you-said-yes-but-you-lied-parabol you parabol

The type or namespace name "' does not exist in the namespace "' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

看了很多的文章都说这个是目标框架的版本问题,亦或者是先行版和正式版,但是我的目标电脑框架为.NET FrameWork4.6.1开发版,我的电脑为.NET FrameWork4.8开发版,不存在此问题,于是我从自己电脑上面下载了NET FrameWork4.8开发板,安装到电脑上面之后,问题完美解决 ......
namespace quot reference assembly missing

Unknown custom element: <el-empty> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive compone

报错原因: “el-empty”未注册 解决:element版本太低了,当前版本里面查找不到el-enpty这个组件,需要重新安装一下element的版本。 npm i element-ui@2.15.13 -S npm i element-ui@2.15.6 -S 重新运行,上面的问题就解决了。 ......

vue-qr引入时报错You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. 问题

今天研究了一下vue生成二维码的功能,在使用vue-qr插件的时候,在所需页面引入,报错,于是就研究了一番。 解决方法 找到node_modules/vue-qr/dist/vue-qr.js文件,搜...e,将...去掉,然后重新运行就好。 ......
appropriate 时报 vue-qr loader handle

Unknown custom element: <el-tabs> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to vue.runtime.esm.js?c320:619provide the "name" option.

mad 从官网上扒下来的 一模一样就是一直报错 然后一直百度 百度上的答案五花八门 没一个有用的 草!!!!! 这个原因就是你没有在项目中引入element-ui 所以你用它的组件会报错 第一步 npm i element-ui -S 第二步 在main.js里面加入 import ElementU ......

ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement.

安装mysql8后,本地登录成功,选择数据库报错 ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this statement. 解决办法: 执行语句修改密码:s ......
statement executing password before ERROR

L11U6-01 Talking about a book you've read

谈论故事 使用类似表达引入故事: I've just finished reading a really good book. 我刚刚看完了一本很不错的书。 It's about Elizabeth, an honest, lively, witty girl. 书中讲的是一个诚实、活泼而聪明的女孩 ......
Talking about book read you

220-You are user number 3 of 50 allowed.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)ftp220 Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] 220-You are user number 3 of 50 allowed.220-Local time is now 22:12. Server po ......
allowed number user 220 You

You must already have Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) installed to proceed with this installation

安装Crystall report for Visual Studio 2022 的SP 3时,呈现如标题异常: You must already have Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) installed to proceed wi ......

attention is all you need --->> transform

经典图: 复现的github链接 注释的代码全集: /at ......
attention transform gt need all
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