service failing consul checks

使用flutter打包Xcode运行报错Failed to prepare device for development.解决办法

出现错误原因:ios的系统和xcode支持的版本不匹配,有以下几种情况 运行和打包的IOS版本过高,例如xcode的版本是一年前的版本,当时最高支持16.2,可一年后你要安装的手机ios版本已经是16.7了 xcode的版本过低,最高支持的不符合ios当前版本 解决方法: 一、直接升级xcode版本 ......
development flutter prepare 办法 Failed

Jenkins构建Host key verification failed. lost connection

使用jenkins发版,构建时使用了调用shell从jenkins服务器scp jar包到业务服务器。 由于新购买了服务器,并且要将jar包cp到新购买的服务器上,涉及到前任运维交接问题,这块一直没有了解。 在jenkins服务器 su jenkins切换到jenkins用户,找到/var/lib/ ......
verification connection Jenkins failed Host

cerbos golang 内部policy check 处理简单说明

主要是想尝试实现一个rust 的check 方法,所以先研究下golang 的内部实现 CheckResources func (cs *CerbosService) CheckResources(ctx context.Context, req *requestv1.CheckResourcesR ......
cerbos golang policy check

无缝集成|一文读懂Salesforce外部服务(External Services)

外部服务(External Services)是一种Salesforce集成方法,无需代码即可将外部Web服务无缝连接到Salesforce组织。 外部服务通过使用OpenAPI等行业标准以声明方式将外部API和计算集成到Salesforce中,从而促进跨多个平台和服务的集成体验。帮助客户在信用评分 ......
无缝 Salesforce External Services

hive执行sql报错 FAILED: Execution Error, return code 3 from

前言: 执行hive sql报错,sql逻辑是两个表左连接并将数据插入新的表中。 报错信息: [ERROR] 2023-12-05 15:49:49.165 +0800 - execute sql error: Error while processing statement: FAILED: Ex ......
hive MapredLocalTask Execution FAILED apache

centos 8 Failed to download metadata for repo ‘AppStream’: Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs in mirrorlist

查询后发现问题的原因是Centos8于2021年年底停止了服务,我们在使用yum源安装时候,出现下面错误“错误:Failed to download metadata for repo ‘AppStream’: Cannot prepare internal mirrorlist: No URLs ......

ansible 报错 "changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host

报错: "changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: root@node1: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password)." ......
quot ansible changed connect Failed

记Redux下载后,运行examples/todos时,报错Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported 和 Failed to load config "react-app" to extend from.

1、Redux 下载 下载地址 git clone 进入examples/todos,下载依赖: npm install 2、问题复现及解决 执行命令 npm run start 此时终端报错: Error: error:03 ......
quot unsupported react-app 0308010C examples

Go - check if an error contains a string

if err != nil { if strings.Contains(sql.ErrNoRows.Error(), err.Error()) { ctx.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, errorResponse(err)) return } ctx.JSON(http.Sta ......
contains string check error Go


问题背景 使用命令 cat /var/log/secure 查询服务器登录记录,发现有ip在进行暴力破解 所以使用fail2ban进行ip限制,如果登录失败五次,则永久封禁其ip。 安装并配置fail2ban(来自ChatGPT) 下面是一份完整的Fail2Ban安装和配置,用于监视SSH服务并在登 ......
fail2ban centos linux fail2 2ban


Spring Framework2.0开始,引入可扩展的XML编程机制,该机制要求XML Schema命名空间需要与Handler建立映射关系。该关系配置在相对于classpath下的/META-INF/spring.handlers中。 如上图所示 ContextNamespaceHandler对 ......
注解 Component Service Spring xml

Github Actions - Creating PostgreSQL service containers

# Service containers to run with `container-job` services: # Label used to access the service container postgres: # Docker Hub image image: postgres # ......

hive向表中导入数据出现FAILED: SemanticException

完整错误信息 FAILED: SemanticException Line 1:23 Invalid path ''~/Downloads/stocks.csv'': No files matching path file:/home/lcz/~/Downloads/stocks.csv 路径错误, ......
SemanticException 数据 FAILED hive

PostgreSQL - Check blocking SQL statements

pg_locks view Looking at pg_locks shows you what locks are granted and what processes are waiting for locks to be acquired. A good query to start look ......
PostgreSQL statements blocking Check SQL

关于Vue3中调试APP触发异常:exception:white screen cause create instanceContext failed,check js stack -> at useStore (app-service.js:2309:15)解决方案

bug:reportJSException >>>> exception function:createInstanceContext, exception:white screen cause create instanceContext failed,check js stack ->at us ......

【解决】模拟器设置system读写报错'/dev/block/sda6' is read-only mount: '/system' not in /proc/mounts adb disable-verity failed to read fstab '/dev/root' is read-only

remount 失败 '/dev/block/sda6' is read-only adb disable-verity failed to read fstab '/dev/root' is read-only mount -o remount,rw /system mount: '/system ......
read-only 39 read system 模拟器

ORA-01187 cannot read from file 201 because it failed verification tests..temp01

Description:We get this message in running the Upgrade Express 20-21 export (create_customer_data):ORA-01187: cannot read from file 201 because it fai ......
verification because cannot failed 01187

el-check省市区选择组件 vue3

引用组件 // city_dialog.vue //PopWindow 弹出层组件 //AreaList 省市区数据组件 //areaData 省市区数据 <PopWindow :dialogVisible="dialogVisible" title="省市区选择" sizeType="large" ......
省市区 省市 组件 el-check check

[MDP.NetCore] 使用AzureAD+受控識別,快速建立兩個服務之間的Service身分認證

MDP.AspNetCore.Authentication.AzureAD.Services for Managed Identity MDP.AspNetCore.Authentication.AzureAD.Services擴充ASP.NET Core既有的身分驗證,加入AzureAD提供的Se ......
身分 AzureAD NetCore Service MDP

【Azure App Service】同一个App Service下创建多个测试站点的方式

问题描述 在一个App Service中,部署多个应用,每个应用相互独立,类似与IIS中在根目录下创建多个子应用的情况。 问题解答 可以的。通过App Service Configuration页面,添加virtual application,站点链接即对应的virtual path, 在virtu ......
Service App 多个 站点 方式

用matplot和seaborn作图,出现This application failed to start because not Qt platform plugin could be initialized的报错

用matplotlib和seaborn作图,出现这样的弹窗: 尝试过增加环境变量的方法没有解决。使用了一种临时的解决方法: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('TKAgg') 如果不需要图形化界面,只需要运行后的参数可以使用: import matplotlib ma ......


ACCEPTED ANSWER Amazon Linux 2023 uses Python3.9 by default, and some of the old python version feature are abolished in Python3.9, so you need to use ......
fail2ban 场景 fail2 2ban fail

nginx 报 accept4() failed (24: Too many open files)

nginx 报 accept4() failed (24: Too many open files)ulimit -aulimit -n 204800vim /etc/security/limits.conf<domain> <type> <item> <value>* soft nofile 20 ......
accept4 accept failed nginx files

docker故障:driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint

故障现象 Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint jenkins (ffdc7c9cda72c575d6b045574d1432b256603a3d986a05da ......

20231128 - 重启Centos后无法远程连接,重启网络服务报错:Error:Failed to start LSB: Bring up/down networking

1. 2. ......

Failed to instantiate [com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource]

问题描述 明明在yml文件里配置了相关数据库,怎么仍启动报错?这个hikari又是什么? 问题解决 排除springboot默认的数据库自动装配 ......

homebrew学习(五)之homebrew cask和homebrew services

homebrew cask 如果我想安装Chrome浏览器怎么办?试试下面的命令: brew install google-chrome 发现并不能安装,没有该软件。怎么办?好消息是一个叫做homebrew-cask的工具扩充了homebrew。 Homebrew cask 软件仓库,提供 macO ......
homebrew services cask

centos8 yum时总报错Failed to synchronize cache for repo ‘AppStream‘, ignoring this repo.

进入/etc/yum.repos.d/找到对应的CentOS-AppStream.repo文件,把原始的baseurl换成​​​​​​$basearch/os/ 跟其他的不一样的地方在8-str ......
repo synchronize AppStream ignoring centos8


1、下图为本地虚拟机nginx目录 2、cd ./nginx-1.14.2 进入nginx 目录 输入命令 :patch -p1 < ../nginx_upstream_check_module-master/check_1.14.0+.patch 3、yum -y install gcc-c++ ......
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