vulntarget-k-write-up vulntarget write up

what to write in cmakelists.txt to force build 64 bit exe

To force a 64-bit build in CMake, you can add the following lines to your CMakeLists.txt file: set(CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM x64) set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_ ......
cmakelists build force write what

CSharp: read or write json using System.Text.Json in donet 7

/// <summary> /// 温度高低 /// geovindu /// </summary> public class HighLowTemps { /// <summary> /// 高 /// </summary> public int High { get; set; } /// <s ......
CSharp System donet write using

音频音量调整中的ramp up & down

在日常生活中不管是打电话还是听音乐,都会遇到音量不合适而去调整音量的情况。如果音量调整软件处理不好,就会听到pop noise。产生pop noise的原因是音量直接从当前值骤变到目标值,而不是缓慢的变。如果缓慢的变就不会有pop noise了。图1显示的是音量变大时骤变和缓慢变的示意图。图2显示的 ......
音量 音频 ramp down amp
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