morning four the in

The Org2Blog Project

About {#about id="org_gcr_2019-03-06T17-15-24-06-00_cosmicality:B5FB31EA-EA25-4675-90B0-AE0167BAE092"} Blog from Org mode to WordPress. Table of Conte ......
Org2Blog Project README 2Blog Blog

The GitHub Project xm-rpc-el/xml-rpc-el

Commentary: This is an XML-RPC client implementation in elisp, capable of both synchronous and asynchronous method calls (using the url package's asyn ......
xml-rpc-el xm-rpc-el rpc Project GitHub

Tool-CMake-How CMake simplifies the build process by Bruno Abinader

Tool-CMake-How CMake simplifies the build process by Bruno Abinader https://brunoabinader.gith ......

Chrome Kiosk Mode All In One

Chrome Kiosk Mode All In One Chrome 信息亭 Kiosk Mode 使浏览器隐藏边框来全屏展示 Web App 页面,一般用于商场超市、快餐店等大屏自助点餐场景 ......
Chrome Kiosk Mode All One

ReadAlignChunk_processChunks.cpp:204:processChunks EXITING because of FATAL ERROR in input reads: wrong read ID line format

001、 star报错 002、解决方法 fastq文件为压缩格式,运行时需添加该参数: --readFilesCommand zcat ......

Cheems. Would you like going to the dock later to order some French fries?

Prologue " So, where are we going? " " I'm going to the dock later to order some French fries. " " No, you misunderstood... I mean, what is the ultima ......
Cheems French Would going fries

Sololearn website big changes All In One

Sololearn website big changes All In One Learn Python ......
Sololearn website changes All One

Nginx config generator All In One

Nginx config generator All In One NGINXConfig, Nginx 配置配置高性能、安全、稳定的 Nginx 服务器的最简单方法 ......
generator config Nginx All One

flower in 4.28

乐,前半场看 T2 然后看错题了,后半场写 T2 点分治调不出来,直接摆烂谁爱写谁写。 明天接着摆。后天考我造的题接着摆。五月开始认真打暴力。离营还有五天?冲刺营三!那明天不是很能摆。H_Kaguya 说他不太管 rating 结果掉到 1300 了,我倒是~~凭借着一道数据结构调一场调不出来就不交 ......
flower 4.28 28 in

4、题目:Creativity in Electrical Engineering Degree Programs: Where Is the Content?

期刊信息 (1)作者:Adams,Scott (2)期刊:IEEE Transactions on Education, 2019/11, 62-4: 288-296 (3)DOI:10.1109/TE.2019.2912834 (4)ISSN:0018-9359 (5)IF:2.74 (Q2) 研 ......

3、题目:Feedback in concept development: Comparing design disciplines

期刊信息 (1)作者:Yilmaz, Seda. (2)期刊:Design Studies, 2016, 45: 137-158 (3)DOI:10.1016/j.destud.2015.12.008 (4)ISSN:0142-694X (5)IF:3.853 (Q2) 研究背景 设计反馈是促进学生 ......

2、题目:The Informed Design Teaching and Learning Matrix

期刊信息 (1)作者:Crismond, David P. (2)期刊:Journal of Engineering Education, 2012, 101(4): 738–797 (3)DOI:10.1002/j.2168-9830.2012.tb01127.x (4)ISSN:10694730 ......
Informed Teaching Learning 题目 Design

Python Ternary Operator All In One

Python Ternary Operator All In One Python Ternary Expression / Python Ternary Operator Python 三元表达式 / Python 三元运算符 ......
Operator Ternary Python All One

解决 ERROR:Docker Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix

解决 ERROR:Docker Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix 在终端执行"docker version"命令,出现如下报错: ”Got permission deni ......
Docker permission connect denied daemon

【解决】axios 下载文件 Failed to read the 'responseText' property from 'XMLHttpRequest'

主要解决以下两个问题 问题一:idm一些网站不允许请求同一文件两次 故障原因:IDM 在发神经 因为它检测到浏览器集成插件未安装,所以诱导你安装。实际上,装了插件问题也会出现。改参数都没用。 1.很可能是你点击网页的 下载链接 有问题(换个网页下载试试,就不提示了),Edge 浏览器一直会欺骗你, ......

Could not create the Java virtual machine解决

Could not create the Java virtual machine解决 原文链接: Could not create the Java virtual mac ......
machine virtual create Could Java

Linux shell script read file line by line All In One

Linux shell script read file line by line All In One Linux shell 脚本逐行读取文件 I just want to replace thegrep command, and filter out the real IP address 1 ......
line script Linux shell read

The principle of uploading files with command line tools All In One

The principle of uploading files with command line tools All In One 命令行工具文件上传的原理 / The principle of command line tool file upload demos pip git CDN OS ......
principle uploading command files tools

控制台报错:[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'length')" found in

[Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'length')" found in ... ......
控制台 quot properties TypeError reading

Experience Lightning-Fast Wi-Fi Connectivity with the QCN9024: The Ultimate Solution for Dense Environments

The QCN9024 is the latest addition to the Qualcomm Networking Pro Series platform for Wi-Fi 6E access points. Designed to support high-performance, lo ......

论文阅读笔记《Stochastic Grounded Action Transformation for Robot Learning in Simulation》

Stochastic Grounded Action Transformation for Robot Learning in Simulation 发表于IROS 2020(CCF C) 模拟中机器人学习的随机接地动作转换 Desai S, Karnan H, Hanna J P, et al. ......

论文阅读笔记《Grounded Action Transformation for Robot Learning in Simulation》

Grounded Action Transformation for Robot Learning in Simulation 发表于AAAI 2017 仿真机器人学习中的接地动作变换 Hanna J, Stone P. Grounded action transformation for robo ......

The 2021 CCPC Weihai Onsite

C 挺有意思的题,但要在场上切难度还是挺大的(和前十题不在一个档次) 转成原根后变成模意义下的01背包(原本考虑了一下转生成函数,但是得保留$np$位,显然不靠谱;而bitset优化暴力又过不去)。 发现做这个背包的过程是或运算,也就是说有用的操作只会把某些0变成1,那么自然地会想到:每次用$Pol ......
Onsite Weihai 2021 CCPC The

Tablespace 'innodb_system' Page [page id: space=0, page number=5] log sequence number 2243306228 is in the future! Current system log sequence number 2243305813.

场景: 这几天在外面实习,老师的项目数据库崩了让我看,连着两条看到十一二点,哎。 主要场景是mysql突然崩溃,发现重启mysqld服务无效,重启系统无效。查看/var/log/mysql.log日志,看到以下内容: The manual page at ......
number sequence system page innodb_system

User installations are disabled via policy on the machine. 安装python

User installations are disabled via policy on the machine. 解决办法 1、在运行里输入gpedit.msc;(group policy)组策略 2、计算机配置管理>>管理模板>>windows组件>>windows Installer>>禁止 ......
installations disabled machine policy python

医学数字成像和通信(DICOM,Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine)简单介绍

医学数字成像和通信(DICOM,Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine)是一种广泛应用于医学影像领域的国际标准。DICOM定义了一套用于存储、传输、共享和打印医学影像数据的规范和协议,使得不同厂商生产的医学设备和软件之间可以相互兼容和交流。 DI ......

Cannot resolve method 'keys' in 'JSONObject'

//""自定义 String str = ""; JSONObject object = JSONObject.fromObject(str);Map<String, Object> conditionMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();Iterator<Stri ......
39 JSONObject resolve Cannot method

cnblogs 简洁模式 All In One

cnblogs 简洁模式 All In One 开启简洁模式 退出简洁模式 显示文章阅读量总量 ......
cnblogs 模式 All One In


1、如果条件字段都是非索引字段,那么效率都差不多,就看结果大小。 2、有差别的在于条件字段是索引字段时: “=”在索引的情况下都会进行索引扫描,所以效率总是高的。 “like”当模糊查询为右模糊,比如'abc%'时,扫描索引,高效。当模糊查询含左模糊时,比如'%abc',进行全表扫描,低效。 “in ......
语句 效率 like sql

解决docker in docker http推送问题

FROM docker:18.09-dind ENV DOCKER_HOST=unix:///var/run/docker.sock ADD ./main /bin/ RUN mkdir -p /etc/docker && echo -e '{"insecure-registries": ["ip: ......
docker 问题 http in