 2101

How to fix the loop errors in Python All In One

How to fix the loop errors in Python All In One Python 3 TypeError: string indices must be integers ......
errors Python in loop How

Muesli: Combining Improvements in Policy Optimization

![]( **发表时间:**2021(ICML 2021) **文章要点:**这篇文章提出一个更新policy的方式,结合 ......

1819B - The Butcher (思维)

大意:有一个大矩形,每次可以横着切或者竖着切,给你n个小矩形,问你原来的大矩形的宽高 思路:可以发现,最多有两种可能,找到所给矩形的宽和高的最大值,模拟check() 知识点:LL H=*max_element(a.begin(), a.end());数组最大值 ve.emplace_back(H, ......
思维 Butcher 1819B 1819 The

How to check function arguments type in Python All In One

How to check function arguments type in Python All In One Python & argument type check ......
arguments function Python check type

Python rpi_ws281x library All In One

Python rpi_ws281x library All In One Raspberry Pi & Python & WS2812B RGB LED Strip rpi_ws281x from rpi_ws281x import PixelStrip, Color, was NeoPixel a... ......
library Python rpi_ws 281 All

Maximum Strictly Increasing Cells in a Matrix

Maximum Strictly Increasing Cells in a Matrix Given a 1-indexed m x n integer matrix mat, you can select any cell in the matrix as your starting cell. ......
Increasing Strictly Maximum Matrix Cells

Github PR 时合并多次提交的 git commits All In One

使用场景:(一个组里的兄弟) 在一个分支里,提交多次,产生多个commit,然后提pr。 正常情况下,合并到main分支,也会带着多次pr。 期望:将分支中多个commit在合并至main时变为一个commit 解决办法: ......
commits Github All One git

Python function argument All In One

Python function argument All In One Python 函数参数 function argument types default arguments keyword arguments positional arguments arbitrary positional ... ......
function argument Python All One

The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values'*, *', but only one is allowed.

**报错内容** The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values '*,', but only one is allowed. Have the server send ......

Adafruit CircuitPython NeoPixel All In One

Adafruit CircuitPython NeoPixel All In One Raspberry Pi & Python & WS2812B RGB LED Strip RPi.GPIO rpi_ws281x from rpi_ws281x import PixelStrip, Color,... ......
CircuitPython Adafruit NeoPixel All One

ubuntu报错:The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available 解决办法

当在ubuntu中加入了第三方源,没有设置公钥 更新索引的时候就会提示 ```bash The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 082AB56BA ......

w task 2 - the tasks

Understand the task Break the task into parts Methods, techniques lots of practices feedback Four scoring criteria task response coherence and cohesio ......
tasks task the

kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead.

问题现象为通过kubectl进入pods时提示在未来版本中将移除这种进入这种方式,需要使用新的命令格式进入 ```sh [root@master ~]# kubectl exec myweb-c5xq6 -it /bin/bash kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DE ......