
lazarus for linux使用CopyMemory和ZeroMemory编译出错

从delphi转lazarus for linux,如果原来代码用CopyMemory和ZeroMemory编译时会出错。移植代码时可以用move替换CopyMemory,FillChar替换ZeroMemory,最简单的方法是自己按以下方法写CopyMemory和ZeroMemory。 {$ifd ......
CopyMemory ZeroMemory lazarus linux for

for 循环 找name中有几个y

''' for循环 ''' name="fqs" for x in name: print(x) '''for循环输出name中有几个y'''name="yyyyygfdskkklliuyyhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuu"i=1for x in name: print(x) if x=="y": ......
name for

PromptPerfect:prompt optimizer for LLMs LMs and LMOps

1. Introduce Welcome to PromptPerfect(完美提示), a cutting-edge prompt optimizer designed for large language models (LLMs), large models (LMs) and LMOps. ......
PromptPerfect optimizer prompt LMOps LLMs

Coinc1dens's lessons for cryptography beginner

Coinc1dens's lessons for cryptography beginner 10分题懒得写,赛后浅写一下(有些还真写不出来)太屑了 古典懒得写,相信都写的出来 1.child exgcd i 即为m在模p情况下的乘法逆元,反着求i在模p下的乘法逆元即可。 2.child_quadr ......

npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues

npm WARN deprecated core-js@2.6.12: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the ......

High availability · AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet Wiki · GitHub

High availability · AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet Wiki · GitHub Pro-active token renewal To improve availability MSAL tries to e ......

mac M2 docker for mac vs colima

docker for mac 运行arm64 上 x86_64 其实是通过 qemu 模拟的 目录查看 也可以通过指定 platform: linux/amd64 进程查看 但是 lima 里面的镜像是没有暂时的 colima 的镜像是 ......
mac docker colima for M2

Educational Codeforces Round 77 (Rated for Div2)

B - Obtain Two Zeroes 给定两个整数$a,b$,你可以执行以下操作任意次:每次操作选择一个正整数$x$,使得$a:=a-x,b:=b-2x$或者$a:=a-2x,b:=b-x$,问你是否能通过操作使得$a,b$都为同时为$0$ 题解:思维 假设$a<b$ 我们可以得到$a-x+b ......
Educational Codeforces Round Rated Div2

java: Annotation processing is not supported for module cycles

java: Annotation processing is not supported for module cycles. Please ensure that all modules from cycle [WV-service,WV-database,WV-core] are exclude ......

=Required reguest parameter 'min' for method parameter type Integer is not present

出现这个错具体原因就是你前端的数据没有传到后端 后端只要就看你的注解有没有写对 controller层的get请求是@QequestParam 绝大部分就是前端的原因 前端没有把数据传过了 或者传过来的数据等于null 都会报这个错 ......
parameter Required Integer reguest present

Unable to start the daemon process . This problem might be caused by incorrect configuration of the daemon. For example, an unrecognized jvm option is used.

创建springboot项目的时候报这个错 是因为你选择了Gradle环境 但是你本地没有这个Gradle环境 选择maven环境就可以了 ......

Divide and Conquer: Towards Better Embedding-based Retrieval for Recommender Systems From a Multi-task Perspective

Zhang Y., Dong X., Ding W., Li B., Jiang P. and Gai K. Divide and Conquer: Towards better embedding-based retrieval for recommender systems from a mul ......

CF768B Code For 1 题解 分治

题目链接: 解题思路: 分治。 本题和 的解题思路相似。 tips:如果如果 $n$ 对应的区间完全被 $[l, r]$ 覆盖了,则区间 $[l, r]$ 范围内的所有数字和为 $n$。 示例程序: #inc ......
题解 768B Code 768 For


package com.q1u.struct; public class ForDemo03 { public static void main(String[] args) { //练习2:用while或for循环输出1-1000之间能被5整除的数,并且每行输出3个 for (int i = 1; ......
之间 while 1000 for

第134篇:解决浏览器的CORS跨域问题(CORS policy: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, isolated-app, chrome-extension, chrome-untrusted, https, edge.)

好家伙, 我继续尝试着将我的飞机大战使用ES6模块化分离开来,出了点问题 1.出现问题: edge,chrome等一系列浏览器,会为了安全,禁止你跨域访问 目录如下: 主程序 index.html main_1.js main.js 完整代码如下: 1 /* //plane封装成类 2 //实例化后 ......


一、for循环基本结构 1.1 for循环 语法: for 初始化变量; 条件判断; 修正变量 { 循环体 } 案例:打印十遍,今晚不熬夜 package main import "fmt" func main() { for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { fmt.Println("今 ......
语言 for

Difformer: Empowering Diffusion Models on the Embedding Space for Text Generation

Gao Z., Guo J., Tan X., Zhu Y., Zhang F., Bian J. and Xu L. Difformer: Empowering diffusion models on the embedding space for text generation. arXiv p ......

500报错:ReflectionException: There is no setter for property named 'sicon' in 'class'"

报错信息:"timestamp": "2023-03-27T09:07:50.958+00:00", 出错原因:首先看报错信息中这么写到: "message": "nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.reflection.ReflectionException ......


增强for底层原理就是一个一个迭代器,在jdk5后出现 修改增强for中的数据,集合中的数据不会发生改变 使用lambad表达式: coll.forEach(s -> System.out.println(s)); ......
表达式 lambda for

Unknown custom element: <el-tabs> - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to vue.runtime.esm.js?c320:619provide the "name" option.

mad 从官网上扒下来的 一模一样就是一直报错 然后一直百度 百度上的答案五花八门 没一个有用的 草!!!!! 这个原因就是你没有在项目中引入element-ui 所以你用它的组件会报错 第一步 npm i element-ui -S 第二步 在main.js里面加入 import ElementU ......

S2 - Lesson 51 - Reward for virtual

Content Reward for virtual My friend, Hugh, has always been fat, but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a w ......
virtual Lesson Reward for S2


一、没有automatic的fork-join_none 通常小白会这么写: 代码如下: foreach(a[i]) begin fork repeat(a[i]) #1ns; $display("a[%0d] = %0d, @%0t",i,a[i],$time); join_none end 结果 ......
语句 fork for


For循环 //用for循环计算0到100奇数和偶数的和 int oddSum=0;//奇数 int evenSum=0;//偶数​ for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (i%2==0){ evenSum+=i; }else { oddSum+=i; } } Sys ......

【Python】连接MySQL报错:RuntimeError 'cryptography' package is required for sha256_password or caching_sha2_password auth methods解决方案

✨报错提示 RuntimeError: 'cryptography' package is required for sha256_password or caching_sha2_password auth methods ✨解决方案 pip install cryptography ⭐转载请注明 ......

org.springframework.dao.TransientDataAccessResourceException: Error attempting to get column 'classification' from result set. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid value for getInt()

问题:mybatis查询的时候,始终报这个错。我看了字段,应该是ClickNumber是Integer,为什么会报classification的问题。我试了几种方式,但是还是有这个问题。 包括使用resultMap来进行返回。 晚上看了很多方法,包括Druid版本啊,参数名不一致啊,lombok注解 ......

docker启动出现Job for docker.service failed because the control process exited error code问题

只需要修改docker.server文件即可: 执行以下命令: vim vim /lib/systemd/system/docker.service 然后将ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// 改成ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:/ ......
docker because control service process

QBUS6600 Data Analytics for Busines

Data Analytics for Business CapstoneSemester 1, 2023Assignment 1 (individual assignment) 1. Key information Required submissions: Written report (in p ......
Analytics Busines QBUS 6600 Data


1.增加单条或多条数据判断是否是dict或list: 2.修改单条数据 3.继承ListSerializer,根据list_serializer_class,重写ListSerializer中的方法 4.继承重写方法_BookListSerializer批量新增数据 5.批量修改方法1_利用for循 ......

Measuring the diversity of recommendations: a preference-aware approach for evaluating and adjusting diversity

Meymandpour R. and Davis J. G. Measuring the diversity of recommendations: a preference-aware approach for evaluating and adjusting diversity. Knowled ......

Educational Codeforces Round 145 (Rated for Div. 2) A-D题解

比赛地址 A. Garland 1 void solve() 2 { 3 for(int i=1;i<=4;i++) 4 { 5 b[i]=a[i]=0; 6 } 7 int cnt=0; 8 string t;cin>>t; 9 set<int>st; 10 for(int i=0;i<4;i++ ......
题解 Educational Codeforces Round Rated